"It's a strange space. The first thing after entering is to lock the life force."

"Theoretically, it should be an infinite life force. It is indeed a distorted World Rule to be locked to this level."

Qi Le was a little surprised, but also a little surprised.

I also said before that the gods, the main gods, and the Demon God are infinite in theory in terms of lifespan.

As long as it is not due to battle or something, it is the day when it is absolutely impossible to appear.

This is the so-called immortality.

However, after coming to the infinite battlefield, Qi Le clearly felt it.

There are only 30 days left in my lifespan!

In other words, as long as you stay in the infinite battlefield, you will die after thirty days.

"Is this the distorted World Rule, Bawang hasn't said this before, so it shows that there is a way to break the game."

Qi Le calmed down soon Come down, think about it carefully, and you will understand.

If the weird rules that lock the life force cannot be cracked, then all powerhouses that enter the infinite battlefield will die.

Impossible Someone can get out of it.

So this point, you should not worry about it.

Look at the surrounding environment and think about how to find Yue Xi'er.

Thinking of this, Qi Le also condensed his mind and began to look at the environment all around.

An atmosphere that is so quiet that it can be called dead silence is Qi Le's first thought, which is really strange.

In the infinite battlefield, even a gust of breeze never appeared, and it was full of murder and depression.

The place where Qi Le appeared was also a ruined wall, like the ruins of a certain city-state, a lifeless appearance.

On the ground, apart from the broken bricks and tiles, there are only some withered and low plants.

Looking at it as a whole, it doesn't look like a place where there are living things at all.

It fits the name of this Secret Realm.

The infinite battlefield is not just a battlefield.

"This time is troublesome, what should I start from?"

Qi Le scratched his head. Bawang has not introduced this knowledge.

Qi Le doesn't know what to do now.

It's such a lifeless, deserted place.

There are ruins of broken bricks and shingles all around, so what can you do?

"Moreover, in this infinite battlefield, it seems that not only the life force is locked, but all my strengths are suppressed."

"The strength of the body, There is also Law Power."

After observing the surrounding environment, Qi Le also made new discoveries.

As life force is suppressed, its own strength is also suppressed.

I don't know if it is caused by the rules of the infinite battlefield. Anyway, Qi Le feels that his power is also locked.

"I really don't know if such a piece of Secret Realm Space was formed naturally, or who made it."

"It's really magical."

Qi Le moved some of his body and tried to mobilize Law Power.

Then it was confirmed. Although the strength in all aspects is weaker, it can still be used without delay.

After all, under the World Rule of Infinite Battlefield, Qi Le does not believe that the gold prospectors who come in will be favored.

Since one's own power is locked, the power of other people must also be locked.

Everyone is on the same starting line, so there is no problem.

I don’t know who is strong and who is weak.

So, the biggest problem right now is how to find other gold prospectors.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the current situation where these two eyes are darkened, so I have to find someone to solve my doubts.

However, just when Qi Le was about to find a direction to move forward, a slight noise came into his ears.

The sound of Xixi Suosuo is like a breeze.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem.

But Qi Le can be sure that someone must have touched it.

"Hey, even the perception has been suppressed, and I will be close to this level before discovering the enemy."

Qi Le frowns, complained a little. Then looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and said loudly.

"You don't have to hide, the noise is too loud."

"As long as you are not deaf, you can hear it."

This As soon as the words came out, Xixi Suosuo's voice suddenly stopped, as if it had never appeared before.

But Qi Le's eyes did not move, but kept staring in the direction where the sound came from, calm and determined.

After a long time, there was a sound of praise that seemed to be mocking.

"Now the newcomers who come to the Infinite Battlefield are so strong."

"It's really rare."

Before the words fell, a few words silhouette also stood up from under the cover of the ruins.

The fur and sharp claws on their bodies prove that they are not Human Race, but a family of werewolves who are known for their physique and speed.

The gleaming light in the beast pupils showed the fierceness in their hearts.

This is a group of uninvited guests.

"It is always a good thing to be able to see a living thing, whether it is an enemy or a friend."

Qi Le's eyes are still calm, and there is no half-waves, but instead has in his heart. several points of happy.

When you don’t understand the situation, it’s the right way to ask those seniors.

If they don’t say anything, just use your fist to let them say it.

Especially when the person you are asking about is your own enemy, you will not have a psychological burden if you do this kind of thing.

"I have to say that your way of welcoming newcomers is really old-fashioned."

As he thought about it, Qi Le also spoke.

"Can't we use normal means to welcome newcomers to join?"

To be honest, Qi Le encountered this kind of thing when he first came to God World. been.

It's at the connection point on the side of God Realm.

This time, it won't be extortion again.


The werewolf who seemed to be the leader, hearing this, couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"Boy, you are really a newcomer. In the infinite battlefield, there is no peace."

"You die and you live, is the most normal thing!"

At this point, several werewolves moved their bodies.

Then the werewolf leader went on to say: "You must have noticed it too, your lifespan is only 30 days left."

"Yes, it seems everyone When I came to the Infinite Battlefield, it was all the same."

Qi Le knew this when he heard these words.

Sure enough, every gold prospector who enters the infinite battlefield will be locked in life force.

"Of course it is the same. All creatures who come to the infinite battlefield, regardless of strength, race, or previous status, will be locked in lifespan for 30 days."

"In other words, if you do nothing, thirty days later, you will be killed in the infinite battlefield."

The werewolf leader looked at Qi Le's eyes, It's like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

The explanation at this time may be the tears of the crocodile.

Let this lamb, which is about to be put on the chopping board, die perfectly clear.

Qi Le didn't pay attention to the look in the werewolf leader's eyes, but listened to his words and motioned him to continue.

This kind of ignorance immediately made the werewolf leader's eyes more fierce, and his tone became a bit violent.

It seems to suppress anger.

"So, if you want to live, you have to fight."

"As long as you can kill the opponent, then his remaining lifespan will be absorbed by you."

"As many lifespans as the target to kill, you will have more lifespans!"

"Newcomers, this is why you will be targeted."

"Thirty days, it's not short!"

When the werewolf leader said here, the gloom in his eyes had become murderous aura overflowing.

simply didn't give Qi Le time to digest this remark, so he rushed forward before the voice was over.

The few werewolves who followed behind, followed behind the werewolf leader, outflanked, moved towards Qi Le!

It can be seen that they are no longer one or two times doing this kind of thing.

The combined attack skills are seamless.

However, Qi Le is still remembering what the werewolf leader said.

"So that's how it is, if you want to survive, you have to fight continuously to absorb other people's lifespan to maintain your own life."

"This is the infinite battlefield Is it really a magical Secret Realm? It's really interesting."

Qi Le was thinking before that there must be a way to break such a weird World Rule.

But didn't expect, the cracking method is so simple and rude.

"Since this is the case, then I will accept your lifespan."

Seeing several werewolves have been attacked and killed in front of him, Qi Le came back to his senses , But it was still a calm start.

To counterattack, naturally you must be sharp and straightforward!

To be honest, Qi Le really doesn't care about these werewolves in front of him.

After all, when all aspects of power are suppressed, what you have to rely on is what Qi Le is best at-combat skills!

I can talk to them well, but I just want to inquire about the intelligence.

In the end, they didn't have to ask, and they said it out by themselves. It was naturally the best situation.

At this moment, when the battle begins, you must do it quickly.

"Although your cooperation is very good, it can be said to be seamless."

"But, I will tell you a truth now, the weak spot, sometimes, is derived from Because of the lack of strength!"

Qi Le looked around the several werewolves who had come from the attack, with a faint smile on his face.

In an instant, the body shape turned into a phantom, flashing and moving, like electric light flashing, thunder whistling.

When the factor that determines the battle has become his best field, Qi Le has never worried that he will lose.

Fighting skills, but Qi Le has been honed in countless rebirths.

Even if it is a seamless combination of stunts, as long as there is a weak point, Qi Le will be able to smash this weak point by the stitches, thereby smashing this set of total stunts.


In an instant, the phantom flickered.

In just half a breath, one of the several werewolves who attacked and killed together flew out.

In the air, there is also a splash of blood!

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2992: How to survive)...

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