in a flash, a giant tree wall appeared in front of Qing Weng Elder, blocking Qi Le's punch path.

The speed is enough to prove that this move is well prepared.

Prevent the opponent from attacking at any time.

In the next moment, behind Qi Le, several rattans appeared, like a snake of jade green, attacking Qi Le.

The well-prepared Qing Weng Elder has made preparations that are both offensive and defensive.

This is the innate talent of Treant Race, able to control plants.

Plants that are included in the control range will share the physical strength of the controller to a certain extent.

To put it simply, these plants are like extensions of the manipulator's body.

For Treant Race, controlling plants and using them in battle is no different from fighting yourself.

It can be done like an arm.

The rattan that appeared suddenly is terrifying faster, like a green light flashing through the air.

The fierce bite towards his target.


However, Qi Le's fist hit the wall of the giant tree first.

With a loud noise that made the heart tremble, countless cracks appeared on the wall of the seemingly hard giant tree, and it quickly covered the entire wall.

Seeing that in the next second, it will turn into a sky of sawdust.

This scene also surprised Qing Weng Elder's heart, and there was a little stunned in the calm and composed eyes.

"The power of this child's punch is so terrifying, and the strength is really not to be underestimated!"

You know, although there are very few powerhouses in Treant Race.

But every powerhouse that grows up, the battle strength is extremely amazing.

Because among the innate talents of Treant Race, there is a very powerful body strength bonus.

This is an advantage of blessed by heaven on the way of Demon God.

Most of the other powerhouses at the same level as Treant Race, when facing Treant Race, even the defense is difficult to break.

In addition, Treant Race can drive plants to fight, and the real battle strength is greatly improved.

As for this wall of giant tree, Qingweng Elder is confident.

The general Demon God, within three moves, is absolutely impossible.

But this guy in front of him can smash this giant tree wall with just a punch that I don't know if he has begun to punch.

Don’t say anything else, just the terrifying destructive power is enough to join the immortal union.

But be that as it may, but the test is not over yet.

After finally encountering such a powerhouse, Qing Weng Elder is also very interested to see how strong he can be.

After all, in this area, the enemy who can make Elder use his full strength can be counted on one's fingers.

It's also hard to come across at ordinary times, and it's basically at the command level.

So today, you can let go of your hands and feet.

"Your Excellency Qi Le, although your strength is strong, you can only attack and not defend, but you will suffer."

Qing Weng Elder also reminded him of this. As if pointing to the younger generation.

For these powerful existences who live in the infinite battlefield and don't know how many years have passed, the newcomers who enter the infinite battlefield afterwards can almost all be called juniors.

It's just a reminder from the young man, Elder, for what purpose is unknown.

Because at the same time the reminding sound came out, the cane behind Qi Le had already attacked him.

Maybe the youth Elder really meant to mention some younger generations.

But doing so in battle is more like distracting the opponent.

"Many thanks to Qing Weng Elder's kind reminder, but I still understand the simple truth."

Qi Le is slightly smiled, but there is no next step. action.

It seems to be waiting for the cane to attack.

"Did you give up resistance?"

Qingweng Elder was a little disappointed when he saw this.

I thought it was a good seed, but now it seems that the expectations are too high.

However, in the next moment, the pupils of Elder, the Qing Weng, suddenly shrank, as if he had seen something incredible.

I saw that the rattan that struck, actually passed directly through Qi Le's figure, as easy as blowing off dust.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Le's figure shattered like a mirror.

"It's the afterimage!"

"Elder, you found it too late."

in this brief moment, Qi Le's The voice suddenly came out from behind Elder, the Weng Weng.

All of a sudden, Qing Weng Elder was shocked into a cold sweat.

"What a fast speed!"

This guy, the previous attack on the giant tree wall is absolutely real.

In other words, Qi Le did not start to move until he broke the wall of the giant tree with that punch.

But the attack of the rattan snake appeared together with the giant tree wall!

In this fleeting gap, there is still an afterimage that can be used to confuse the enemy's judgment.

What a meticulous fighting idea, what a terrifying power!

It's just in battle, but there isn't so much time to sigh for Qingweng Elder.

Qi Le appeared behind Qingweng Elder, not just to say hello to him.

The punch that is ready to go is already ready.

When it comes to fight at close quarters, Qi Le will not lose to anyone!

Even if the youth Elder comes prepared, it doesn't matter, simply can't affect the overall situation.

"Giant tree, condensate!"

At the crucial moment, the reaction speed of Elder Elder broke out to the extreme.

Before Qi Le's attack, a giant tree shield was condense on top of each other.

The defensive power amazing giant tree shield also successfully resisted most of Qi Le's attacks.

Only after penetrating the giant tree shield, the remaining shock wave hit the body of Qingweng Elder.


Qingweng Elder staggered forward and stabilized his figure.

Qi Le, who succeeded in one blow, did not continue to chase after he got out of this fist.

After all, it’s just a discussion, not a life-and-death battle. Just click and stop. There is no need to continue.

At this moment, Qi Le is just proving his own strength so that he can join the immortal coalition and obtain the intelligence he needs.

If you really hit the young man Elder for good or bad, then you will end up revenge.

"Your Excellency Qi Le, really the younger generations will surpass us in time."

The young man Elder, who knows that he has fallen short, has no strong words to conceal himself. Misjudgment.

It's just a contest for testing. It doesn't really matter how you win or lose.

Because the two sides will not be true, nor can they see the true strength.

However, when Qing Weng Elder opened his mouth, he was stupid to show the stall owners in the trading market.

"Even Elder gave up?"

"No way, Elder's strength, in our immortal union, ranks in the top five."


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