system: "This system is only responsible for purchasing, but not after-sales. How do I know what to do?"

This sentence is quite flustered and exasperated.

It feels like a stingy businessman who has lost money.

"Uh...then I will deal with the situation now?"

Qi Le asked tentatively.

In the case of system flustered and exasperated, it is really a huge test to make the system lose money.

system: "Now it can only do this."

system: "The rank inheritance reel purchase channel must be temporarily closed, or else I don’t know how much it will lose."

Although the system promised to be bold, let Qi Le sighed in relief.

But the next sentence of system immediately caused Qi Le to breathe back all the air he exhaled.

"Turn it off?"

Qi Le stared at him, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Then when will you turn it on?"

system: "Turn on time to be determined , And when did the after-sales problems be fixed and when to turn them on."

It turns out that after-sales are not managed by the system at all.

But it’s not right.

The products produced by system require after-sales, probably only the rank inheritance scroll.

Moreover, among all the purchase channels, the rank inheritance reel purchase channel is the most special purchase channel.

Because each grade inheritance scroll has the illusory shadow owned by the previous one of that grade.

This allows the rank inheritance scroll to have a high degree of autonomy.

This is probably the reason why the system will price each inheritance scroll separately.

Other products, but no qualified person says so.

However, even if he figured this out, Qi Le couldn't just eat this boring loss.

"No, system, you want to be clear, the rank inheritance reel purchase channel, that is the purchase channel I own, you just closed it without authorization, it's not good."

Qi Le immediately started fighting for reasons in his mind.

system: "Host, rest assured, this system will compensate you."

Maybe it is determined to close the rank inheritance reel purchase channel.

This time system did not argue with Qi Le at all, and agreed directly.

"Okay, refreshing, so be it."

Since system promises refreshing, Qi Le is even more refreshing.

The original grade inheritance scroll purchase channel has a one-month cooling time. In terms of turnover, no matter what kind of goods, it must exceed the grade inheritance scroll by dozens of times.

And it's so troublesome.

If you close it, close it.

I just hope that Gu Pingchuan will not be sad after they know that they may no longer have the rank inheritance scroll for sale.

"Qi Store Manager, this..."

After Lan Ye got the Overlord Halberd and the Red Lion, he was stunned for a while.

The overlord illusory shadow did give Lan Ye the overlord halberd and the red lion, and also gave Lan Ye a lot of fighting skills and martial skills.

The only thing that is not given to Lan Ye is the strength of Inheritance.

"Ah, this means that the overlord rank inheritance scroll still recognizes your status as a qualified person, but the situation is somewhat special."

"So, this rank inheritance scroll , You can take it with you, maybe you can use it."

Qi Le lightly coughed, and then put the overlord rank inheritance scroll into Lan Ye's hands.

Just kidding, only the inheritance scroll of Strength of Inheritance is left. What's the use?

No fighting skills, no corresponding martial skills.

There are no corresponding weapons and mounts.

The strength of the rank of Naha king must be sharply reduced by at least more than half.

It's better to be a good favor and sell it to Lan Ye.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 922: Close the purchase channel of inheritance scrolls)...

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