However, the man in the cloak, the chairman of the Immortal Union, did not appear to be flustered at all.

The cloak covering the body automatically has no wind.

An extremely tyrannical coercion also broke out.

"Sacrifices, always sacrifices!"

After that, the ground under the cloaked man's feet began to shatter, and the void around him, like a mirror, appeared cracked.

Just coercion, it has already made this space a little unbearable.

Following closely, the man in the cloak slowly raised his hand and threw a punch at a moderate pace.

The seemingly slow movement has a terrifying oppression force.

As if the entire movie of Heaven and Earth, following this fist, pressing forward, the Huanghuang Heavenly Might hit like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

Between Heaven and Earth, it is like being shrouded by the overwhelming tide, carrying the World Destroying Might, and smashing it.

Needless to say, once slapped down, the sky and the earth must fall apart, and the mountains and rivers will be broken.

If the space is not stable enough, it is not impossible to smash it directly into a dead zone.

With just one blow, you can see the gap between the tiger of thunder and the man in the cloak.

After all, the president of the Immortal Union is better.

However, this is like letting the tiger of thunder bow its head. It is too small to underestimate the fighting intent of the tiger of thunder.

Even in the face of such a terrifying attack, the Tiger of Thunder did not mean to dodge, and still steadfastly greeted it.

A Prestige of Strike, crushing the stars strength, and go away without evasive strikes.

The power originally hidden in the Thunder Tiger's body completely burst out, without a trace of his hand.

Qi Le also perceives that this power contains the will to destroy.

It seems to be... the power of Heavenly Tribulation!

Is it true that the tiger of thunder used the power of tribulation thunder to temper fleshy body? Is it true?

Looking at it now, it should be correct, otherwise how could the Tiger of Thunder have the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

didn't expect, the name of the tiger of thunder, there is such a meaning.

But now it is too much for Qi Le to think about that many.

The will to destroy contained in the tribulation thunder is the will displayed by Power of Heaven and Earth.

tyrannical, terrifying, unstoppable, unmatched.

No wonder you have to see blood as soon as you talk about it.

Under the tribulation thunder, how many people can be intact?

In this way, the Tiger of Thunder did not leave any hands in this attack, but spare no effort.

If there is no other way to get the man in the cloak, it is estimated that there will be no chance of winning.

So Qi Le is also looking forward to what kind of damage the Thunder Tiger's attack can cause.

However, looking at the counterattack of the man in the cloak, it seems that it is not simple.

The coercion that hits all over the sky, grandiose.

Compared with the power of this tribulation thunder, it is not weak at all.

Can you become an ardent believer of the immortal heavenly demon, or the president of the immortal union, where can you get the difference?

Two forces of equal pressure suddenly collided.

The attack of the Tiger of Thunder also collided with the counterattack of the man in the cloak.

All of a sudden, it was really the wind and the clouds, mountains bursting and ground splitting, the vast sky seemed to be shattered.

There are countless cracks all over it, and endless darkness emerges from it.

As if to dye the whole piece of Heaven and Earth black.

That is boundless space turbulence, which can swallow everything and turn into chaos!

This matter, in fact, has also been mentioned before, that is, after the Low Plane is broken, it will be swallowed by the chaotic origin, and then another Low Plane will be generated as a loop.

So in the same way, High Plane can't escape this rule.

It's just that if you want to break the High Plane, it's simply an impossible thing that's all.

For details, you can pay respects to the celestial domain and the god domain.

The shatter space is very simple for the main god or Demon God.

However, if you want to destroy Heaven Destroying Extreme Domain or God Extreme Domain, even Heaven's Chosen Child in the historical record is absolutely impossible to do.

Therefore, no matter what kind of battle occurs, the Celestial Realm and the God Realm will always be safe and sound.

However, Infinite Battlefield is not a High Plane.

As a Secret Realm Space, although the stability of the space barrier is far greater than that of the Low Plane.

But want to Ketian Jiyu, and Shenjiyu mention on equal terms, it is still a bit worse.

This kind of situation will only happen now.

shattered sky, countless space turbulence is surging.

As if the entire world is about to collapse, the end is terrifying.

But Qi Le also knows that although this picture looks scary, in fact, it just looks scary.

It is not so easy to destroy the infinite battlefield.

Otherwise, when the Ice Spirit Saint King and the Giant Dragon Saint King were fighting the immortal heavenly demon, the infinite battlefield would have disappeared.

Can you still get the current battlefield happening?

Of course, be that as it may.

It is possible to make this doomsday-like scene appear, which also proves the strength of the tiger of thunder and the man in the cloak.

Heaven and Earth Might and Jie Thunder Force collide together, and the power that erupts is truly terrifying!

Even with a little bit of prestige, it can kill the general Lord God and Demon God.

This allowed Qi Le to subconsciously protect Yue Xi'er.

Then I remembered that with Yue Xi'er's current strength, it seemed that he was qualified to watch this battle head-on.

However, this subconsciously behavior made Yue Xi'er's heart warm.

This is an action that can be done without thinking at all.

It means that the Qi Le big brother really cares about himself.

Of course, the situation outside the battlefield does not affect the battle between the tiger of thunder and the man in the cloak.

The president of the Immortal Union also showed his true strength.

Facing the Thunder Force, I also gradually gained the upper hand.

"With this level of power, do you dream of fighting against my great ancestors?"

"Being a sacrifice is your glory, but you have to leave this Glory!"

"Then I can't blame me!"

The voice of the man in the cloak gradually became cold, perhaps because he lost his patience.

The violent coercion, like an overwhelming wave, came under pressure after suppressing the Thunder Force of the Thunder Tiger.

The scope of the shroud is so wide that it is absolutely mile away, and there is no room to dodge.

This makes Thunder Tiger's face a bit ugly.

Although the fighting intent is still high, the Tiger of Thunder can still see the situation on the court.

"In order to pursue a higher Martial Dao, I will die without regrets!"

"You want me to be a sacrifice, stop dreaming!"

However The haze of death does not make the Tiger of Thunder have any retreat, let alone escape.

As a martial idiot, being able to die in battle is the greatest reward.

Even if it loses to the man in the cloak, Tiger of Thunder still has no plans to take a step back!

This scene reminded Qi Le.

The Tiger of Thunder once challenged the president of Divine Realm, and it seems that he has also lost.

If that time, he insisted not to escape, then why could he survive?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter Three thousand and 88: tribulation thunder and Heavenly Might)...

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