Even with the blessing of the Earth Fire Battle Armor, the Red Fire Demon God has achieved unprecedented strength.

But in Qi Le's view, it's not that it can't be dealt with, it's just a little troublesome.

Because before there was no consensus earth fire Battle Armor, the Red Fire Demon God was at most the same level of battle strength as the eight-arm Heavenspan, and perhaps weaker, after all, there was no such tyrannical brute force.

Eight-armed Heavenspan is known as the unparalleled brute force in the Celestial Territory, and it is as powerful as Heavenspan, which is not a joke.

So if the Red Fire Demon God can go to war with the eight-arm Heavenspan, there is a high probability that he will lose.

So, for Qi Le, the previous Red Fire Demon God is really not strong.

Haven't seen the previous battle that took place in the Central Region Mountain, Qi Le can fight Demon Sovereign without losing the wind.

Then looking back to deal with an eight-armed Heavenspan, naturally there is no big problem.

Contacting the Red Fire Demon God, of course it is the same.

Up to this moment, the Red Fire Demon God has exhausted the lava underground lake he occupies, and the power of the earth fire he possessed, condense the earth fire Battle Armor, temporarily increasing his power to the limit that can be improved. .

You know, before this, the Red Fire Demon God had never done this before.

Therefore, Qi Le felt a little threat.

But it is only a slight threat, not to the extent that it is impossible to deal with.

It can even be said that the opposite is true-the Red Fire Demon God at this moment is qualified to be Qi Le's opponent.

It is not a threat to Qi Le.

So in Qi Le's view, Red Fire Demon God took out the earth fire Battle Armor hole card, which can help him.

Just to help test how much your strength has improved after coming to the Celestial Domain.

If you dare to chase and kill Yue Xi'er, of course you can't let the Red Fire Demon God die so happy.

His pride must be crushed bit by bit!

This is the way to punish the heart!

"Red Fire Demon God, if you really have confidence in your earth fire Battle Armor, you can try to attack."

"I see you are so excited Look, it's better, let you take the shot first."

Qi Le said in a flat tone.

But what he said was full of sarcasm, as if he simply didn't pay attention to his enemy.

The combination of the two makes Red Fire Demon God feel even more popular!

Because he can feel it clearly, the Human Race youngster in front of him is dismissive of himself.

It is like the earth fire Battle Armor of his own condense. In his eyes, it is nothing but a beautiful decoration.

"Damn fellow, I will let you know what is the consequence of despising your enemy!"

"Especially when this enemy can crush you into a powder!" " body was like a huge hill generic red fire Demon God, roared raised his fists.

In an instant, a shadow fell from the sky and fell on the ground, casting a large area of ​​darkness.

A fist like a meteorite falling, carrying the pressure of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, smashed down, without any mercy.

It is like a meteorite falling from the sky, dragging the flames, and coming!

The terrifying momentum made Qi Le take a high look.

For physical training, huge size is also a source of strength.

The larger the body, the stronger the power that can burst out, and the harder it is to resist.

This is also one of the reasons Red Fire Demon God is arrogant.

At this moment, coupled with the increase in the earth fire Battle Armor, Purgatory Fire naturally appeared on the fist of the Red Fire Demon God.

The burning space is a bit distorted.

And with the fist that slammed down, it shattered all the void that passed along the way.

"hong long long ——!"

The sound of the huge storm, after extremely condensed, is more like a continuous thunder roar.

Created a boundless momentum, and also added a spiritual oppression force to the attack of the Red Fire Demon God.

It's like the sky is falling down and the mountain is horrifying.

However, Qi Le's face has always remained calm.

Seeing such a terrifying attack, I just exclaimed in the heart without showing any emotion.

"With this level of power, you do have the proud capital."

"If you let this fist fall, I am afraid that within ten thousand li, you will be You raze to the ground."

In fact, it is Qi Le who has tried to underestimate the formidable power of this fist.

The angry blow of the Red Fire Demon God, plus the power that is temporarily elevated to the limit, and the Purgatory Fire that has been promoted by the earth fire Battle Armor.

This fist falls to the ground, let alone raze to the ground within ten thousand li. Maybe the soil and rocks on the top layer will be destroyed by Purgatory Fire into nothingness!

Scarlet Fire City not far away is naturally no exception.

However, Demon God simply doesn't care what Scarlet Fire City, he will stay here, just because of the Lava Underground Lake that's all.

Now that the earth fire Battle Armor is condensed, it will no longer be transformed into a lava underground lake, and the meaning of Scarlet Fire City will be lost.

In that case, how could Red Fire Demon God worry about Scarlet Fire City?

Just get rid of this Human Race youngster!

"You can understand, the youngster of Human Race."

"Don't think that you have several points of ability, and you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!"


"If you know that there is always someone who is better than us, your ability is better than us, don't show it to shame!"

"Dare to provoke this seat, just like now In this way, disappear in this world!"

The Red Fire Demon God roared, the sound was thunderous, and the murderous aura overflowed.

The attack speed is even three points faster.

Qi Le is naturally impossible obediently surrender, listening to the words of the Red Fire Demon God, is also faintly smiled, saying: "If your strength is as strong as your ability to speak big words, it would be great."

"In that case, there is still a chance to beat me!"

"It's a pity, you didn't!"

After all, Qi Le's right arm right fist , Suddenly burst out a violent flame.

Then in an instant, it turned into a wave of Heavenly Fire, surging, and condensed into a huge fire fist no smaller than the Red Fire Demon God, moved towards the attack of the Red Fire Demon God, Fight back.

The fire fist roars, like the fury of the earth!

Qi Le's move is to defeat him in a place where Red Fire Demon God is proud.

As long as the Red Fire Demon God makes a move, Qi Le will choose the same, but formidable power greater move to deal with.

Since the Red Fire Demon God wants to attack with Fire Fist, Qi Le will naturally accompany him to the end!

Otherwise, why would Qi Le let the Red Fire Demon God move first?


The two waves of flames collided, and the entire sky was immediately dyed the color of firelight.

Reflected on the ground and shrouded in the sky above Scarlet Fire City.

The terrifying high temperature, even in the sky, makes the residents of Scarlet Fire City feel a sense of burning.

As if where they are, it is not a Scarlet Fire City, but a huge steamer.

Those who are not strong enough are directly fainted by the heat.

If the high temperature continues, it is unknown whether you can wake up.

The days of those cultivators are also difficult. The coercion of Demon God comes regardless of the oppression of the enemy and me, and simply cannot resist it.

"How can this be, how can there be such a terrifying power."

"Demon God ... the strength of this Demon God is not weaker than the Chihuo Demon God. My lord!"

"No, this is impossible, Lord Demon God is undefeated!"

"We won't lose..."


This is the sound of those cultivators falling directly to the ground after unconscious.

The battle between two Demon Gods to destroy a city-state is simply a matter with no difficulty.

Unless one party is killed by a spike and cannot fully exert its own strength, it will become a scene where nothing happens.

It's like those Demon Gods who are falling in Dragon City and fighting with Hall Master Qi.

Simply did not show half of his strength, he was killed.

However, the Red Fire Demon God is obviously much stronger than the Demon God who came out of the Dragon City dojo.

That's why the battle is so stalemate.

Maybe it’s not appropriate to use stalemate to describe it. It should be said that it shows one's own strength.

After all, Qi Le was at first, so he didn't attack first, but used another method to kill people!

"The flame of destruction!"

Qi Le shouted in a low voice, the flame on his arm suddenly became more solid.

The endless Law Power flows into Qi Le's right arm, using the fleshy body as a barrier to cover up all the breath.

But Fire Law, the law of death, and the power of the law of destruction, are all fuse into the flames through the right arm.

This is Qi Le only after the physical strength of the body of law has increased to a certain level.

This is also a move Qi Le learned after he came to the Celestial Domain.

Use the body of the law to fully carry the power of the law.

It can ensure that when using Law Power, you will not be noticed by any enemy, so as not to cause trouble to yourself.

In the past, Qi Le couldn't do this kind of thing because the body of law was not strong enough.

So now, Qi Le has discovered that increasing physical strength is still good for the body of law.

Otherwise, there are many difficult operations that cannot be completed.

As Qi Le began to use Law Power, the flame that stalemate with the Red Fire Demon God began a fierce attack.

Like an awakened Ancient Ominous Beast, it opened its blood mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bit on the fist of the Red Fire Demon God.

That fist like a hill!

The beating flames, the swaying flames, are like the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of Ancient Ominous Beast, with one after another fangs and sharp teeth inside.

Fiercely’s fitting is on the arm of the Red Fire Demon God!

" Ka ..."

"Ka-cha ——!"

At this moment, the crisp sound continued to be heard.

One after another crack, also began to appear on the arm of the Red Fire Demon God, and then began to spread rapidly.

That is the place surrounded by the flame on Qi Le's fist, the place torn by the ominous beast of the terrifying flame!

Maybe the Demon God of the Celestial Territory, that powerful body, has a very strong resistance against Law Power.

But it also depends on who uses this law power!

"No, this is impossible!"

"How could such a thing happen!"

When the crack appeared, the face of Red Fire Demon God It also changed, and the conceited look completely disappeared.

The arrogance of the previous big talk has also become a little hysterical, like a lunatic who does not want to believe in reality.

Maybe at the next moment, you will have a mental breakdown because you can't bear the reality.

But Qi Le knows that with the tenacious spirit of the Red Fire Demon God, it is not so easy to collapse.

It's just the scar on the arm, it is indeed there, and it is also reminding Chihuo Demon God of his failure and his powerlessness.

"I have an earth fire Battle Armor!"

"I'm impossible to lose!"

When this is said, it’s like the Red Fire Demon God Talking to yourself.

However, Qi Le is very clear that these self-talking words are the Red Fire Demon God who is strengthening his heart.

Because of the subconscious of Red Fire Demon God, he has accepted this fact.

That is what I am best at, I was defeated by a youngster of Human Race!

Both the physique and the extraordinary natural talent of Purgatory Fire were defeated and defeated.

"Earth fire Battle Armor?"

"Are you sure you still have an earth fire Battle Armor?"

Qi Le just joked, like It's reminding something, and it's like laughing at something.

Fire Law, the law of death, the law of destruction, and the trinity are integrated into Qi Le’s attack. It is by no means as simple as one plus one plus one equals three, but infinitely multiplies the formidable power of the three!

The power of earth fire is indeed derived from Heaven and Earth Might.

But what I said is just the same in nature, not the same as Weili.

Moreover, even though the earth fire Battle Armor condensed by the Red Fire Demon God uses the power of the earth fire, it is just a lava underground lake, which is far behind the entire Celestial Territory. .

Compared with the real Heaven and Earth Might, there is no comparability.

So after coming to the celestial domain, in front of Qi Le who has a new breakthrough, the most is the level of practice.

Because when the Red Fire Demon God escaped back to the celestial domain, the choice to dormant in Scarlet Fire City was already doomed.

If you cannot face death directly, it is difficult to continue the breakthrough.

Just like the eight-armed Heavenspan and the Six Winged Wind Demon that fell in the middle of the sacred mountain.

They are all strong demon gods who have survived from Ancient Era to the present, and they are all Demon Gods who have escaped from the hands of the King of Humans and returned to the Celestial Territory.

Even if they are both in the Peak category, there is a considerable gap in strength between them.

After the condensed earth fire Battle Armor of Demon God, battle strength can indeed increase a lot.

But the fault lies in it, and it is used to deal with Qi Le.

Because Qi Le is not the road to specializing in physical fitness, nor is it the road to specializing in Law Power.

It's a road where the two go hand in hand to make up for each other!

So in Qi Le's view, the approach of Red Fire Demon God is quite unorthodox way.

"What did you say?!"

After hearing Qi Le's words, Chihuo Demon God suddenly raised his head.

An inexplicable premonition suddenly appeared in my heart, and then it came true in the next second.

The arm that was cracked because of the flame ominous beast's bite, turned out to be impossible to move!

The continuously spreading cracks also began to move along the arm, and gradually moved towards further away, spreading little by little, unexpectedly-spreading to the earth fire Battle Armor!

"What is this?"

"My earth fire Battle Armor, unexpectedly started to break!?"

Red Fire Demon God stared wide-eyed , Made an incredible sound.

This is the lava underground lake that he has occupied for thousands of years. The earth fire Battle Armor from the condense should be indestructible!

But in this brief moment, there was a crack in front of his own eyes!

And what is broken at the same time is not only the earth fire Battle Armor, but also the mood of the Red Fire Demon God.

Purgatory Fire, which once helped me invincible, has no effect.

The Lava Underground Lake, which I worked so hard to find, also lost its meaning.

Is everything you have done in vain?

At this moment, Chihuo Demon God thought of the Inheritor of the man king he met before.

There is no way for me to take that damn guy. In Scarlet Fire City, he let that guy escape!

It's all because of the King of People. After so many years, can't I defeat the King of People?

Even, it can’t even threaten the Inheritor of the King of People...

"Sometimes, the broken state of mind is a process of gradual accumulation. In the end, only a spark is needed. Just ask for it."

"I really didn’t expect that this fuse burned so fast."

Qi Le looked at the red fire Demon God that didn’t look good. It's almost clear in my heart that it looks right.

You must know that even though it was better than Demon Sovereign at the beginning, there was a time when the mind was broken, let alone the Red Fire Demon God.

Compared with the real Heaven's Chosen Child, only you will be hit.

At the very beginning, Red Fire Demon God said that he would seek revenge from the King, Qi Le knew it.

This thought has formed an obsession.

Like Demon Sovereign, you cannot move on without cutting Heart Demon.

However, unlike the Red Fire Demon God, Demon Sovereign is much smarter and knows a different way to get rid of Heart Demon.

Only this Red Fire Demon God left Heart Demon and stayed in the subconscious.

It may not affect it in normal times.

But when it comes to the real critical time, it may be fatal!

For example-now!

"Red Fire Demon God, what you look like now, you should understand it."

"You have been a total loser since you fled back to the Celestial Territory, arrogant and conceited, overestimate one's capabilities!"

"What if you don’t want to admit your failure?"

"Does denying the truth make you change a foregone conclusion? The result?"

Qi Le looked at the ugly face of Red Fire Demon God, and said every word.

With each sentence, the face of Red Fire Demon God becomes heavier.

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!"

The huge body of the Red Fire Demon God shook and looked like an on the verge of collapse, the mountain that is about to collapse.

The cracks that appeared on the earth fire Battle Armor are still spreading and expanding.

Added a bit of depression and sadness to the Red Fire Demon God.

However, at this time, when the Red Fire Demon God was furious, or when it was flying into a rage out of humiliation.

In the distance, shouts came over.

"The Scarlet Fire City is in front!"

"Don’t worry, don’t panic, Scarlet Fire City will be here soon!"

"brothers, Are you ready for the battle?"

"Qi Hall Master comes to attack Scarlet Fire City, it must be Scarlet Fire City that injustice comes first!"

"We follow Qi Hall Master attacking Scarlet Fire City together is the trend of the times, it is what should be done!"

"Follow me, rush!"

These strange shouts, The sudden eruption made Qi Le stunned.

Let alone the Red Fire Demon God who doesn't know anything.

"What's going on?"

Qi Le looked at the place where the shout came from, confused.

Then I saw the team formed by countless cultivators, rushed over from all directions, and merged into one after another torrent.

The goal is Scarlet Fire City not far away.

"I want to attack Scarlet Fire City?"

"When did I say I want to attack Scarlet Fire City?"

Qi Le once again expressed puzzlement about what it meant.

But it is to make Chihuo Demon God frowned, angrily said: "It seems that you have been plotting for Scarlet Fire City for a long time!"

"You are still entangled with so many ants, come here Attacking Scarlet Fire City, I really have the intention!"

As for Qi Hall Master's name, Chihuo Demon God didn't care.

Of course, the real reason is-because I have been soaking in the underground lake of Lava without asking the reasons of the world, the Red Fire Demon God does not actually know the name of Qi Hall Master.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said such a thing.

To be honest, the cultivators from various city-states gathered to attack Scarlet Fire City with the Hall Master.

In one respect, it is due to the respect and gratitude of Master Hall Master.

But another reason is also possible-that is fish in troubled waters, profiting from somebody's misfortune!

In the collapse of every city-state, what appears is a huge amount of resources, which becomes a masterless object and is arbitrarily snatched.

This kind of thing is true in small city-states.

Let alone Scarlet Fire City, a large city-state with the Red Fire Demon God seated!

With Qi Hall Master taking the lead in the charge, what else are they afraid of? Just follow along and charge together.

This kind of one move, two gains has a good opportunity to take advantage of it, but there are not many.

Therefore, for various reasons, such a large number of cultivators have gathered to attack Scarlet Fire City.

And as the cultivator gets closer and closer.

Someone can already see the huge body of Red Fire Demon God, and the Hall Master Qi on the side.

For Red Fire Demon God, many cultivators may be unfamiliar.

But looking at the huge figure, I almost guessed the identity of this huge monster.

But for Qi Hall Master, they are grateful and respect from the heart, and naturally they will remember Qi Hall Master's body shape.

At this moment, I looked into the distance and only saw a rough outline, and I recognized Qi Hall Master.

Then, the mood became more excited.

"Brothers, Hall Master Qi is really here!"

"The source is correct, Hall Master Qi is really taking the lead!"

" Really didn't expect. Before we came, Hall Master Qi was fighting alone. What a respectable behavior!"

"For Hall Master Qi, we must speed up!"

"Brothers, get ready to fight!"

"Follow Hall Master Qi and attack Scarlet Fire City!"

"Don't be afraid of the big guys, even if there is a Red Fire Demon God sits in Scarlet Fire City, we also have Hall Master!"

"Yes, Hall Master Qi is the strongest, and the final victory must belong to us!"

"Trifling Red Fire Demon God, how can we win our Qi Hall Master?"

"Everyone fight with me!"

"The new dojo is immortal!"

"Qi Hall Master is invincible in the world!"

With countless weird shouts and Qi Le unfathomable mystery's eyes, the speed of those cultivators has increased a lot , Began to move towards Scarlet Fire City and quickly approached here.

Qi Le doesn't know what to say anymore.

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

Qi Le is helpless now.

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