"It was Yun Family who took Xiaoqi away before!"

Lan Ye suddenly thought of this.

"Well, if someone from Yun Family takes Xiaoqi away, will she go back for that damn engagement."

"But why did she go back? !"

Feixue tightly locked her delicate eyebrows.

She has always been calm, her tone can't help but become anxious.

"Yes, Xiaoqi only needs to stay here. Why should I go back with Yun Family."

Xiaoya also became a little flustered.

As long as you stay in Cloudmist City, no one can force Nalan Qinqi away.

If it was the previous Cloudmist City, I really dare not say this.

But now, just look at the number of Heroic Rank powerhouses staying in Cloudmist City every day, it is enough to make anyone dare not run wild in Cloudmist City.

"If I guessed correctly, Xiaoqi should be protecting you."

Qi Le leaned against the chair and suddenly said aloud.

This sentence really awakens the dreamer.

Since Nalan Qinqi's parents sent Nalan Qinqi out of the Nalan Family, I am afraid that the consequences that should be borne have long been thought of.

And Nalan Qinqi was found by Yun Family in Cloudmist City.

If Lan Ye and the others do not appear, Nalan Qinqi can indeed put up a desperate struggle.

It even said that as long as Nalan Qinqi is willing, no one can forcibly take her away in Cloudmist City.

But, of course, after Lan Ye and the others appeared, this idea was shattered.

Yun Family will not hurt Nalan Qinqi.

But it will not show mercy to the people around Nalan Qinqi.

Nalan Qinqi, who knows how powerful Yun Family is. In order to protect Lan Ye and the others, he can only choose to compromise.

"Xiaoqi...is to protect us..."

Lan Ye said nasally.

"Of course, it is not ruled out that Nalan Family people threatened her with Xiaoqi's parents."

Qi Le tapped his finger on the small round table top and spoke slowly.

The soul fire guides this thing. If there is no soul fire of Nalan Qinqi, there is no way to find Nalan Qinqi.

And where is Nalan Qinqi's soul fire?

Of course it is in the hands of Nalan Qinqi's parents.

Yundu's words at the time were threatening Nalan Qinqi.

If you don't go back to Yun Family with him, then Nalan Qinqi's parents will not be too safe.

"Damn it!"

"That crap!"

Lan Qing'er and You Jiu scolded together, with cloth on their faces Full of anger.

Feixue's face is covered with frost.

"Then what should we do now?"

Xiaoya is already in a state of no master.

"Go to Nalan Family, go to Yun Family, we are going to get Xiaoqi back!"

Lan Ye's gaze slowly swept across the faces of other people in Orchid Leaf Group, Then firmly said.

"Yes, we are going to get Xiaoqi back!"

A firm voice sounded in the store.

There is no hesitation.

Nalan Qinqi is like a cute younger sister to everyone in Orchid Leaf Group, a younger sister who should be loved.

It should not be the piece that Nalan Family threw out to please Yun Family.

"You don't want to, just fight against Yun Family and Nalan Family."

"And, do you know where the Hidden Aristocratic Family is?"


You Youfang, who is sitting opposite Qi Le, can't help but pour cold water on Lan Ye and the others' anger.

But when you say this, You Youfang regrets it.

However, the idea of ​​buggering has not been implemented yet, and a few lines of sight fell on You Youfang.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 949: Nalan Qinqi's thoughts)...

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