After all, the Tiger of Thunder does not challenge itself.

The reason is: I’m talking with my own people, I’m tied up, I can’t spare no effort, I’m not happy, it’s better not to fight.

Speaking of this, Qi Le also thought of it.

Is the Immortal Union recruiting this guy to prevent him from killing all the powerful Elders in the Immortal Union in the name of challenge?

Well, it is very possible.

The Tiger of Thunder is still very disciplined. For his own people, he usually ignores him and let the flow go.

Once you know you, you know, and it doesn't matter if you don't know.

Because there are only a few opponents who can get the Thunder Tiger's heart.

As for other people, he has no interest in taking action, and naturally he will not accidentally hurt his own person.

So, this immortal union is interesting, just blindly soliciting powerhouse, but there are no restrictions.

Then what is the purpose of soliciting so many powerhouses?

Qi Le thought about many kinds of probabilities, but didn't want to understand, so he stopped thinking about this kind of thing.

The Immortal Union has been established for such a long time, who knows what happened in the middle, maybe it has gone bad.

But what does this situation have to do with Qi Le.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for Immortal United's solicitation of powerhouse, the attitude is so casual.

Qi Le will not be in the position of Elder in the immortal union.

Such a calculation is still good.

It is the tiger of thunder in front of me, what should I do?

"Since you don't know me, forget it, the name is just a code name, it doesn't matter."

Qi Le waved his hand, not intending to reveal his identity.

Thunder Tiger doesn’t care about his own situation, so he doesn’t know Qi Le.

However, the name Qi Le Elder, the tiger of thunder, has still heard of it. If you say it, you will definitely know it.

So I won’t say anything, this guy doesn’t care anyway.

"You are right, the name is just a code name that's all, it doesn't matter."

The Tiger of Thunder quite agrees with this concept, clicks nodded, and then speaks again : "But, you suddenly appeared in this place, maybe not to come and say these things to me."

At this point, in the eyes of Thunder Tiger, the high fighting intent has become more violent. .

It can be seen that this battle should be inevitable.

Maybe the Tiger of Thunder doesn't care who the man suddenly appears in front of him, but he cares about this rare opponent.

"Of course not."

"The person who fought with you, I want to take away."

Qi Le shook the head and stared straight at Speaking of the tiger of thunder, straight to the point said.

Talking too much off topic with this kind of martial idiot is meaningless, it is not straightforward, but it saves time.

The tiger of thunder is hearing this, nodded with almost no hesitation, said: "You want to take her away, you can."

"Fight me!"

"Beat me, or die in my hands."

"No matter what the situation, I will let her go and never break my word."

this As soon as the remark is said, Qi Le knows that the Tiger of Thunder does not care about the survival of the Immortal Union.

I don't care about Yue Xi'er's identity at all, I just want a battle to improve myself.

Well, Immortal Union is more interesting than imagined.

How do you feel that those powerful Elders are all inner ghosts?

I am, this Thunder Tiger, I feel so.

"Okay, I promise to fight you."

"However, I don't take advantage of you. I will give you time and let you recover your lost physical strength first."

Qi Le doesn't really hate the martial idiot of Thunder Tiger.

Because there are too few such guys.

I really want to speak of which, the Tiger of Thunder, who can restore time to Yue Xi'er, can be regarded as saving Yue Xi'er once in disguise.

Otherwise, Yue Xi'er, who fell into a weak state, would not stand here so well.

So Qi Le can now be regarded as paying back the favor of the Tiger of Thunder.

"hahahaha, it's interesting, but I have to give me time to regain my strength."

The tiger of thunder is hearing this, but haha ​​laughed, and it took a long time before he stopped. Come down and continue.

"Okay, my Thunder Tiger recognizes you. Later, even if you lose, I will let you two go together."

"But I also hope , Don’t try your best because of this kind of thing."

"We won’t lose!"

After hearing this, Yue Xi'er did not hesitate He retorted.

But the Tiger of Thunder didn't bother.

"Of course, spare no effort is respect for every opponent."

Qi Le clicked nodded, feeling that the tiger of Thunder seems to have more and more appetite for him.

This guy, he really does everything based on his own mood, and he looks a lot like him.

"Well, Xi'er, you can go back too."

"I can see your progress."

Looking at Yue Xi'er who was still a little mad, and the large and small wounds on her body, Qi Le couldn't help but reach out and rub her head.

For Yue Xi'er, who has mastered the law of reincarnation, these injuries, no matter how serious they are, will not endanger their lives.

And it will heal soon.

So Qi Le is a little distressed, but he is not worried.

Growing up always has to be tempered. The flowers in the greenhouse are always impossible to withstand the wind and rain.

Yue Xi'er is willing to grow and become stronger, so Qi Le can only support her.

Thunder Tiger’s recovery speed is not too slow, after all, there are so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in his hands, and he has piled them back with medicinal properties.

This is the wealth accumulated by the Thunder Tiger staying in the infinite battlefield for so many years.

When there is no battle, the Tiger of Thunder will collect these heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Although he is a martial idiot, he is not an idiot.

Why not have good things?

"Boy, I have fully recovered, now, let's start our battle."

The tiger of thunder moved his body, his tyrannical physique, let his recovery speed also Has been greatly strengthened.

Coupled with a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it is not difficult to restore to the peak state.

"I have this intention."

Qi Le did not refuse either.

He always waits for work with ease and is always in peak state.

Now that the Thunder Tiger has recovered its strength, the battle between them should begin.

Qi Le does not doubt what the Tiger of Thunder said, as long as this battle is over, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will not entangle him again.

But if I refuse the proposal of Thunder Tiger, I don't know what will happen.

In that case, there is a battle anyway, why not follow the rules.

At least the Tiger of Thunder is a rule-abiding person.


After hearing a blast, I saw a huge pit appeared on the ground.

That is the power of the Thunder Tiger’s kick, and the pit that it stepped out of, with this force, the Thunder Tiger’s body shape disappeared instantly.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 3083: Battle with Me)...

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