"Now is not the time to say these things, let's run away ."

After all, breath bursts are only used when you are desperate, not Means that can be used anytime.

If they can leave alive this time, then when the black bear's violent state disappears, it is indeed its dead time.

Of course, the premise is that they can really get out of here alive.

So these guys are running away desperately, and the black bears behind are also chasing desperately.

After all, this black bear also knows in his heart that when he enters a weak state, these guys are still alive.

Then I must not escape to death.

So we must not let them go!

This is the real desperate pursuit. Whoever can't hold it first will undoubtedly die.

Under such circumstances, who dares not to do their best?

So after a while, the black bear boss successfully shot two senior gold prospectors to death.

It's really slapped to death like a fly.

This also scared the senior gold prospectors who were temporarily alive, even more desperately.

Everyone wants to burn their own blood essence to speed up their escape.

And Qi Le also clapped his hands at this time.

"It's almost done. If this continues, I won't even be able to find a person to ask questions."

The black bear boss’s battle strength, Qi Le is almost thoroughly observed. .

Although I haven't actually played against each other, the gap should not be big.

If there is no power to suppress the infinite battlefield, this black bear boss is placed in the celestial domain, then it is the Demon God of the proper Peak-indeed a region's Overlord-level boss.

This also makes Qi Le feel a little bit emotional.

This is not the innermost area of ​​the Infinite Battlefield. Demonic beasts of this level have appeared.

So if you go further in, what kind of monsters are those senior gold prospectors?

This point, now Qi Le, is not known.

But now is not the time to explore such issues.

If Qi Le doesn't make a move anymore, the remaining senior gold prospectors will really be shot to death by the black bear boss.

Sometimes, saving the "fly" is also a troublesome thing, after all, the "fly" is too fragile.

"Then the first thing to do is to attract the black bear's attention!"

Qi Le understood in his heart that the Law Power in his body was also circulating.

After fusing Law Power and the body of law, the method of attack is probably the biggest gain after Qi Le came to the Celestial Domain.

The two forces go hand in hand, and the result is not as simple as one plus one.

It is a tenfold enhancement!

When the power is so powerful that it is absolutely crushed, the simplest move is enough to handle a battle.

However, the current Qi Le hasn't reached that level yet.

But it is not difficult to just attract the attention of the black bear boss.

All you need is a simple punch!


In a flash, the fist strength is like a mad dragon, and the fist wind is like a tsunami.

As Qi Le threw a punch, a shock wave that turned into a dragon, moved towards the running black bear, attacking and killing him.

At this moment, an inexplicable sense of threat appeared in its heart along with the instinctive alertness of the black bear.

Let it suddenly turn its head and looked towards the dragon-shaped fist wind.

This fist, Qi Le is not only as simple as condensing fist strength, but also gathering Law Power in the attack.

Otherwise, Qi Le can't guarantee that he can draw the attention of the black bear boss.

Attracting hatred is something that can’t be done without sufficient output.

"áo hǒu ——!"

The black bear boss is obviously not annoying .

After discovering this force that might pose a threat to him, he immediately fought back.

It is also a terrifying roar, and the condensed sound waves impact, but after the black bear boss enters a violent state, the formidable power of this move has also been doubled.

Compared with the roar that seemed to be used for probing before, the counterattack at this time is decent.

Two horrible shock waves collided fiercely, and the waves that stirred up were also terrifying at the same level.

The storm that was whizzing away almost knocked the senior gold prospectors who were still covered head and sneaked away like a rat to the ground.

But even if it was a little bit worse, it made those guys aware of it.

Someone seems to have come to rescue them.


"Is there any reinforcements here?"

"Do we know such a powerful friend?"

"How can the powerhouse that can fight the black bear after the qi and blood erupted stay in this place?"

"Then what's the situation?"

These senior gold prospectors obviously didn't get it. Understand what is going on.

But they knew that someone finally took action and contained the black bear.

No matter who it is, it will save their lives, and it is also an incredible powerhouse.

So I looked back subconsciously, and then I was stunned.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

"I won't be dazzled!"

"You all see it, the one that shot People, actually, turned out to be..."

"It's the guy we warned before!"

"No way, is he so strong?"

"In other words, that great power really came to hunt this black bear?"

"God, then what we said before will let this great power Do you hate us?"

"It's over, this one is really over."

"Even if we can escape from the black bear alive, there is no rescue. "

At this moment, the surviving senior gold diggers feel more desperate than when they knew that the black bear boss would explode in blood, and even felt that the road ahead was dark.

Because in the infinite battlefield, being chased by a demonic beast is completely different from being chased by a peerless power.

Demonic beast, for senior gold prospectors like them, everyone gets to blame.

However, no one dares to control what the peerless can do.

"Can we escape now?"

This question, no one talks about it.

Because I really don’t know how to answer.

"No, wait a minute, what we said before, think about it, there seems to be no problem."

Suddenly, a senior gold prospector said.

In this brief moment, they have never been so thankful that they speak, and speak so tactfully and implicitly as they do now.

However, Qi Le doesn't care what they are thinking.

After his punched out, the black bear's attention unexpectedly shifted.

Flies can be killed at any time.

But the guy who is enough to threaten his own life must be taken seriously, spare no effort.

The huge monster like a mountain, even Qi Le, feels a terrifying oppression force.

The strength of the black bear boss cannot be underestimated.

"Just so, I will ask them later, what is the purpose of hunting these demonic beasts."

In the previous observations, I have almost learned about this. Qi Le of all black bear information.

Of course, it is a big move.

A meaningless battle, it's meaningless if it drags on for too long.

Isn’t it just a black bear boss with a height of several hundred meters? It seems that no one will get bigger.

"Law and golden body gather!"


With Qi Le's shouted in a low voice, endless Law Power, Like a rushing river, they come together.

Melted into the body of the law, turned into an inner core, gathered into armor, covering the whole body and protecting the body and body.

This is the second time I have used this move, and Qi Le is also quite proficient.

Although I still feel a little reluctant, it puts a lot of pressure on my body and spirit.

But it can last a while longer.

In an instant, a giant statue appeared between Heaven and Earth.

Qianbaizhang high's huge figure can easily look down even when facing the huge black bear boss!

Isn’t it bigger than anyone else’s body?

Qi Le has never been afraid after realizing the golden body of the law!

All of a sudden, even the black bear boss who was roaring was stunned by this scene.

Let alone those senior gold prospectors who are already panicking.

"What's the situation?"

"What is this again?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

The coercion of horror like a huge wave swept across the sky, and the shock made these guys directly kneel down.

Although there is awe from the heart, but in fact, it is indeed a soft leg, standing does not raise.

That stalwart figure that rises to the sky and steps down is simply Occupies everything between Heaven and Earth.

Trifling, a black bear boss, seems so insignificant at this moment.


At this time, the black bear also let out an uneasy growl.

Instinctive fear made it panic, but the power agitation under the violent state made it unwilling to shrink.

So I can only stare at this huge silhouette like now and let out a low growl.

"At the moment, this should be my limit."

Qi Le at this time, he didn't care too much about the black bear boss' low roar.

Because after the golden colossus of Law condensed, Qi Le suddenly noticed that the black bear boss, who was still oppression, suddenly had no threat.

This is the difference in power levels!

So Qi Le at this time, instead began to study where his limits are.

Obviously, the colossus formed by the golden body of the law must be more condensed, the stronger the power it possesses.

The power gap between the thousand zhang colossus and the ten thousand zhang colossus is definitely more than ten times as simple as that.

There may be a gap of thousands of times!

So after getting a little proficient in this move, Qi Le can also feel his limits.

The thousand zhang colossus, which is barely condensed at present, should be the limit that can be reached right now.

As for the larger law of the golden colossus, even if Qi Le is squeezed dry, it can't be condensed.

After all, the colossal image after the law of the golden body is concrete, and the pure law of the golden body illusory shadow, are two completely different concepts.

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