Fortunately, the Linqing Lion Cat is completely white with no variegated color.

If Yue Shuangxue is an orange cat, with this way of eating, I really don’t know if I can keep this small body shape.

"I cleared the inventory for half a night last night, and contacted the merchant Guild's people to see how many Transmission Formation fragments they had in their hands."

Yue Shuangxue explained.

The first requirement of game merchants is to clear the goods in their hands.

Otherwise, when someone asks, you go to the warehouse.

Isn’t that a low price?

"That's it."

Qi Le ordered nodded, and then glanced at the newly remodeled fast food area.

The number of people in the shop has gradually increased.

After knowing the special effects of mineral water, the shock is the same as the previous customers.

It's even worse.

After waiting in line, I used the Guild communication system to call friends and tell them the news.

As a result, the news of mineral water spreads at an extremely fast speed, allowing more customers to rush to the store.

If it is not for the purchase of mineral water, one person can only buy one bottle a day.

Qi Le believes that many people are now estimated to be able to eat mineral water as a meal, and rely on drinking water for three meals a day.

You must know that among the store's customers, cultivation aptitude is still mediocre.

Especially those students from wealthy backgrounds, or pampered young masters like Han Ming.

The degree of desire for cultivation aptitude has almost become a kind of obsession.

"Just take advantage of this momentum."

"System, when the deck is full, release a world announcement and open the 4th big map."

Qi Le said in his head.

system: "Received."

It is terrifying to be able to increase the appeal of cultivation aptitude.

Mineral water has also quickly become the best-selling product in the store so far, not one of them.

It is different from other products.

Cultivation aptitude is something that everyone can use.

And a thing that is also very eager for.

As a result, the beverage vending machine was surrounded by water, and many other beverages and snacks were sold by the way.

Make fast food areas crowded.

So many customers can't even find a seat and can only stand by to eat breakfast.

And come one step earlier, customers who bought mineral water are also satisfied to find a deck in the battle strength training room area, and start a day of life.

"World Announcement: 4th Big Map: Shadow Assassin Entrance, officially opened, killing the doll maze 4th floor, 5th floor, 6th floor Protector, there is a chance to drop Transmission Formation fragments, Transmission Formation fragments can be used Synthesize one-way Transmission Formation leading to the shadow assassin entrance."

"World announcement: 4th big map: shadow assassin entrance, officially opened, kill the doll maze 4th floor, 5th floor, 6th floor Protector, There is a chance to drop Transmission Formation fragments. The Transmission Formation fragments can be used to synthesize the one-way Transmission Formation leading to the Shadow Assassin Portal."

"World Announcement: 4th Big Map: Shadow Assassin Portal, officially opened..."

Under the attraction of mineral water, the card seats in the store were soon full.

System also released a world announcement in Yiyan.

Suddenly, it makes The New World Mode lively.

The update of the big map and various activities have always been the source of motivation for online games.

Since The New World Mode refers to the online game model, updating the big map can naturally drive the enthusiasm of the players.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 877: New Map Open)...

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