The Throne of Man on the top of the mountain.

The king sitting here is like a statue.

With a pleasing beauty, but also exudes awe-inspiring heroic atmosphere.

The closed eyes, as if sleeping, quiet and solemn.

But at this moment, slowly opened.

A sharp rays of light flashed away.

"The power I left behind has disappeared. Is it completely integrated."

"This is a good thing."

"That girl's The fate thread seems to be entangled with Qi Le’s fate thread again."

"Did they meet?"

"Fate begins to flow, and the result is good Is it bad?"

Following the King's self-talk, a cluster of flames emerged from the void, and then hovered in front of the King's eyes.

This is the flame that represents the reincarnation trend of Yue Xi'er, and it is also a protective power left by the king for her Inheritor.

The flame at this time, but there was a strange beating.

The ignited light drifts away, like a flower that is about to wither.

Although the law of reincarnation is different from the law of destiny, all laws are connected.

After the law of reincarnation Perfection, reaching Ji Realm, the thread of fate from reincarnation can also be seen.

But it is limited to a few specific goals.

For example, the thread of the fate of the king has already haunted the law of reincarnation.

So absolutely impossible is affected by Demon Sovereign's law of fate.

As the Inheritor of the King of Humans, Yue Xi'er, after gaining the power of the King of Humans, has become infected with the power of the law of reincarnation.

speaking from a certain perspective, this is also the continuation of the power of the king, and it can naturally be observed by the king.

Otherwise, how did Yue Xi'er survive such a chaotic environment when he was thrown into the celestial domain by the gate of fate?

Unlike Qi Le, she can still be reminded by the system not to use Law Power.

So almost all enemies encountered.

And under the traction of the disrupted fate thread, Yue Xi'er has encountered the Demon God left by Ancient Era.

If it were not for the power left by the king, Yue Xi'er would have no chance to run into the infinite battlefield.

Therefore, when the fate of Yue Xi'er changes drastically, the King of Humanity can naturally perceive it.

Like now.

A cluster of flames that appeared in front of the king's eyes was slowly withering and gradually extinguishing.

This means that Yue Xi'er has completely integrated the inheritance of the King of Humans and turned it into its own strength.

This is of course a good thing.

But it also means that the king can take care of Yue Xi'er, and that's it.

But for the King of People, this change is not a bad thing, but a comforting thing.

It's as if one's own descendants have grown up, the kind of mood worthy of being happy and proud of.

"It's just that Demon Sovereign's conspiracy is far more than that, I hope you can handle it."

At this point, the flame has been completely extinguished.

Although the King of People doesn’t know exactly what Demon Sovereign wants to do, but with her knowledge of Demon Sovereign, she knows that Demon Sovereign’s actions will never be as simple as mere revenge. There must be something else. purpose.

As it used to be, deep-minded, no matter what you do, it is not just as simple as it seems on the surface.

It's just that, with the strength of the King of Man, it is difficult to predict what is going on behind the Gate of Destiny.

So I can only pin my hopes on Qi Le and Yue Xi'er.

However, with Qi Le's ability, it should be able to turn peril into safety.

"This world, it's time to change."

The last sentence fell silent, and the king's eyes closed again.

In the words, what is meant is really intriguing.


"The law of reincarnation-life and death!"

Only a clear shout was heard.

When Qi Le condensed his breath, hid his figure, and came to this battlefield, Yue Xi'er seemed to have begun to finish.

The guy who is the opponent of Yue Xi'er looks like a Human Race, but the skin tone at the moment is a little pale.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Le saw it.

That guy, from the place touched by Yue Xi'er's hand, one after another obvious crack appeared.

This look is like shattered porcelain. As the cracks spread, the body becomes fragments and falls piece by piece.

All the vitality has been wiped out!

This is the power of the law of reincarnation!

"The third one."

Strange, why does Yue Xi'er like to count too?

When Qi Le fights, sometimes it counts, but that is to give the enemy an oppression.

Watching the despair of death approaching is definitely the greatest torture to the spirit.

After all, this is just Qi Le's evil taste that's all.

So, where did you learn Yue Xi'er?

"Qi Le big brother."

All the living enemies who were wiped out have turned into fly ash at this moment and are scattered between Heaven and Earth.

Yue Xi'er, who perceives Qi Le's breath, also came back to his senses and found Qi Le's location.

This is not the ability of Qi Le restraining aura.

It's because the fate threads of the two are entwined together. When they approach, they will have a special induction.

It's okay if you have a heart, but in short... it's very convenient.

"Xi'er, long time no see."

"I'm sorry, it took so long to find you."

Qi Le touched it He touched his nose and said hello to Yue Xi'er, with a rare gentleness and a little apologetic.

How should I put it, Demon Sovereign will implicate Yue Xi'er, in fact, it is because of Qi Le.

Of course, Demon Sovereign's hatred for the King of Humans is also a factor that cannot be ignored.

It was just the last straw that really crushed Demon Sovereign, or the Heaven and Earth chessboard that Qi Le took out.

As a result, Demon Sovereign compelled by circumstances, using the law of fate that I almost completely gave up, caused this twists and turns.

That's why Qi Le felt that he should be involved in Yue Xi'er.

"No, Qi Le big brother, it's not your fault."

Yue Xi'er hearing this, but actively stepped forward and hugged Qi Le.

The experience over this period of time, the biggest gain for Yue Xi'er, may not be completely integrated with the inheritance of the king.

Instead, let your heart become brave and let your actions face your heart directly.

This move made Qi Le startled.

Then soon came back to his senses, smiled with relief, and wrapped Yue Xi'er's back with his backhand.

"In fact, during this period of time, Xi'er has been thinking about what should I do if I never see the Qi Le big brother again."

"If I If I want to be such a person, how can I survive."

"Fortunately, fortunately..."

When Yue Xi'er spoke, his body still trembled slightly.

The joy of reunion, and the fear of the past, all broke out in this brief moment.

"No, never again."

Qi Le patted Yue Xi'er on the back, hugging her tightly in his arms, softly Sound comforted.

As if a promise was made, it looked solemn and solemn.

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