And Yu Human Race on the side also took a sentence: "I am interested in this, and negotiation is really unreliable."

"Just take your Everyone is killed, you can't get a Blood Spirit Fruit!"

At this point, the negotiation basically broke down.

Qi Le, who was lying on the sidelines and ready to snoop some news, was extremely speechless.

"Do these guys really plan to negotiate well?"

"Or, from the very beginning, they have already decided to fight, and negotiation is just going A cutscene?"

There is a saying, whose negotiation is in this tone?

Regarding the tone and the way these three guys speak, perfectly clear is for the purpose of fighting.

Then there is a hammer to negotiate, you said clearly at first, and you won’t be over until you see the real chapter.

How civilized you are.

But to be honest, this is also the atmosphere in the infinite battlefield.

Negotiating this kind of thing is the most killing time.

However, the gold prospectors who came to the infinite battlefield, especially those who were still trapped in the outer circle area.

The most missing thing is time.

So compared to negotiation, fighting is their favorite thing.

If there is any problem, it will be over after a fight. Why should pester and chirp talk for a long time, there is no way to get a result yet.

So it becomes the picture in front of Qi Le-this is the most real when words get sour, adding words is useless.

"Brothers, give me all!"

"Kill them, Blood Spirit Fruit is ours!"

"It's not just Blood Spirit Fruit, And their lifespan, they are all ours too!"

" Come on!"

"Kill— !"

After the negotiation broke down , The group of guys behind the scaled clan, on the contrary, the group that reacted most quickly.

From here, you can see that they are real, and at first came to fight.

Negotiation or something is just a cover.

However, the opponent's reaction speed is obviously not slow, and soon came back to his senses.

"Damn guy, I already knew that they were impossible to negotiate with us so kindly."

" Yes , in their style, didn't touch sneaky and sneaky It’s a good thing to steal these Blood Spirit Fruits."

"The breakdown of the negotiation was long anticipated, do you think we can be calculated?"

"What a daydream! " " Huoer, followed me all red! " " to let these guys know what to do, what not to do! " "Kill them, take their lifespan!"

"And Blood Spirit Fruit!"

"Since they don't follow the rules, then we don't have to be polite."

"Follow me, kill--!"

Immediately afterwards, the horses and horses brought by Yu Human Race and Iwa Stoneman also rushed up, roar and the scales The men and horses collided together, and they suddenly slammed into them.

Everyone has been sealed with a part of their power, and when they fight, they naturally lose the sense of falling apart.

But the cruelty on the battlefield is not a lot at all.

Even because of the weird rules of the infinite battlefield, it has been enlarged a lot.

In order to extend their few lifespans, these guys are fighting hard!

No one dared to keep his hands.

Because if you keep your hands here, you may not have the next chance to fight.

The roar, roar, scream...shock the sky and earth.

The battle of hundreds of people is like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, and I have to admire the voices of these people.

Qi Le can look vigorously on the sidelines, but on the battlefield not far away, what is lost is the real life.

The cruel battle will not change because of the scale of the battle.

Those who have lost their vitality, after falling, are also impossible to stand up again.

However, Qi Le here is not just watching the excitement, but also observing and confirming his own guesses.

For example, the corpses of those who have died.

It is really withering quickly at the speed that naked eye can see-like a plant that has lost water.

Even worse than described.

Those fragile bones, as if the wind blows, will become dusty powder and drift away.

"Sure enough, the infinite battlefield will swallow these corpses!"

Qi Le confirmed this.

I didn't pay attention before, so it was just a guess.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, there is still some consternation in my heart.

But, what is the purpose of swallowing these corpses in the Infinite Battlefield?

And looking at those who are fighting, this kind of situation should be commonplace, so it's not surprising at all.

After all, what happens after the death has nothing to do with them.

The Celestial Domain doesn't have any thoughts of entering the earth for peace.

The thing that frustrates the bones is to vent anger that's all.

If you think about it this way, you will find that in the infinite battlefield, you just need to work hard to live.

As for what those corpses will become, what does it have to do with them?

Or, what inside information do they know?

However, Qi Le still doesn't know what the situation is.

We can only wait until these guys finish fighting first.

Anyway, in the battle in the infinite battlefield, the remaining lifespans are superimposed, which will not cause waste at all.

Qi Le really has the idea of ​​collecting lifespan, so just wait till the end and kill the survivors.

But now, it is clear that the main focus is to gather intelligence.

So I can only lie on the sidelines and wait.

Fortunately, it was only a battle of hundreds of people, and it was divided into three forces.

It really started, and it won't last too long.

After all, in this kind of place, once a war starts, it is truly desperate.

Without any temptation.

Because you don't know, when you are testing, your opponent will make a full blow.

In case of a mistake, you may not even be able to get your full strength, and you will die on the spot, that's a thank you.

So Qi Le can also wait with peace of mind, just as he is watching a good show.

Counting the time, calculating how long they can continue.

At most, it will take another two quarters of an hour.

"Brothers, we are going to win, everyone should work harder!"

" Try your best, there will be no retreat!"

All the enemies are killed, let them know, and provoke our fate!"


"If you want to survive, don't keep your strength!"

"Blood Spirit Fruit is ours, and your lifespan is also ours!"

The roar continued, but the flames of war continued to burn, but they began to extinguish.

Because the fuel is indeed insufficient.

Hundreds of people participated in the war, and at this moment, there were only less than 30 people left.

Most of the fallen ones, at this moment, have also become a pile of dry bones-dry bones in the true sense.

And in the aftermath of the battle, it was bombarded into debris, or directly crushed into powder.

Speaking from a certain perspective is really frustrated.

It is true that even the ashes have been raised.

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