But to support the current appearance, the requirements for their own physique and the control of Law Power are indeed too high.

Even Qi Le now feels a little reluctant and can't support it for long.

The effect of merely this powerful move is also amazing.

The huge body is as big as a mountain, and the degree of tyranny has reached an outrageous level!

Qi Le can be sure if he displays this move outside of the infinite battlefield.

Even those Demon Gods in Peak, don't even want to hurt him!

And the power you possess can defeat the enemy with no difficulty!

"One minute, it should be the current limit."

"But it should be enough."

I feel the power brought by it carefully. Coming consumption, Qi Le in the heart said.

The time of one minute does not seem to be long.

But in the battle at this level, many things can already be decided.

And most importantly, as long as the werewolf clan can show signs of decline, those senior gold diggers will definitely not watch the fires burning across the river!

"Then let me try, how powerful this body is!"

Qi Le thought so, like a mountain-like body, it is also moving Up.

A huge storm can be caused by just a gesture of movement, moving towards the surrounding area!

The power of terror, carrying the momentum of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

When the Fleshy body is strong to a certain extent, the effect of the moves is actually not big.

Just like Qi Le now, it just gathers strength, and then shoots it with a palm. For those werewolves, what they feel is an attacking Five Fingers Mountain, covering their heads. on.

There is no way to avoid it!


The loud noise resounded through Heaven and Earth!

A palm fell, and when there was no impact, between Heaven and Earth, it became a dead silence.

The land that was originally intact, at this moment, it seems to have suffered a tremendous change, turning into countless rubble.

The cracks that have spread away are not bottomed.

As if under this palm, the whole earth was broken.

Countless people were stunned as the smoke dissipated.

Qi Le raised his hand and raised a cloud of smoke again, blocking his vision.

But in that short gap, the senior gold diggers and the surviving werewolves can see clearly.

The werewolf covered by this palm has no surprises, even the slightest dregs can't be found.

It seems that all traces have been erased.

What a terrifying power this is!

For this, Qi Le's feeling is even clearer.

The first move used, even Qi Le, is still in the experimental stage.

And this palm is the best answer.

It's just a casual blow, even if it is the demon of Demon God, it must be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

"This is power!"

Qi Le took a deep breath, trying to calm down his breath.

Although the consumption is huge, the return it brings can be worthy of the consumption.

"It's over, it's all over..."

At this moment, the evil wolf only felt cold all over.

In fact, when the body of this Human Race suddenly increased, he might have expected it.

But only after witnessing it with your own eyes, can you deeply feel how terrifying this tyrannical force is.

With the strength of their werewolf clan, I am afraid that they will use the strength of the whole clan, and they will not have the power to fight.

The strength of the enemy is really too strong.

It's stronger than they imagined!

Damn it! why? Why is there such terrifying power behind that damn catwoman!

Why did you never hear of this great character when you were in Celestial Domain before?

And it's not just the evil wolf, the other clansman of the werewolf clan, at this time, their legs are weak.

How to fight against such an enemy?

This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow!

The power level is simply not above one level, does it have the meaning of fighting?

Questions of this kind hovered in the minds of many werewolves and lingered.

However, when these werewolves were confused, the monkey who was also paralyzed to the ground by fright jumped up suddenly at this moment.

"The military force of the adults is unparalleled in the world!"

"The behavior of the adults is unselfish!"

"Follow the adults to eradicate evil and eradicate Werewolf clan, just today!"

"What are you guys still waiting for, don’t hurry up, follow the adults to fight together to eradicate the werewolf clan!"

This guy, his brain is bright. , Know how to take advantage of the situation.

And the timing of the selection is just right.

You know, after Qi Le showed such tyrannical battle strength, it was impossible to say this in person anyway.

Otherwise, the image created with great difficulty will fall apart in an instant.

But for the monkey, it is very suitable.

Because there is friction between the three brothers and the werewolves.

Speaking this kind of words is also very reasonable, and it can also arouse the emotions of many senior gold prospectors.

After all, we are all people who have fallen into the world, and have a considerable degree of empathy.

At this time, the monkey shouted so loudly, and suddenly became agitated.

"Yes, get rid of the werewolf clan, do not move at this time, when will you wait?"

"Think about what the werewolf clan did in the past, I think it's time for me to pay more attention Fist strikes!"

"You’re right, my righteous fist, I can’t just ignore this situation!"

"Brothers, do it all!" Are you ready for the battle?"

"To eradicate the werewolf clan, just today!"

"Follow me and kill--!"

These guys, There was originally a plan to fish in troubled waters.

What I thought was that if someone really took the lead and resisted the werewolf clan for a reason, they would have to fight it anyway.

And now this situation has exceeded their expectations too much.

What this adult showed is true, unparalleled battle strength!

The power of this level shouldn't appear in the outer circle area of ​​the infinite battlefield.

However, since it has appeared, such a rare opportunity in 10,000 years must not be missed!

At this moment, countless senior gold prospectors are boiling.

In the sound of roar, moved towards the werewolf clan killed!

"It's beautiful, this guy has a bright brain."

Qi Le, who witnessed this scene, glanced at the monkey who was waving the flag and shouting, and couldn't help but smile. Screamed.

This guy may not have great battle strength, but it's okay to be an atmosphere group.

Then help them.

Thinking about it this way, Qi Le moved his finger and took the second monkey lying on the ground and took advantage of the storm to roll around him.

It can be regarded as bringing the three brothers together again.

Then, one last palm!

Qi Le reckons that his law will be embodied in a golden body, and it will last for a short while before it will be lifted.

Don't follow the politeness anymore, directly moved towards the center of the battlefield, and slammed it down.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 319: Eradication of the Werewolf Clan, Just Today)...

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