Fortunately, Yue Xi'er's fighting skills and battle awareness are not bad, and facing the Tiger of Thunder, it is not impossible to fight back.

Reincarnation Law Power, how much can make the tiger of Thunder have some scruples.

It's just that, compared to the restrictions on Elder, it's far worse.

In the realm of Thunder Tiger, the fleshy body is strong, and the ordinary Law Power may hardly leave even the slightest trace.

It can really be called the inviolability.

Unless you can fully master a certain kind of Law Power, you can still fight against it.

However, Yue Xi'er's mastery of the law of reincarnation, even if it is inheritance from the king, is impossible to reach Perfection now.

So when facing the tiger of thunder, you will feel a sense of powerlessness.

Even if you want to keep a distance, use the Law Power of Samsara to consume the power of the Thunder Tiger, and then go to the decisive battle.

But how can the tiger of thunder make Yue Xi'er what it wants?

" Bang-- !"

Once again smashed the Samsara Power shield from Yue Xi'er condense, and the terrifying fist wind also impacted on Yue Xi'er.


With a mouthful of blood spurted, Yue Xi'er also flew out.

The tiger of thunder punches, looking at the wrinkles on his arms, which are the traces of aging.

Fleshy body is the foundation of physical training.

Senescence, for Demon God, shouldn't exist.

But under the power of the law of reincarnation, this kind of thing seems a little hard to resist.

"It's really terrifying Law Power, it can affect my physical condition."

Thunder Tiger clenched his fist and spoke slowly.

Any Demon God can fully grasp the changes in one's own situation without any difference.

The power of the law of reincarnation, although unable to deprive the tiger of thunder of life instantly, it can slowly devour his vitality.

Let him go from Peak to twilight.

This is also where the Thunder Tiger feels terrifying.

" Enough to rank in the top three Elder in the Immortal Union, and sure enough the name is not in vain."

Yue Xi'er in the distance also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It seems to be talking to himself.

However, what Yue Xi'er doesn't know is.

In fact, in the information database of Divine Realm, the information about the Tiger of Thunder is out of date.

The Tiger of Thunder, who has challenged the president of Divine Realm and retreated all over his body, is different now.

Because of that battle, no third person saw it.

So no one knows that the recorded "retreat from the whole body" refers to "to leave alive" that's all.

That time, it was the only failure of Thunder Tiger, and it was the closest to death.

Survive, even if you succeed.

Then, on the verge of death, break and stand!

It can be said that the only failure was also an opportunity for the Tiger of Thunder, which allowed his strength to improve again!

Therefore, the current Thunder Tiger, it can be said that among the Immortal United Elder, it is definitely Number One Person!

The World Rule of the infinite battlefield, although it will suppress the strength of every gold digger.

But it will not seal the perception.

When the sudden enlightenment, the same will be the sudden enlightenment.

It’s just that the information previously collected by Divine Realm has not been updated.

Similarly, it is also because of this incident that makes Thunder Tiger even more addicted to the battle that pushes his limits.

The closer the battle is to death, the more you can force yourself to explode to your full potential!

Thus Nirvana Rebirth!

That's why something unnecessary like this happened now-first help Yue Xi'er recover, and then come to fight.

The Tiger of Thunder did so in order to find a qualified opponent.

After all, in the infinite battlefield, there are not many who are qualified to be the powerhouse of Thunder Tiger's opponent.

I finally found one, but I can't waste it.

At this moment, Thunder Tiger also feels sincerely that his waiting has not been wasted.

Although Yue Xi'er's strength cannot push the tiger of thunder to its limit, the power of the law of reincarnation gave him a very novel experience and some new insights.

What is immortality?

What is immortality?

Beyond life and death, beyond reincarnation!

Being invincible is not the end of immortality, but just the beginning of immortality that's all!

The Tiger of Thunder has been searching for the strongest power, but found that there is no end to the road to becoming stronger.

"I will fight again!"

"I feel more and more excited now!"

As a qualified martial idiot, every bit of myself Progress can make Thunder Tiger feel enthusiastic.

This is his lifelong pursuit, so that he can do what he wants to do without worrying about the eyes of others.

"Bong to the end!"

Yue Xi'er naturally not to be outdone.

Because there is no retreat, if you want to leave, you can only defeat the Tiger of Thunder.

And besides there is a young man, Elder, who is glare like a tiger watching his prey.

However, the only advantage of fighting the Thunder Tiger is probably that you don’t have to worry about being sneak attacked by others.

This may be Wu Chi's persistence.

The Tiger of Thunder does not allow anyone to intervene in his battle, even if the outcome is crucial.

In fact, as I said earlier, the Tiger of Thunder doesn't care about the survival of the immortal union, he only cares about his own gains.

Joining the Immortal Union is just an accident that's all.

That's why Elder, who knew this, didn't intervene in this battle.

Otherwise, the thunder tiger who is disturbed will not care if you are your own.

This also saves Yue Xi'er a lot of heart, and can compete with the Tiger of Thunder completely without considering other things.

After all, being distracted in battle has a great influence on battle strength.

What the Tiger of Thunder wants, but a perfect battle.

In order to improve yourself!

"It's really a troublesome guy, if it's not for your strength, I..."

Although Elder is watching the battle, what does he think in his heart? , It's hard to say.

No matter who meets a teammate like Thunder Tiger, he won't be too happy.

I do my own way, and sometimes even fight against me.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat him, Elder would not want to be angry.

So, looking at the fighting that is still going on, Qing Weng Elder is in a happy mood at all does not raise.

And the same thing is not happy, in fact, there is Yue Xi' er.

The battle strength of the tiger of thunder is indeed terrifying.

After getting familiar with the law of reincarnation, the attack of the Thunder Tiger became more and more difficult to resist.

the more fights the more brave is, the more fights the more brave is!

And super adaptability!

It is worthy of being the strongest Elder in the Immortal Union, and he is also a martial idiot.

This is probably Wu Chi's instinct-to adapt to the opponent's fighting style as quickly as possible.

Then combine your own strength to choose the most suitable countermeasures to defeat the enemy!

What a terrifying fighting instinct!

No wonder the Tiger of Thunder has experienced countless battles in the infinite battlefield, but only defeated once.

The reason for the defeat was simple.

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