"Diligently ...design?"

The voice of swallowing saliva sounded, and a guess emerged in the hearts of the survivors.

My body also started to tremble, I don't know if it was because of fear, anger, or other emotions.

The battles they fought before were all designed!

How can this make them acceptable?

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is one more important thing.

That is their situation at the moment. As long as they are discerning people, it seems to be very bad.

Because of their leader, or the three guys who were their leader just now, at this time, the killing intent in their eyes has already gone out without concealment.

This killing intent clearly told all the cultivators present.

Don't even think about leaving one of them!

"The two battles you have experienced are of course our designs."

"In the infinite battle arena, although they are not inclined to negotiation, they will not appear. Such a playful negotiation."

"All we want is your life that's all."

The tone of the scaled tribe is as arrogant and arrogant as ever.

But at this time, his arrogance and arrogance turned into powerhouse's self-confidence.

And the ridicule of hunter!

When facing the prey falling into the trap, those hunters will always ridicule, in order to show their strength and wisdom, by the way, stimulate the prey’s emotions and let them know their weakness.

As it is now, the plan has reached the final step, and all the prey has entered the trap.

In the eyes of the hunter, they are lambs to be slaughtered!

Then the scales are pure mockery.

At this moment, Qi Le also understood.

It turns out that this scene is a round from beginning to end.

Those three guys-Feather Human Race, Scaly Clan, Iwa Stoneman, simply belong to a group.

They pretend to be hostile, and then rely on their powerful strength to recruit troops in the outer circle area of ​​the infinite battlefield.

After all, for most of the guys who went to the infinite battlefield to pan for gold, it is obviously a good choice to know the rules and find a backer. At least it can improve their survival rate a lot.

Of course, except for those Tianzong genius, or peerless powerhouse.

Those who exist, simply won't stay in the outer circle area of ​​the infinite battlefield for too long, and then they will enter the inner area.

And these three guys, Qi Le estimates, they will not provoke such an existence.

Because that is purely to cause trouble for myself.

Therefore, you can imagine the strength of the gold prospector who can become the younger brother of these three guys.

However, it is precisely because the strength of those younger brothers is not very good that they will be plotted against such with no difficulty.

Then it fell to the present end.

The steps are very simple, after the recruitment stage is completed.

The Feather Human Race, the scaly clan, and the Iwa Stoneman, they will always find ways to find opportunities to make the three forces collide.

What happened after this is not much different from what Qi Le saw.

As long as the people in your hands are almost consumed, you can close the net.

That is what is happening now.

"These two battles are your designs from beginning to end?!"

"Damn, damn!"

"You won’t be better The end!"

The distorted faces of the remaining five cultivators showed angry expressions.

After a series of emotions such as shock, surprise, shock, and fear, the only thing left is anger.

Who is not angry if someone plots against this level?

They want their lives!

"Whether we will have a good end, it is not clear for the time being."

"But what is certain is that you guys will not have a good end anyway. " rock Stoneman did not care these guys put out relentless.

For them, the barking of the prey that fell into the trap is nothing but incompetence that's all.

It's like when you are slaughtering sheep, you can't keep those sheep's mouth shut, and you don't even let them bark.

That is a bit too inhuman.

Although the word "humanity" is used on these three guys, it is a bit ridiculous in itself.

But the meaning is correct, just an analogy.

"If your last words are these, then I'm sorry, these words are probably for nothing."

Yu Human Race also followed.

The one who seems the most kind, also has no mercy at all.

Because in places like the Infinite Battlefield, compassion is the most useless emotion!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense to them, the prey will always be the prey, until death!"

"Send them on the road early, and then go find the next A batch of prey."

It was the arrogant scaly clan. At this time, he urged a little impatiently.

To do this kind of game, to hunt these newcomers who ran to the infinite battlefield, is not one or two times.

Before they are dying, just look at their desperate expressions.

Why explain that many?

"Alright, then send them on the road earlier."

Rock Stoneman hearing this, clicked nodded, and agreed with the scaly clan.

Yu Human Race naturally no longer speaks much.

Their three people, but they are all old acquaintances, and only when they work together can they be so wise.

The superb acting skills are not a joke, at least these prey, never see through their intentions.

"Don't think that you plot against us, you can treat us as prey so easily!"

"Even if we die, we won't make your life easier!"

No one wants to sit still, let alone these angry cultivators.

I heard these three guys talking like no one else, as if they were already fish on the chopping board.

The five cultivators immediately glanced at each other, and then they understood the meaning of each other's eyes. They were all the same as themselves-kill them!

In that case, kill it!

Let these hunters know that no matter how sophisticated their plans are, they will be bitten by prey.

Even bitten to death!


With a roar, five cultivators shot at the same time.

Even though Iwa Stoneman, Feather Human Race, and the scaly clan cooperated tacitly, they held three directions in a triangle.

When facing the remaining five prey to attack together, there will be some headaches.

However, it's just a headache.

"Really act recklessly!"

"I wanted you to die happily, but now, let you feel your weakness first!"

The frowned scaly clan roars fiercely.

There is no hunter who likes to see his prey and dare to resist him.

Because that will waste a lot of energy to deal with these prey, which is not only troublesome, but also very time-consuming.

However, when the prey really starts to resist, even if it is troublesome, you have to do it!

As this scaly clan said.

These five cultivators are absolutely impossible to be their opponents.

After all, in the previous two battles, the Scaly Clan, Iwa Stoneman, and Feather Human Race were all acting. Although they seemed to be fighting fiercely, in fact, they did not consume How much power.

Looking back at those cultivators, after the war, they all spared no effort to attack.

After two battles, the power consumed has already reduced their strength by more than 70%. Now it is just an arrow at the end of its flight.

Even relying on anger and forcibly raising the last breath to counterattack, it is too far away.

even more how, there is one more thing, these guys, who were dazzled by anger, didn't notice.

In other words, it was actively ignored.

That is-these three guys, although plot against them, looks very despicable, but one thing is undeniable.

Be able to become their leader, whether it is a scaled clan, a feather human race, or a rock stoneman, in terms of personal strength, they are definitely better than these cultivators!

When these two points are added together, the gap in hard power produced cannot be made up.

In other words, the outcome of this battle is destined.

This is not the first time that a hunter has set up plot against prey, so how could it be missed?

So the process of fighting is surprisingly simple.

The resistance of the prey is of little significance to the hunter.

It can't save the lives of these prey, at best, it just makes these prey die more spine.

"really trouble the next time you play, the number can not be serious."

"look for opportunities to kill these guys with the aftermath of the fighting is good too."

After biting the last breath of the last prey, the Scaly Clan threw off the blood on his hand and complained loudly.

Yu Human Race is slightly smiled, saying: "It's so boring in the infinite battlefield. It doesn't matter if you play with them for a while."

Immediately, the conversation changed again. .

"However, ten years of lifespan will soon be available."

"Do you plan to go to the central area of ​​the Infinite Battlefield?"

This is also their first purpose for hunting these newcomers-to seize lifespan!

For hundreds of newcomers, even if some consumption is excluded, only one person’s lifespan for 20 days is left.

Then there are more than two thousand days of lifespan.

Three people are equally divided, and one person can also get nearly 700 days of lifespan.

In this way, every time they do a round, they alone can capture almost two years of lifespan!

Excluding the time to make the game, it only takes six times at most to get a ten-year lifespan, which is enough to go to the deeper Secret Realm Space, and even a surplus lifespan.

That's why this question of Yu Human Race arises.

In the infinite battlefield, the more you go to the inner area, the stronger the enemy you can encounter.

Some gold prospectors, perhaps in the outside area, can get mixed up.

But as soon as I walked inside, I might not even know how to die.

So I have to treat this choice carefully.

"Why go to the central area of ​​the Infinite Battlefield in such a hurry, there is no newcomer to cheat us."

"Get more lifespan here, that's it. The best choice."

Scaly Clan narrowed his eyes and said aloud.

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