Mineral water: the purest water source, brings the purest power, and brings the purest sweetness.

Drinking mineral water for a long time can wash the impurities in the drinker's body and slightly improve the drinker's cultivation aptitude.

Price: A bottle of 30 Spirit Crystals.



Qi Le almost suspected that he was wrong.

This mineral water has actually improved the cultivation aptitude of the drinker!

Cultivation aptitude this thing, that is a destined thing by nature.

Otherwise, there will not be that many people who will never be able to step into the threshold of a cultivator in their entire lives.

Aren’t those rich and powerful merchants and nobles in the enemy’s country powerless? Can't you find heavenly materials and earthly treasures?

However, even so, it cannot change its own cultivation aptitude.

Whether it can be cultivation or not is a destined thing from birth.

But, in this brief moment, this iron rule.

Changed by a bottle of mineral water.

Let alone authentic mineral water, with this special effect, even horse urine, there are people rushing to drink it.

And let alone the price of 30 Spirit Crystals, even if it is 300 Spirit Crystals, 3000 Spirit Crystals.

There are still people grabbing.

And it's the kind of grabbing method where demand exceeds supply.

Qi Le now only feels that the pricing of this mineral water is really low.

"Although I don't agree that mineral water is a beverage, I very much agree with the special effects of mineral water."

Qi Le thought to himself in his heart.

Whether it can be called a drink is a matter of principle.

But the special effects are different.

This is the only bright spot of mineral water, and it is enough to crush all the shortcomings.

After all, Qi Le doesn't think that a bottle of mineral water can taste good.

Since you can't make a good drink, you can only make a good product.

Qi Le, who had cares in his mind, didn't bother to think about it anymore. He put the bucket by the bed and was taken back by the system.

"By the way, I remember there is another blueprint for equipment synthesis. Show me."

Qi Le recalled the rewards previously pitted in the hands of system, and suddenly said .

Snacks and drinks are what Qi Le wants.

Food can always be the sustenance of the soul.

In this foreign land, I cherish the longing that is deep in memory.

As for the equipment synthesis blueprint, if the attribute is good enough, it can become another best-selling product.

I just hope that it will not be the equipment that everyone can use like Seven Cardinal Sins again.

system: "Equipment synthesis blueprint: Four seasons rotation, has been issued, please pay attention to the host."

When the prompt sound fell, a spar appeared in front of Qi Le.

Same as the last time Seven Cardinal Sins synthesized blueprint.

You have to load it in the equipment synthesizer below before you can see the specific attributes.

"Just go down and see how the fast food area is arranged."

Qi Le put on loose clothing and came to the first floor.

Widened, say, there are a lot of small round tables in the shop lobby, which has twice the area.

Around the small round table, there are chairs or benches.

The distance between the two small round tables is also just right, which neither makes people feel crowded nor wastes a little space.

Although the design proposal was proposed by Qi Le.

But for space utilization, system is still more powerful.

After all, if you put a small round table, you can earn an extra Spirit Crystal. As a system that is greedy for money, it will naturally make the most of the space.

In this way, the whole shop is from left to right.

It becomes the shelf area, the fast food area, and the battle strength training room area.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 864: What does it matter if it's not a drink)...

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