After Mother Earth Academy has a two-way teleportation magic array.

The students of Mother Earth Academy also set up a special nuclear inspection team to guard the two-way teleportation magic array located in Mother Earth Academy.

The main responsibility is to check the students going to Cloudmist City in Mother Earth Academy.

To see if their recent studies are completed.

After all, the students in the Academy still have to focus on their studies, and they are allowed to go to Cloudmist City only when they have spare time.

So much so that in Mother Earth Academy, for a while, the self-study atmosphere was booming.

Just to be able to go to Cloudmist City earlier.

And Ling Ao and Ren Gongxiu, after working hard for nearly half a month, finally reached the second 15th level two days before the end of the event, and came to the big map of the doll maze.

Actually, it is used to redeem the task item of Protector Puppet Skill Book.

Someone also sells them in the trading system.

It’s just that as soon as it appears, it will be online in real time, just for the speculators who squat these task items to get down.

After all, this Protector skill book is limited to only magician ranks.

So those players of the Battle Qi level can naturally only take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

This makes the price of those task items extremely high.

But this situation is also a scene that those players who come to buy and sell on a temporary basis are happy to see.

"You have a lot of stock."

Qi Le sat next to Yue Shuangxue, and occasionally glanced at Yue Shuangxue's backpack.

I was surprised to find that Yue Shuangxue’s backpack is full of backpacks, all of which are the tasks of the summer carnival this time.

"I'm pretty small, if you want to talk more, you have to go to the merchant Guild to see it."

Yue Shuangxue took a sip of black coffee and said calmly.

I don't know since when, Yue Shuangxue fell in love with the taste of black coffee.

This surprised Qi Le for a while.

Is the taste of little kitty so weird?

"Businessman Guild? Has anyone from the Chamber of Commerce come to the store?"

Qi Le asked a little surprised.

The Chamber of Commerce force is similar in nature to the Mercenary Guild.

It's just that the Chamber of Commerce is a force composed of many big merchants, and its internal structure is closer than that of the mercenary Guild.

For example, House of Intoxicated Clouds is a member of Chamber of Commerce.

The purpose of the establishment of Chamber of Commerce is probably similar to that of the mercenary Guild.

In order to gather the strength of the major merchants.

At the same time, it is also to fight against other Great Influence.

After all, power is the most important thing in this World.

A single big merchant, even if he has a wealth of wealth and can be as wealthy as an enemy country, he may be far less powerful than a powerhouse of Heavenspan.

But when a large number of merchants gather together, it is different.

The so-called wealth is touching.

There are many powerhouses that sell their lives for money.

So in Chamber of Commerce, it can also be regarded as powerhouse as clouds.

However, these things about Chamber of Commerce people came to the store, because Qi Le really didn't care much.

So what Qi Le knows is not necessarily as much as Yue Shuangxue knows.

"Chamber of Commerce? No, how could those people have time to come here."

Yue Shuangxue shook his paw.

Then I noticed that the fluff of the little paw was stained with black coffee, so he stretched out his little tongue and licked it carefully before continuing.

"The businessman, Guild, was created by those students."

"That 's true too."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and his heart was full. Of course.

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