"Don't worry, just find a few suitable players."

Qi Le comforted.

Entering the shadowy assassin hallway, the players are still very important.

After all, those dark assassins are very slippery.

Those skin is rough, flesh is thick ranks can also be hit and controlled, and the damage resistance is okay, but for the output, you have to hit the magician rank.

"I know this too, but this teammate... wait a little longer."

Gu Pingchuan took a look at Qi Le.

The two magician ranks entered the shadowy assassin portal, and in the end they were sent out by the shadow assassin, it must be Gu Pingchuan.

Then Qi Le will once again wander out because of consumables.

"By the way, Qi Store Manager, don’t you have enough consumables? I just didn’t prepare much. Let’s go together."

Gu Pingchuan thought of consumables and suddenly thought of himself Did not prepare many consumables.

After all, before coming to the shadowy assassin entrance, no one could think of it.

In this big map, there will be no consumables shop.

If there is not enough blood medicine blue medicine, and those medicines that relieve the abnormal state, even Qi Le, will be sent to the rebirth point due to the limitation of the blue amount.

The merchant Guild is definitely one of the first players to enter the shadow of the Assassin portal.

Several consumables stalls with a large area were set up in the most conspicuous place outside the purple-golden gate.

Some players are bargaining with vendors.

"Is there any blue medicine here? I need a unit at the 15th level."

Gu Pingchuan also came to the stall and said to the stall owner.

A unit in The New World Mode is not a unit in the system.

This is a common saying among players.

A unit refers to the maximum stacking quantity of a grid, which is ninety-nine.

" Yes , yes, wait a minute."

"Hey, isn't this Dean Gu? Why did you come to the shadowy assassin entrance, since it is you, then these blue medicines I'll give you a 10% discount."

The stall owner saw the students in the three major academies.

The attitude towards Gu Pingchuan is completely different from the attitude towards other players.

Although the 10% discount is not much, but it is also a kind of heart.

This makes Gu Pingchuan very useful.

"Qi Store Manager, you see, although this discount is not much, but it can save a little."

Even after buying the blue medicine, Gu Pingchuan still has a look Coming to Qi Le provocatively, he seemed to want to show off.


Qi Le is very uncomfortable with this behavior.

But no way. Isn’t it normal for students to get a discount when they see the dean?

Go ahead and fill up the consumables first.

"Is there any blue medicine here? I need three units, no level limit."

Qi Le's demand for consumables is blue medicine.

The magician rank in front of the shadow assassin, is basically the share of the spike, or else there is a trace of blood.

This thing about blood medicine, the demand is really not big.

"Hey, isn't this Qi Store Manager."

The stall owner looked up and found that it was Qi Le, not only his attitude, but also his tone of voice.

You know, Qi Le is in the store, that's a living legend.

"It's me."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and then looked towards the stall owner with questioning eyes.

"Yes, of course there is. Our president said, and the cat senior also said that if you buy consumables, no matter what, within five units, all orders are free."

The vendor's tone was very excited. When it comes to free orders, he doesn't feel at all at a loss.

On the contrary, it seems to have made a profit.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 881: What's the discount, I'm free)...

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