As long as you can improve your strength, Spirit Crystal is just a number.

For these pampered young masters, as long as they can spend Spirit Crystal to buy their strength.

Regardless of whether it is themselves or the people in their family, that is a hundred in favor.

So, in the Qi Le shop.

Physical goods are a way to make a lot of Spirit Crystal.

But the speed of earning Spirit Crystal in The New World Mode is not weaker than these physical products.

Therefore, many of Qi Le's publicity methods will use The New World Mode and Guild of the Membership Card to communicate with the system.

For example, pop-up ads.

The Golden Winged Griffin Pet Card is a promotion using this method.

After all, compared with the Spirit of Flame, if a pet card of a Golden Winged Griffon still needs to be a stand-up card, it would be too trivial.

"Golden Winged Griffin, I seem to have seen it in history books."

"Yes, I seem to have heard it too, but I can't remember it for a while."

"It's fine if you were not serious in the ancient history class. Did you doze off during the Ancient Devil animal appreciation class?"

"Science, Golden Winged Griffin, It's the Royal Clan Bloodline of the Ancient Devil Griffin."

"The Griffin you are talking about, but the Ancient Era, the standard mount for the flying squad that was once invincible and mighty for a while?"


"Isn't that golden winged griffin..."

"Yes, I have to krypton this Spirit Crystal! It's over if you blow it up!"

The Guild communication system is still lively as always.

Especially the members of the pet card research Guild, after the Guild communication system advertisement came out, they already took the Spirit Crystal to occupy a good position next to the pet card changer.

Although the current Membership Card, the pet card extraction function has been activated.

But drawing cards on the pet card swap machine always seems more sincere.

Although the probability set by the system is definitely the same.

However, metaphysical probability and psychological effects always occupy a very important position.

Being religious is always right.

Let these people know what Qi Le did before lottery.

Maybe they will make a special trip to bathe and burn incense before coming to the store.

Looking at the shop that was gradually becoming bustling, Qi Le took two boxes of egg tarts and a bottle of pure milk with satisfaction, found a small round table and sat down.

Pure milk is better with egg tarts.

In fact, it would be better with milk tea.

It's just that, this milk tea is the same as the illusory fat house happy water, there is no shadow.

"Boss, long time no see, what are you eating?"

Ke Minglang opened the door and walked in.

"long time no see."

Qi Le lifts the head, also said hello.

Some time ago, Ke Minglang was called back to Desolate Origin Empire imperial city by Ke Zhen, so it did not come for a while.

In fact, I really want to speak of which. The first person to walk into the Qi Le store should be Ke Minglang.

Unfortunately, the first customer is Ying Xue.

"Ai, I was called home by my grandfather before. Fortunately, there was no activity during this period, otherwise I would have missed many good things."

Ke Minglang bought a Bacon Sandwich , Accompanied by a bottle of mineral water, and then sat opposite Qi Le.

"It's good to go home. I should spend more time with my family when I have time."

Qi Le said while eating egg tarts.

Only when a person is alone, will the Bai Family be appreciated.

So, don't wait until your family has left to regret it.

However, Ke Minglang obviously did not hear the emotion in Qi Le's tone, but continued to talk.

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