"Why is it such a high tower again?"

"And this time there have been so many in one breath, Qi Hall Master really possesses great magical power."

"Are these high towers used as places to challenge the one-hundred-story towers? Does Qi Hall Master have so many keels?"

"Don't Qi Hall Master get Have you fallen into the Treasure Map of Dragon City? Who knows how many dragon bones are in it."

"In the legend, isn't it said that there is only one?"

"Who can guarantee the legend? It’s true, in case there are so many keel bones buried in the Treasure Map."

"It seems to make sense, after all, we haven’t visited the places marked on the Treasure Map."

"That said, did Master Qi Hall take out the keel?"

"It's not impossible."

"so that's How it is, Hall Master Qi is so broad-minded that he is willing to take out all the keel he has."

"It is our greatest luck that Hall Master Qi can come to Dragon City. " appear in the drop Dragon City tower, because had the experience before, they were subconsciously want to become a one hundred storey tower these residents.

Suddenly, the praises of Qi Hall Master's voice came and went one after another.

After all, there was only one 100-story tower before, so naturally there is only one last keel.

And now, there are so many hundred-story towers suddenly appearing, doesn't that mean that the number of keels has also increased.

As the number of keel bones increases, for those cultivators, the chance of obtaining keel bones naturally increases.

Of course, it is a wave of praise to Hall Master.

Anyway, say good things without spending blood spar.

But this misunderstanding didn't last long, and the sign outside the Frost Body Refinement tower stood up.

The function of the Frost Body Refinement Tower and the charging situation are introduced in detail above.

Just use the status token to swipe the registration crystal ball outside the Frost Body Refinement tower, you can enter the tower, select the appropriate floor and start hammering the body refinement soul, and the blood crystals stored in the status token Stone will also be deducted in real time.

Once the blood spar in the status token is consumed, it will be automatically moved to the gate of the Frost Body Refinement Tower.

By the way, the minimum consumption for the Frost Body Refinement Tower is a blood spar.

In other words, no matter which floor the customer goes to, the deduction rate for each blood spar is one.

It's just that the higher the floor, the faster the deduction, which is very user-friendly.

In response to Qi Le's slogan-thoroughly squeeze every blood stone of the customer!

Of course, it is also in line with Qi Le's other philosophy-must make customers happy!

For those cultivators, as long as the Body Refinement of power of Ice Thunder works well, just trifling some blood crystals.

Not a problem at all!

So, when the sign outside the Frost Body Refinement tower appeared, the residents who were discussing spiritedly outside suddenly changed their conversation.

"It turns out that these high towers are not used to challenge the one-hundred-story tower."

"Maybe the keel in the hands of Hall Master is not that many." " " right right right, may fall Dragon rumors among the City, really is true, indeed, only one keel. " " but it matter? "

"Isn't this Frost Body Refinement tower bad?"

"That said, isn't the Frost Body Refinement tower better than those things you can't get?"

"You are thinking about the keel, even if there are that many keels, you may not have the chance to get it."

"You know, the fame of Qi Hall Master, but spread throughout the celestial pole Domain."

"The cultivator that comes to our Dragon City every day comes from all directions, and the number of cities is uncommon, and there are many geniuses among them, all coming for the dragon's bones. " " even they are not lightly be able to get their own keel, you are too confident of it. " " let me say that this was a good frost Body Refinement tower, At least we can use it."

"As long as you consume the blood spar, you can use the power of Ice Thunder Body Refinement."

"And, I heard that the famous Celestial Domain Ice-bound Holy City is known as power of Ice Thunder."

"That said, I also remembered that before Qi Hall Master, didn't he leave Dragon City for a while."

"Yes, yes, there is such a thing, I also remember."

"It seems that in the time when Master Qi Hall left and landed in Dragon City, it was probably I went to the frozen Holy City, got this power of Ice Thunder, and built these frost Body Refinement towers."


"If this is the case , Isn’t that saying that Master Qi Hall went to the frozen Holy City specifically for us."

"Specially for us It took us to build these Frost Body Refinement towers! " " How's that SO IT IS! The sense of Qi Hall Master is simply moving. " " that we do not hurry to go, try this role Frost Body Refinement tower, so live up to Qi Hall Master of some mind. " " believe Qi Hall Master definitely will not let us down! " " It was not a matter of course you, Qi Hall Master is the sort of person? " " Peak when the world of Demon God, battle strength invincible, a thing done, naturally impossible failure! " Although changed direction off the Dragon discussion among the City, but the impact on Qi Le is not significant. because no matter Frost Body Refinement tower, or one hundred storey tower , The benefits of the cultivator are the same.

One is an unlimited number of points, and the final keel, waiting for the challenger.

The other is blood consumption The spar comes to hammer the body refinement spirit.

The number of these towers, that is the more the better.

How could anyone have an opinion?

So After understanding the role of the Frost Body Refinement Tower, the cultivators who came to Dragon City naturally rushed in and couldn’t wait to experience the power of Ice Thunder’s Body Refinement effect.

The status token was swiped one by one, and the customers also ran into the Frost Body Refinement tower one by one.

Starting from the 1st floor, there is a terrifying power of Ice Thunder hovering in The entire floor.

There are futons against the wall, arranged in an orderly manner, for customers to choose whether to stand or sit down.

The stairs leading up. , Is at the innermost level of the entire floor.

Only through the power of Ice Thunder hovering in the floor, can you go to a higher floor.

Prove that you have the ability to go to higher floors.

After all, the higher the floor, the stronger the power of Ice Thunder hovering.

Without this measure, It is estimated that most customers will go straight up.

Just to get a stronger Body Refinement effect.

However, they don’t think about whether their body can bear it. Can you live it?

I really think that every cultivator can be broken and then reborn, so it will be put to death and reborn?

Just kidding, really be the offspring of your own Phoenix Is it?

Only when you are about to die, can you stimulate your potential, reborn fro m the ashes!

Don’t even think about it. The power of Body Refinement in the Frost Body Refinement tower, but power of Ice Thunder, where is the condition of reborn from the ashes?

Although saying this is like a joke, the consequences are definitely quite serious.

If it is really frozen into ice sculpture by power of Ice Thunder, then it is basically announced that it is over.

That's why Qi Le had to mark it with red on the sign outside the Frost Body Refinement Tower.

"Choose a floor, do what you can; move forward rashly, take responsibility for the consequences."

Okay, since the warning has been given, there is nothing else.

If you can't persuade the damn people, if you are willing to be dead, just let them exist as a warning.

But then again, considering the reputation of Qi Hall Master, there are few customers who would not heed the warning.

Because the power of Ice Thunder in the Frost Body Refinement tower is indeed quite powerful.

Although it is loved by customers, it can always cause the greatest harm to the extent of its effectiveness.

Therefore, there are indeed few customers who can rush forward with the power of Ice Thunder regardless of their physical conditions.

It’s even because these customers are the first contact with power of Ice Thunder.

As a result, these customers rushed up without thinking, and there are not many who can walk to the upper and middle floors of the Frost Body Refinement Tower.

Everyone is struggling to advance in power of Ice Thunder, so I shouldn’t be laughed at.

After all, everyone is the same.

It's just that this situation has changed after a few days.

The physique of the cultivator cannot be generalized. After adapting to the impact of power of Ice Thunder, the stronger the cultivator, the higher the floor.

In this way, a new trend of comparison has been formed.

See who is in the Frost Body Refinement Tower, the floor that can be walked up is higher!

Although it has no practical significance, it is indeed possible to satisfy my vanity through this kind of competition.

In this way, it has formed a trend.

Sometimes, there are contradictions between cultivators, but they don't want to fight life and death because of such trivial matters.

So they agreed to enter the Frost Body Refinement Tower together, and then desperately climb the stairs until the protection mechanism of the Frost Body Refinement Tower was triggered.

When being ejected from the Frost Body Refinement Tower, whoever reaches the higher floor wins.

In order to solve the contradiction.

To be honest, Qi Le was a little confused when he first heard about it.

I thought to myself, these cultivators of the Celestial Domain are really creative, aren't they just a place for body refinement.

Can this be used to make flowers?

It seems that these guys are not grumpy, but face-saving.

However, what Qi Le didn't expect was that this seemingly trivial approach has been recognized by most customers.

They feel that the Frost Body Refinement tower was built by Qi Hall Master and used for Body Refinement, and it is also the most just place.

Using the mechanism of the Frost Body Refinement Tower to conduct the competition is no different from Qi Hall Master being the judge in person.

In this way, who else is not satisfied with the results?

Isn’t that just dissatisfaction with Hall Master!

So this trend quickly spread and reached the ears of cultivators.

Including those cultivators who came from other city-states, they heard about it on the first day they arrived in Dragon City.

At first, they might laugh at those guys, saying that your decision is so naive.

This method is used to decide the outcome. .. you can click the "Favorite" on the record of this (2970th eight chapters: at discuss spiritedly) ...

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