But in this frozen field, ice crystals spread on the ground, and frost fell from the sky, and there was simply nowhere to hide.

The law of ice has blocked this side of Heaven and Earth long ago, and the frozen power locked on them, even if weak, is enough to slow down their movements and make it less easy for them to escape from this place.

Escape this "dead zone"!

All that is left for them is endless despair.

"Is this the strength of the Ice Spirit Saint King? It's really terrifying."

Qi Le raised his head and looked at the extremely ice giant that went straight into the clouds, and the cloud-like giant Frost.

Although it is clear in my heart, even if this extremely ice giant is not the full strength of the Ice Spirit Saint King, it is enough to be amazed.

In the end, it is the Peak power who fights side by side with the giant dragon holy king, and the battle strength he possesses is truly unparalleled.

In that case, I can't keep my hands.

"Fortunately, I have also learned the law to make the body concrete, otherwise it really won't end today."

Thinking of this, Qi Le no longer hesitated.

The golden body of the law gathered in the body of the law, and then concreted.

The visualization and pure Law Power are completely different concepts.

The former requires a sufficiently powerful fleshy body to carry Law Power and integrate it into a more terrifying force.

The latter does not require much Fleshy body strength, and only needs powerful Law Power.

So, to outsiders, the law used by Qi Le is more like the way of Demon God.

After all, Law Power is integrated into the fleshy body.

So what is shown is the extreme physical strength.

But Qi Le himself knows very well that if he wants to make the law a golden body, it's not just the fleshy body that is tyrannical.

The requirements for Law Power are also not low, and it can even be said to be quite high.

It is more than enough to fight against this extreme ice giant!

"It's just a matter of emphasizing the golden body of the height of several hundred zhang. It's still very simple."

"Ice Spirit Saint Senior Wang, don't you say that I'm releasing water Ah."

While talking to himself, I saw Qi Le's body swelling rapidly, and in just a few breaths, he turned into a giant!

The hideous armor covering the body makes Qi Le look like a War God!

The height of several hundred zhang is no weaker than the extremely ice giant.

In fact, the limit of the golden body that Qi Le can visualize is much more than that.

But in order to create an evenly matched effect, Qi Le will do this.

But even so, the visual impact caused is equally shocking.

"This, this...what is this?"

"Is there a man of such tyrannical strength in the Immortal Union?"

"Listen They said, this guy is the new Elder of the Immortal Union, so terrifying!"

"Also the new Elder?"

"The new Elder of this time, battle Is strength so strong?"

"Damn, I feel that this guy is obviously more terrifying."

"You don't want to be here for others and destroy yourself!"

"Yes, he must be bluffing!"

"We will definitely not lose!"

So this time, the object of consternation became The people of Divine Realm.

When they saw the appearance of the extreme ice giant, they thought that their side must have won.

Who would have thought that the battle situation could change so quickly.

In a blink of an eye, a "War God" that is not weaker than the ice giant came out

And it is the new Elder of the Immortal Union!

This is troublesome.

It was the senior gold prospector of the Immortal Union, and he immediately felt exuberant.

Because of this Qi Le Elder, the senior gold prospectors of Immortal United have already communicated with each other a long time ago.

Especially on that day, the guys who took Qi Le Elder to the trading market even said all the things they knew. The key point was Qi Le Elder's ability.

Can instantly transform into a towering giant, with infinite power, open the world, omnipotent!

The end is terrifying!

So seeing this scene at this moment, the senior gold digger of Immortal United reacted quickly after the shock of at first.

This is Qi Le Elder's signature ability!

With Qi Le Elder in charge, how could the Immortal Union lose!


"This kid is really a genius!"

However, it is different from the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm and Immortality. , The middle-aged man in the heart of Extreme Ice, narrowed his eyes, but saw some clues about this towering giant.

In the end, it is still the top-notch power of battle strength. With strong eyesight, it is not the senior gold digger who can mention on equal terms.

Maybe the middle-aged man can't see how this towering giant was formed.

But the Law Power contained in it can be perceived.

At this point, the middle-aged man is also clear.

It turns out that this guy is an undercover agent who works for Elder in Immortal Union.

"Okay, very good."

"Hahaha, I haven't had a hearty battle for a long time, and today is my wish."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but laughed, and his mood improved a lot.

But the next battle must continue.

And do your best!

Since the condense of the extremely ice giant, you should not show mercy in order to show your respect!


Thinking of this, the extremely ice giant that can support both heaven and earth is no longer still.

With a sudden step under my feet, the ground was crushed and the cracks spread, as if an earthquake had occurred.

With a fist, the power was so strong that it caused a storm, and the roar of hunting and roaring sounded.

Needless to say, this fist, even if the mountains and the sea are ahead, it can break the mountains and open the sea!

Although the extremely ice giant is a cohesion of the law of ice, it is not weak at all in terms of strength.

You must know that even the main gods are based on Law Power.

But in terms of physical fitness, it is much stronger than most physical training, but it is not comparable to Demon God.

It's like a physique attribute for a hundred-level wizard and tenth-level warrior.

Even if the wizard's bonus is all added to the intelligence, the natural growth of the physique attribute is also stronger than the warrior.

So don't think that the melee ability of the ice giant is just a display.

That would be a big loss.

Fortunately, once Qi Le enters a combat state, he never despises his opponent.

After all, there are many examples of fall in the sewer, and Qi Le doesn't want to be the next example by himself.

This is in Trial Space, but it is a lesson of blood.

So in the face of the extremely ice giant's attack, Qi Le was unambiguous at all, and directly greeted him.


Two fists collided, connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

The aroused air wave flies up thousands of zhang, like a ripple-like impact, traversing ten thousand li!

The frost in the sky was washed away, the ice crystals on the ground were shattered, and the terrifying impact that swelled out, sweeping through all obstacles, shattering everything that stood in the way.

Those senior gold prospectors who have already fled here are not spared.

All were affected by this terrifying impact, vomiting blood on the spot, even the consciousness became a little fuzzy.

Fortunately, they knew in their hearts that if they fainted here, they might never wake up again.

So they gritted their teeth and continued to flee outside.

And this is only the 1st move, it has spread to such a vast area.

Almost the entire demonic beast hunting ground has noticed something wrong here.

Looking into the distance, you can see two towering giants facing each other.

At this moment, no matter which force the senior gold prospector is, they are all shocked.

"Then, what is that?"

"What a terrifying imposing manner, a terrifying coercion!"

"They keep fighting like this , Will it affect us?"

"It's very possible, let's get out of here quickly."

"Yes, we can't come the past few days." The demonic beast is on the hunting ground."

" Stop talking , let's go."

The atmosphere of silence also affected these senior gold prospectors.

Also let them come to a conclusion-the demonic beast hunting ground is not safe, everyone should run.

This level of battle, they have been in the Infinite Battlefield for so long, and this is the first time they have seen it. It is really terrifying.

In order not to cause trouble for myself, but also to save my life.

Must stay away from here!

And those who came to this conclusion are the demonic beasts in the demonic beast hunting grounds.

These simple-minded guys have only one idea-to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Now this place is not safe, so I'd better go to another place for a while, then come back and check it out.

Anyway, the migratory birds also have to migrate, and this group of demonic beasts will consider themselves to be migrating.

But more, let's be scared to the point of shivering by this violent breath.

It's just these situations, whether it's middle-aged man or Qi Le, I don't know.

They are now at the time of the battle.

Although neither of them are fighting freaks, they are very happy to have a hearty battle.

Because only when you fight against the opponents of the same realm and push your limits, you can discover your shortcomings.

If you want to go further, you must constantly break through your limits.

So, the more intense the battle, the more excited and excited for both of them!

It's really exciting!

Unfortunately, for onlookers, there is no such excitement.

The battle between two towering giants, with a single blow, is the power of breaking the mountain and cutting off the flow.

Between the gestures, the sky is falling apart.

They are too late to escape, still in the mood to watch the battle?

This level of battle, I am afraid that only the power of the same realm is qualified to watch it.

For those who are incapable, wanting to watch the battle is tantamount to moth flies into the flame.

A little bit of residual power that escapes randomly, crushing them is as easy as crushing an ant.

Still dare to stay?

hurriedly escape it!

And this picture is exactly the development that middle-aged man and Qi Le want to see.

If those guys don't run away, how can Yue Xi'er take the people of Divine Realm away safely?

Now that the goal has been achieved, the rest is probably the battle the two want.

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