Fortunately , Qi Le is still very satisfied without having to speak any more.

As for the very beginning, I want the system to see if it can make these heavenly materials and earthly treasures, let alone the idea.

Let's talk about it when I leave the infinite battlefield.

"If this is the case, then prepare enough."

Qi Le's speed in turning his perception into real battle strength is still very fast.

In the previous battles, the insights gained have been digested long ago, and the system will be asked to make the final preparations.

Now, I'm waiting for the notice from the Ice Spirit Saint King.

The main point is when the Immortal Union will be wiped out.

With such a huge force, it is not a simple matter to kill all of its members.

Fortunately, the Ice Spirit Saint King has a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of thing, and it can be said to be very easy to do.

This is much better than Qi Le.

He is a Store Manager, what do you know about destroying the enemy?

So, after Qi Le was ready, within a few days, the Ice Spirit Saint King was found.

"The people of the immortal union have been completely wiped out. Next, it is time to do business."

"I have waited for a long time, and finally waited for this time."

Qi Le responded quickly. Although he was not so happy when he heard the war, it was incumbent to solve a big enemy.

And this time, the number of people who took part in the battle to annihilate the powerful enemy was not large.

Participants who are less than a certain cultivation realm are useless in front of the immortal heavenly demon.

It is nothing more than giving away his life in vain.

Therefore, among the candidates selected by the Ice Spirit Saint King, apart from Qi Le, only Yue Xi'er is left.

Who is the Inheritor of the King, fully integrates the power of inheritance, and has gone through many battles.

The current Yue Xi'er is fully qualified to face the immortal heavenly demon.

Although Qi Le still has some concerns.

And also asked the Ice Spirit Saint King: Is Yue Xi'er really qualified to participate in this battle?

This is going to face the battle of the immortal heavenly demon!

In Qi Le's view, Yue Xi'er's current strength, even if it has entered the Peak ranks.

But compared with the level of the immortal heavenly demon, it is still a bit inferior. Is it really dangerous?

After all, the battle between Yue Xi'er and the tiger of thunder before, Qi Le is vivid.

Not as good as the battle strength of the Thunder Tiger. In front of the immortal heavenly demon, isn’t it really giving away food?

Then I got the answer from the Ice Spirit Saint King-of course there will be no problem!

By the way, the Ice Spirit Saint King also promised Qi Le: "If you still feel that that girl is not up to the position of a participant before unlocking the seal of the immortal heavenly demon, then you can always let her Leave."

This convinced Qi Le and let Yue Xi'er follow along.

There is no way, facing the battle of the immortal heavenly demon, Qi Le can't guarantee safety, so he can only do so.

So this time, the ones who went to Sealed Land together were the Ice Spirit Saint King, Qi Le, and Yue Xi'er.

There is actually another guy who wants to go with him.

is the tiger of thunder who has not healed from a serious injury.

This guy was also a lucky man, and even survived. Of course, Qi Le rescued him easily.

It’s just that the Tiger of Thunder was injured too badly. Even if his physique is extremely tough, it is difficult to recover completely in a short time.

Coupled with his strength, he could have stepped on the threshold of "participants".

So it was naturally eliminated.

And it is precisely because of this that Qi Le began to worry about Yue Xi'er.

Eliminated the Tiger of Thunder, but chose Yue Xi'er. Is it really reliable?

Is it just because Yue Xi'er is the Inheritor of the King of People?

"By the way, Senior Wang, Ice Spirit Saint, I actually have another question I want to ask."

When he was ready to go, Qi Le suddenly thought of a question. Without thinking, I just said it.

"You said it."

The Ice Spirit Saint King glanced at Qi Le, and didn't understand what else could be wrong with him at this time.

Qi Le nodded, after considering his terms, he asked: "I was just thinking, why isn’t the president of Divine Realm among the warriors?"

That's also a big battle strength. Okay.

Even the Tiger of Thunder can stand above the threshold.

The president of Divine Realm, who can easily defeat the tiger of thunder, is not a main player in the battle?

Why was it not selected by the Ice Spirit Saint King?

"Good question, I can tell you directly about this matter."

The Ice Spirit Saint King seems to have expected Qi Le to ask this question, but not Surprised.

Instead, he was thinking, why he didn't ask before.

"Wangu Divine Realm's president, already not in now."

"passed away?"

Qi Le hearing this, just a moment.

In this infinite battlefield, who else can deal with the president of Divine Realm?

Then you must not destroy the Divine Realm directly!

"Qi Le, this'passed away' is not the'passed away' you think."

Seeing Qi Le's surprised expression, the Ice Spirit Saint King knew him I was wrong and had to explain it.

"The president of the Divine Realm of the ages is transformed from a strand of Remnant Soul of the giant dragon holy king, and it has dissipated hundreds of years ago."

"It turns out to be like this. ."

Qi Le felt that he had misunderstood, and couldn't help touching his nose.

Think about it, the purpose of the establishment of Divine Realm is not to completely eliminate the immortal heavenly demon.

And the people who fought with the immortal heavenly demon and sealed him in the infinite battlefield were the Saint King of Ice Spirit and the Saint King of Giant Dragon.

So who the president of Divine Realm is, even if it is a guess, it should be guessed.

Not the Ice Spirit Saint King, or the Giant Dragon Saint King.

putting it that way, the tiger of thunder did not lose injustice.

It would be strange if he could defeat the Remnant Soul of the giant dragon.

But, why did the Remnant Soul of the Giant Dragon Saint King dissipate?

Forget it, this question is still not asked, it is of little significance.

Anyway, there is no way to provide effective battle strength.

"Then let's go."


The place where the immortal heavenly demon is sealed is in the central area of ​​the Infinite Battlefield.

It is also the deeper Secret Realm Space.

It is also the legendary place to leave the infinite battlefield.

There are not many senior gold prospectors who can enter that place, so it is relatively safer.

However, the seal of suppressing the immortal heavenly demon is not paper, and it is not as easy to break open as imagined.

At least for such a long time, nothing happened, that is enough to prove this point.

Along the way, led by the Bingling Saint King, Qi Le and Yue Xi'er follow closely from behind.

In the inner area of ​​the Infinite Battlefield, Qi Le and Yue Xi'er have never been there, but the Ice Spirit Saint King looks like a light car.

The more you go in, the fewer the number of senior gold prospectors and the fewer heavenly materials and earthly treasures you will encounter.

Correspondingly, the quality has indeed improved a lot.

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