"By the way, Qi Le Elder, if you have time and are interested, you can go to the demonic beast hunting ground."

At the end, Qing Weng Elder spoke again as if thinking of something.

"Demonic beast hunting ground?"

Qi Le eyebrow raised, repeat the name.

It sounds like it’s not a good place.

"Yes, that is the place where battles occur most frequently in this area."

Qingweng Elder clicked nodded and then introduced the demonic beast hunting ground.

As Qi Le expected, it is really not a good place.

The demonic beast hunting ground, located in this area near the Central Zone, is also the place where the number of demonic beasts is densest.

Because of its vast area and numerous demonic beasts, it has become the best hunting place for large and small forces in this area.

Actually, at first, there are not so many demonic beasts in the demonic beast hunting grounds.

It's just a normal dense area of ​​demonic beasts.

But it is precisely because of the dense demonic beast that it attracts a large number of senior gold prospectors to hunt.

When there are more senior gold prospectors, the contradictions from all sides naturally arise, and then an outrageous battle begins.

While there are countless casualties, it also provides a lot of nutrients for the demonic beast hunting ground and helps the growth of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Then, as the number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures increases, the number of demonic beasts attracted also increases.

As the number of demonic beasts has increased, wouldn't it attract more senior gold prospectors in the past?

In this way, it becomes the demonic beast hunting ground.

A place dedicated to hunting demonic beasts.

However, after the formation of the demonic beast hunting ground, all influence also reached an agreement.

Prohibit large-scale battles to prevent the number of experienced gold prospectors from dropping sharply, which will lead to the proliferation of demonic beasts.

The current demonic beast hunting ground is the best situation.

It can not only limit the number of demonic beasts within a certain range, but also limit the range of activities of demonic beasts within a fixed area.

If those powerful demonic beasts start to run around, it will be a trouble.

Another agreement reached by all influence is that the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the demonic beast hunting ground are not allowed to be picked.

Because these heavenly materials and earthly treasures are used to attract demonic beasts.

The demonic beast hunting ground that was finally formed cannot be abandoned due to the lack of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Furthermore, the demonic beasts obtained by hunting, after being swallowed, are not inferior to those heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

And with good luck, encountering demonic beasts that will explode qi and blood can increase lifespan.

Isn't this much better than those heavenly materials and earthly treasures?

Therefore, this agreement was also recognized by many forces and passed on to all members.

But apart from these two conventions, there are no other rules. You can do whatever you want.

Qingweng Elder Council mentioned such a sentence, but also thought that if Qi Le Elder has time, he can take care of the people of the immortal union, hunt a few demonic beasts by the way, and brush up on the sense of existence.

At any rate, it is also the new Elder of the Immortal Union, and it must be known to the Inner Member of the Immortal Union.

And the demonic beast hunting ground is the place with the best reputation.

Because in the demonic beast hunting ground, members of all forces will appear.

As long as a certain member of a certain force knows the existence of Qi Le Elder, then the whole force will know.

In this way, the deterrent power of the immortal union will also increase.

After all, the position of Elder is not something you can sit on casually.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the number of Elders in a power can actually be used to roughly judge the power’s overall battle strength and overall strength.

Although with the size of the immortal union, it is no longer necessary to rely on this kind of thing to enhance deterrence.

But there can be one more new Elder, so what if we promote it?

Of course, whether to go or not depends on Qi Le's own wishes.

The Immortal Union will never force Elder to do something.

"I see, I will go over and take a look when I have time."

Qi Le only clicked nodded after listening to the introduction of the demonic beast hunting ground.

Being able to directly contact all the forces in this area is a good channel for obtaining news.

But before that, let's go to the Immortal United's data room to check it out.

In the Immortal Union's data room, what is recorded is more than the Immortal Union's own information.

There are also other forces’ intelligence.

Maybe you can find clues about Yue Xi'er from it.

After Elder said these words, he also cupped the hands and left.

Qi Le was left alone. After walking around in this cluster of palaces, and then found the data room, he went in.

The demonic beast hunting ground is better to go later, first look through these materials and talk about it.

If anything happens, the members of the Immortal Alliance will come and notify them of these Elders.


demonic beast hunting ground.

Although this place is densely populated with demonic beasts.

But that is also relatively speaking, the impossible eye is the demonic beast.

Otherwise, you don't need those senior gold diggers to hunt, these demonic beasts can fight on their own.

And another point, there are not that many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which can afford so many demonic beasts.

So when you come to the demonic beast hunting ground to hunt the demonic beast, you still need to look for the demonic beast.

It's just that the search process is easy.

In this process, all influence people also try their best to abide by the agreement and do not disturb each other.

However, if there is a real grudge between each other, it will be normal to fight each other, and everyone will regard it as a lively event.

After all, the agreement between all influence does not allow large-scale battles.

It's not that fighting is not allowed.

Little trouble, it's impossible to stop it.

So when you come to the demonic beast hunting ground to hunt the demonic beast, you should not only pay attention to the demonic beast's attack, but also be careful not to be tricked by your enemies.

However, for some Great Influence, this kind of thing does not have that many things to pay attention to.

For example, the Immortal Union.

Another example is Divine Realm.

Those small forces, dare not come to offend these Great Influences who are standing at the top of this area!

At this moment, in the Central Zone of the demonic beast hunting ground, the senior gold digger of Divine Realm is looking for prey.

The senior gold prospectors of other small forces naturally stay away.

If you get killed by these guys, you can't make sense.

Because of Divine Realm's reputation in this area, that's a terrible name!

After all, compared to other forces, the Divine Realm of Divine Realm can be said to be incompatible with each other-of course there is no harmony between the Lord God and the Demon God.

Then, as the only power formed by the Lord Gods, it is naturally a bad name.

In the weak are prey to strong, only strong enough and fierce enough can others be afraid of you.

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