Because of evaluating other people’s housework, no matter how you evaluate it, you will feel a sense of nosy.

So Qi Le chose to be silent.

"Why did you guys find here?"

Just a quarter of an hour after Ke Sisi and Yundu entered the store, the battle strength increased the training room area, and a report came out. Immature voice.

This sound made Qi Le feel very familiar.

Then, before Qi Le thought of who it was, Nalan Qinqi stood up from the deck.

"Why is this little girl?"

Qi Le looked at this scene quite surprised.

But without knowing what happened, Qi Le is not easy to take care of it.

"Why is there my soul fire guide in your hand?"

Nalan Qinqi gloomy face, a pair of eyes stared at Yundu closely.

"Of course it was your father who gave it to me."

After Yundu confirmed that he had found the right person, he immediately felt relieved.

"Impossible! My father is absolutely impossible to do this kind of thing, you are looking for me, what is the matter?"

Nalan Qinqi without the slightest hesitation retorted, and then asked angrily .

It is hard to imagine why a little loli would be so angry.

"Naturally take you back to complete the engagement ceremony."

" Back then, you fled at the engagement ceremony, but Yun Family lost a lot of face, if it weren't for Young Master. Yun, please, I am afraid that today is not our kindly come to invite you back."

Yun Du said in a cold voice.

"Bah, false benevolence and false meaning, plea?"

Nalan Qinqi coldly snorted, snort disdainfully for Yundu's rhetoric.

"In any case, please consider Miss Nalan carefully. Now that we can find you, we will naturally have a way to take you back."

A sunshine appeared on Yundu's face Smile.

It's just that the squinting look looks fake.

"Are you threatening me?"

Nalan Qinqi's voice suddenly turned cold.

"Of course not."

Out of the corner of Yundu's eyes, he glanced at the sofa in front of the store, and said: "Don't dare."

Regardless Was it because of Qi Le's "no trouble", or because of the rules between the families, Yundu Capital was impossible to take action against Nalan Qinqi.

"I just kindly advise, Miss Nalan, please think about it again."

Yundu laughed and put the Soulfire Guidance in front of Nalan Qinqi.

Now that the person is found, the role of the soul fire guidance is gone.

Soul fire is just a flame condensed by special means based on personal breath and a strand of blood essence.

When a person dies, the soul and fire are extinguished.

But extinguishing the soul fire will not cause any damage to the soul fire owner.

So Yundu is not afraid that Nalan Qinqi will take away the spirit and fire guidance, and then continue to escape.

After all, Nalan Qinqi's soul fire is more than that.


"Xiaoqi, what happened?"


As the youngest member of Orchid Leaf Group, she is also a younger sister that all elder sisters are very fond of.

If Nalan Qinqi is bullied, the rest of Orchid Leaf Group will never ignore it.

"Who are you?"

Lan Ye immediately asked after seeing Yundu.

The tone is not friendly at all.

"Are you bullying Xiaoqi? I'm going to beat you!"

Lan Zi'er frowned and stared at Yundu, fiercely speaking fiercely.

"Dare to bully Xiaoqi, you are not afraid of not being able to get out of this Cloudmist City."

Lan Qing'er lowered his eyes slightly and said lightly.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 944: The person Yundu is looking for)...

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