"No, I feel that Baili Sect Master and Lezheng Elder should have a back move."

"We can try to take action ."

Ling Ao interrupted suddenly.

"Desolate Origin Empire is the main battle, Academy is the peace. If it is really a misjudgment, I can't be responsible for the lives of that many students."

Gu Pingchuan sighed.

When the two people next to them looked down, the conversation turned.

"But if you want to be a powerhouse, how can you not experience danger."

"They have been cultivating in the Qi Store Manager store for such a long time, if it weren't for these demonic The opponent of beast, that too failed the Academy's expectations of them."

Gu Pingchuan said that, he has already taken out his staff.

"I knew, how could Dean Gu be the kind of cold-eyed person."

Ling Ao carefreely smiled and took out the Fire Element staff from the Bronze Storage Ring .

Gu Pingchuan shrugged, indifferent expression.

If it weren’t for the students’ ability, Gu Pingchuan would not dare to make such a decision if they had been greatly improved during such a long cultivation.

even more how, even if his strength is not good.

There is also pet body protection with the same battle strength.

If the demonic beast group dares to come, then wait to become a pile of Magic Core.

Then it was taken to the store of Qi Store Manager, and it became the battle strength of the students.

Ren Gongxiu also took out his staff, ready to take action, leaving the Scarlet Moon Wolf King.

But at this moment.

The look on Gu Pingchuan's face suddenly changed, and he said: "Wait, I feel it, there is a familiar space fluctuation."

"No way, is it possible?" It's..."

When reminded by Gu Pingchuan, a strange expression appeared on Ren Gongxiu's face.


"If you have no other means, then the Imperial Sword Sect will disappear forever today."

"The demonic beast!"

The Scarlet Moon Wolf King let out a sky-shaking wolf howl.


The demonic beasts who surrounded the gate of the Imperial Sword Sect Mountain, as if responding to this wolf howl, issued a roar that resounded across the sky .

The deafening roar of the beast made the complexion of the many Imperial Sword Sect dísciples guarding the Imperial Sword Sect incredibly pale.

But even though I am afraid, my legs are soft and my hands are shaking.

No one backs away from Imperial Sword Sect dísciple.

Fear of death is instinct, but the will and faith are the will and the faith.

"Tap the Imperial Sword Sect for this king!"

The Scarlet Moon Wolf King once again let out a wolf howl, causing all demonic beasts to riot.

"Damn it!"

Baili Fenghua almost crushed his teeth, ready to burn blood and open the enhanced Evil Spirit Body.

Le Zhengya also took out the Maidong Vitamin functional drink.

I just want to be able to resist for a period of time.

"Wait a minute."

A slow voice appeared suddenly.


Scarlet Moon Wolf King roared violently.

"It's me, Qi Le, a very ordinary Store Manager."

Qi Le unleashed the power of his boots and walked out of the Space Gate.

Looking at the fierce Scarlet Moon Wolf King, he introduced himself in a flat and natural tone.

However, Qi Le can be calm.

The Scarlet Moon Wolf King couldn't calm down.

Because of Qi Le's way of playing, it is too weird.

Walk straight out of Space Gate!

Is this guy a powerful space magician?

Unlike other magicians, the strange and powerful spatial magician, even if it is the Scarlet Moon Wolf King, is extremely jealous.

Just a locked space magic.

No matter how fast the Scarlet Moon Wolf King is, it is impossible to avoid space magician attacks.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 854: Wait a minute)...

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