This is why Yuchifeng used the adjective "not to be optimistic" before.

Normal battles between sects will not kill to the last one.

After all, it is not a bloody hatred.

But it fell into the hands of the Shadow Palace, even if it did not kill the sect, the last sacrifice was never what Baili Fenghua wanted to see.

"Shadow Palace? This name, old man has indeed heard of it."

The first person to answer is Gu Pingchuan.

Traveling around in those days, Gu Pingchuan was also considered experienced and knowledgeable.

Naturally, I don’t know about this evil force in the Shadow Palace.

It's just that the Shadow Palace was attacked by many sects 14 years ago, and has since disappeared.

So now being mentioned by Baili Fenghua, Gu Pingchuan is also a little surprised.

"This matter should be regarded as your sect matter."

Ren Gongxiu also responded.

This sentence, however, expresses my biggest concern.

That is the Heroic Rank between different forces, it is not easy to help.

The battle between sects, under normal circumstances, will not allow non-sect Heroic Ranks to participate.

Just like the battle between the three Great Empires, Sect’s help will not be asked.

And the Heroic Rank of the Academy forces, under normal circumstances, will not participate in the battle for the Heroic Rank.

This is a tacit rule among Heroic Ranks.

Otherwise, all forces will participate in the struggle, and the entire Eastern Desolation will be in chaos.

This is by no means what these Heroic Rank powerhouses would like to see.

This is also what the Shadow Palace did back then. Even if the sky is angry and people are complaining, even if it is rampant, but easily, it will not provoke the Academy forces or the empire forces.

At the end, the forces that encircle and suppress the Shadow Palace.

All of them are sect forces.

Even if other forces are eager and want to get a share of the pie, they will not intervene in such things easily.

Otherwise, the rules will be messed up.

Unless it is the Shadow Palace Lord who provokes the Academy forces or the Empire forces.

That is another matter.

But in this case, the Shadow Palace will face the anger of Three Great Influences alone.

As long as the people in the Shadow Palace are not brain-dead, it is estimated that they would not do such a thing.

"Yes, this is indeed a struggle between sects."

Baili Fenghua cannot deny this.

To rashly involve non-sect forces into the struggle between sects is a taboo.

It's not that Baili Fenghua is unwilling to cast aside all considerations for face, but that other forces are unwilling to wade into this muddy water.

Especially the Academy forces.

After all, Academy is different from sect.

After sect is listed in the door wall, it is the person of sect.

Don’t leave sect easily.

Otherwise, it is a betrayal.

But the students in the Academy will leave the Academy in the end.

Even if you stay at the Academy to teach, when you want to leave, the Academy will not force you to stay.

So if Academy provokes a powerful enemy, it is really unwise.

"Sorry, I neglected this matter."

Baili Fenghua sighed.

"It's okay, if it wasn't for me to have the identity of the Dean of Mother Earth Academy, I would like to accompany you to the Shadow Palace for a while."

Ban Zheng's reply was also Appeared in the Guild communication system.

The Heroic Ranks that belong to each Great Influence, there is really no way to make a move easily.

Because the Heroic Rank powerhouse is the foundation of every power, every word and deed has to be done with caution.

Otherwise, it means the whole force.

Unless it is an idle Heroic Rank.

This kind of Heroic Rank powerhouse is no one can control, and no power is willing to provoke it.

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