But unfortunately, this is a customer benefit.

"This Dragon Boat Festival welfare is issued, but it is really irritating ."

Qi Le stared with resentment on his face.

However, system did not show up because of Qi Le's grievances, instead, it seemed to have disappeared without saying a word.

"That's all, I also earned unlimited zongzi."

"Although only these seven days."

Qi Le faintly sighed, and then Lie down on the bed, planning the Dragon Boat Festival activities in my heart.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep...

In the morning of 2nd day, a white light just appeared on the horizon.

The sleepy Qi Le remembered the Dragon Boat Festival and jumped out of bed.

If you count by time, tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival.

Then this Dragon Boat Festival activity, it is also time to warm up.

For such a grand festival, the stand-up is a must.

"Since there is no Dragon Boat Festival in this World, let's start with my shop."

Qi Le looked at the stand designed and produced by combining the power of himself and the system. Satisfied with nodded.

The background above the standing card is a lonely back figure, standing under a huge wave that seems to have the power of the sky, looking rebellious, but able to support both heaven and earth.

And in this context, it is about the Dragon Boat Festival activities are matters of attention.

"Store Manager, do you have a new pet card?"

Yue Xi'er came down from the second floor, and after seeing the new standing card, he asked aloud.

Because there have been several stand-ups in the store, they were all when new pet cards were updated.

"No, this time is a new event."

"Dragon Boat Festival event."

Qi Le looked at the stand, has several points of nostalgia Speaking of.

"Dragon Boat Festival?"

Yue Xi'er looked at Qi Le with a puzzled face, repeating the name in his mouth.

"Yes, it's a festival in my hometown."

Qi Le's eyes drooped slightly, seeming to sink into memory.

"Store Manager's hometown... Isn't Store Manager from Donghuang?"

Yue Xi'er was a little surprised.

Although the Eastern Desolation is vast, Yue Xi'er has never heard of the Dragon Boat Festival.

"takes part or not, it's not important anymore."

Qi Le shook the head, there is no interface to the topic of "hometown".

For Qi Le, hometown only exists in memory after all.

I want to go back, but I don’t know if it is possible to exhaust my life.

"Big Brother, are the fresh meat dumplings delicious?"

The store is open. The first person to come here today is from Orchid Leaf Group.

Lan Zi'er's focus is slightly different from others.

Lan Zi'er simply doesn't care about festivals or something. What she cares more about is whether the fresh meat dumplings are good or not.

Because of the word "meat" in it.

In this way, Lan Zi'er must belong to the salty rice dumpling school.

After all, sweet rice dumplings are impossible with meat.

"Of course it's delicious."

Although Qi Le hasn't tasted the taste of zongzi, the snacks produced by system have no need to worry about it.

Qi Le also dared to endorse system.

"Store Manager, you just said that Dragon Boat Festival is a festival in your hometown, right?"

Lan Ye asked after entering the store.

Lan Ye is very curious about Qi Le's identity.

Such a powerful powerhouse is willing to hide in the alleys of Cloudmist City to open a shop.

What is the secret of it, I am afraid that most customers are curious about it.

"The hometown of Qi Store Manager? It seems that we have come at the right time."

After all the people from Orchid Leaf Group came into the store, Gu Pingchuan and the others followed closely from behind, walked into the store.

As soon as I entered the store, I heard this sentence.

Suddenly he came over curiously.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 887: Hometown of Store Manager)...

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