Because Qi Le has every reason to believe that even if these Demon Gods got the last piece of dragon scales, they met the Remnant Soul of the giant dragon.

Before getting the approval of the giant dragon holy king, it is absolutely impossible to get the dragon bones of the dragon god.

It may even die in the treasure space.

You know, the giant dragon saint king is not a good crop.

The existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the human king and the dragon god is definitely a decisive master.

So, this so-called Treasure Map is just a scam.

Although I don’t know what is the use of the giant dragon Saint King carrying this keel.

But now that the dragon's keel is in his hands, Qi Le is absolutely impossible to hand it over.

"Since you have all collected the Treasure Map and know what the treasure space is like, why should you come to me?"

Qi Le followed these Demon Gods If so, continue to ask.

Unexpectedly, coldly snorted came.

Then, the voices of Demon God sounded again.

"Qi Hall Master, we are already so straight to the point, do you still want to hide it?"

"If you don't get the keel, gather the Treasure Map It must be reduced to fragments again. How can it be like this, leaving only your dojo?"

"Are you really a fool for us?"

I have to say, yes. To become Demon God, IQ is indeed online.

This time, I should have done a lot of homework. I’m afraid I can’t do anything just by saying it.

Thinking of this, Qi Le sighed couldn’t help but shook the head, saying: "Now these days, it’s really hard for a good person to do it."

"I originally wanted to not cause trouble. In the end, he just wanted to find the door by himself."

"There is no way, but I am not to blame."

Yes, it's all about it. Above, the solution is clear.

Either hand over the dragon bones, or kill these Demon Gods here.

Then according to Qi Le's personality, how to choose is obvious.

"Qi Hall Master, what do you mean by this?"

"Do you think you can by the strength of oneself, come to us?"

The atmosphere suddenly became with swords drawn and bows bent, and the Demon God above the dark clouds naturally had a bad tone.

In an instant, Thunderous Roar, purple electricity surged.

The horrible scenes have the potential to fall apart!

The pressure of Demon God in this brief moment directly washed away the dark clouds in the sky.

The figures of the five Demon Gods who came to the Dragon City were also revealed.

The prestige of Huanghuang assaults the senses, after the clouds disperse, I only feel that the violent coercion is even better!

The residents who fell in Dragon City didn't even dare to lift their heads at this moment, either kneeling on the ground or curled up in the corner.

The terrifying breath is pressing down, and I only feel that my blood is about to coagulate.

Those cultivators dare not speak anymore.

Anyone who dared to resist this coercive impact was vomiting blood and could not afford to be seriously injured.

Although the target of this coercive force is only one person with Hall Master, the remaining prestige that can spread away is definitely not weak.

Five body shapes!

That's five Demon Gods!

A trifling landed in Dragon City. I never thought that one day, I would see such a grand occasion.

It feels like dreaming.

It's a pity that I had a nightmare.

"Master Qi Hall, do you have anything else to say now?"

"a wise man submits to circumstances, if you hand over the keel now, you can spare you not to die!"

"If it's a stubborn, today next year will be your anniversary!"

"I hope you don't mistake yourself !"

"Be obedient!"

The five Demon Gods spoke out one after another, one sentence by one, but they answered well.

The content that was said made Qi Le want to laugh a little, and it was really a template for bad guys and a standard feature for villains.

Speaking of the current situation, there is really a strong sense of sight.

The young ones came, and the old ones came.

The plot like a routine still happened to me after all.

However, there is one difference in that, after all, Demon God is still a cold and ruthless guy.

If there is no Treasure Map and no keel, these Demon Gods might have forgotten even the Dragon City place.

This also makes Qi Le want to understand why Dragon City has a Treasure Map, but it can still be stable for so many years.

It must be these Demons who walked out of Dragon City to hide the truth.

If you let other Demon Gods know, the treasure buried in the Treasure Map in Dragon City is a good treasure guarded by a ban that can't break even a Demon God.

That day, the Demon Gods from all over the Polar Region would flock to them.

However, selfishness is the nature.

The news was not disclosed, which is also a good thing for Qi Le.

Qi Le, who has figured out this matter, will naturally not show mercy anymore.

"What you want to say, are you finished?"

"If you want a keel, take out your ability and take it from me."

"I hope you can do it."

Qi Le still did not forget to say a few ridicules before starting the war.

Suddenly the five Demon Gods frowned, and a bit of anger grew in their hearts.

"Since you are a stubborn, then be prepared to die!"

They originally came for the dragon bones. Should the life of Qi Hall Master stay? For them, it's all the same.

If you are willing to hand over the keel, then stay.

If you don’t want to, get rid of it!

Now the answer is obvious.

The five Demon Gods stopped posing, and terrifying power burst out, almost shattering the sky.

Then, it turned into five flashes, pierced the sky, attacked, and blocked all the directions Qi Le could retreat.

The seamless cooperation proves that they have cooperated a lot.

The sharp and cold killing intent also locked Qi Le.

The offense in five directions is like a big net covering the sky and the sun!

The goal is absolutely impossible to escape!

"It's really good cooperation. If you change to a Demon God, I really can't deal with you."

Even from Qi Le's point of view, I can't help but compliment .

Celestial Domain's research on combat skills is indeed not bad.

After all, the way of Demon God is based on physique, unlike the main god, who has that many bells and whistles of Law Power.

Fighting skills are something that must be honed.

"It's just a pity. In the face of absolute strength, no matter how good the cooperation is, it is nothing more than a fist embroidering."

"Although it looks gorgeous, but it is really fighting, it is also That's it!"

It's just in Qi Le's mind that Unparalleled's fighting skills are of course very important.

But its own cultivation realm is the foundation.

If there is no foundation and only fighting skills, it is just empty talk.

And only when the two work together, can you be called a true matchless!

So looking at the attack of these five Demon Gods, Qi Le didn't have any waves in his heart, but rather calmly gathered his strength.

Then, as the attack approached the last moment, his body suddenly disappeared.

"pu ——!"

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