The rank of Queen of Ice, although it may indeed be better than Wushuang Spear Soul.

But it is not as strong as expected.

But it doesn't matter, Qi Le doesn't care about these things.

"How about it, I should know it now."

Qi Le asked Nalan Qinqi's face to improve before asking.

"Well, I know all about it."

"I have received the power of inheritance."

Nalan Qinqi clicked nodded and revealed A sweet smile.

That is a joy from the heart.

"Thank you, Qi Le."

"You're welcome."

Qi Le laughed, and said seriously: "However, although this matter It’s a bit horrible now, but."

"Chenghui, eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores ."

After seeing the power of the Queen of Ice illusory shadow.

The ice queen rank inheritance scroll is priced at eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores, which is really a price that can no longer be conscience.

"Store Manager, although I know the price is fair."

"But, eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores are really too many, I don’t know, can I use Spirit? Crystal instead."

Lan Ye said hesitantly.

It's not that Lan Ye is unwilling to pay for these eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores.

Mainly because, in Cloudmist City, it is easy to get 80,000 Spirit Crystals.

However, it is indeed a big problem to collect eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores.

Although there are now Grandmaster Rank demonic beasts in Cloudmist Forest, in the final analysis, the foundation of Cloudmist Forest is still very insufficient. In a short time, it still belongs to the low-level demonic beast forest.

Unlike some large-scale demon forests, there are dozens or even hundreds of Grandmaster Rank demonic beasts at every turn.

"No, the price cannot be changed. If it is Magic Core, it must be Magic Core."

Qi Le shook his head slightly, and said warmly.

Qi Le can't decide this matter either.

System said that it wants Grandmaster Rank Magic Core. What can Qi Le do? He has to buy from system.

"However, in a short period of time, we can't make up eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores."

Lan Ye said with some distress.

"Yes, Qi Le, or else pay Spirit Crystal."

Nalan Qinqi also said.

Looking at Qi Le with bright and intelligent eyes, there is quite a hint of coquetry in it.


Qi Le also began to worry.

This replaces the Grandmaster Rank Magic Core with Spirit Crystal. I don’t know if the system will accept it.

system: "Host, say it is Grandmaster Rank Magic Core, that is Grandmaster Rank Magic Core, Spirit Crystal and Magic Core are different."

I didn’t wait for Qi Le to ask. .

The system has made a sound first.

Actually this is understandable.

Because compared to Spirit Crystal, Magic Core contains more pure energy.

So here, it’s easy to change Magic Core to Spirit Crystal.

But replacing Spirit Crystal with Magic Core, and the level of stingy with the system, is basically impossible.

"Yes, yes, I know, I will think of a way."

Qi Le hurriedly replied in his mind.

Anyway, please settle the system's heart first, so as not to have any other moths.

"Sister Lan Ye, Xiaoqi, Zi'er has Magic Core here."

"Big Brother, there are eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores, right."

Just when everyone was in distress, Lan Zi'er didn't know where it came from, and said with a smile on his face.

Then he took out eight Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores from his arms.

"Zi'er, this...thank you."

Nalan Qinqi earnestly thanked him.

"It's okay, Xiaoqi, you have to work hard in the future."

Lan Zi'er learned the appearance of Qi Le, rubbing Nalan Qinqi's head like an adult .

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