"I really can't think of another answer to the keel that can make you value so much."

Qi Le shook the head, there is no talk about the giant dragon.

Because he still has some questions he wants to ask the giant dragon holy king, for example--

"But, why did the dragon bones of the dragon god appear in your hands? And was also brought to the Celestial Domain?"

"This question, when you bring the dragon bones to the Dragon God, he will naturally tell you."

Giant dragon Saint King Did not answer Qi Le's question, just threw him a huge keel, which looked like a spine.

On it, Dragon's Prestige is like an abyss, concealing the terrifying power contained in the dragon bone.

Falling into Qi Le's hands, it naturally converges.

This inevitably makes Qi Le a little curious, because this keel does not look like a keel, but rather like a Divine Artifact.

Could it be said that the giant dragon saint king took away a piece of dragon bones to refine the Divine Artifact?

Qi Le doesn't know whether this guess is correct or not.

But one thing is certain, that is, this keel is destined to be unable to be ground into powder, and then soaked in water.

Sure enough, the rumor in Dragon City is half true and half false.

The existence of the keel is indeed true.

But what is the use of the unusable keel in your hand?

And the most important point is this keel, but not who can get it.

If Qi Le has never touched the dragon god, the giant dragon holy king is absolutely impossible to take out the dragon bone.

In the end, it is still futile.

As for the option of military force threat, at least in this place, it is unrealistic.

Well, anyway, Qi Le did gather the Treasure Map, got the dragon bone, and found the trace of the giant dragon king. All the goals he wanted to achieve were achieved. .

Where is there any dissatisfaction.

"I will give the dragon bone to the dragon god, if I can return to the gods."

Qi Le put the dragon bone away and said seriously .

Then the conversation turned around, and then he said: "But, I want to know, Giant Dragon Saint King, why are you here for the Celestial Territory?"

"However, It is to accumulate strength that's all, there is nothing to say."

When asked about this, the answer of the giant dragon holy king became vague.

This makes Qi Le's eyes condensed, always feeling that there is something hidden.

But if the giant dragon Saint King is unwilling to answer, Qi Le has nothing to think of.

Fortunately, knowing the trace of the giant dragon holy king is already a good harvest for Qi Le.

As I said before, there are some things that you still have to guess by yourself.

There was a moment of silence, just when Qi Le wanted to ask something, it was the giant dragon holy king who spoke first.

"youngster, keel, has been handed over to you, then the old man's task here is even completed."

"The next thing, if you want to know, Just explore it yourself."

"God World is very big and very small."

"When your destiny starts to turn, as long as you become strong enough, All the fog will be automatically removed."

Having said this, Qi Le suddenly felt a strong repulsive force.

Before I had time to struggle, I saw the golden light flashing in front of me.

When came back to his senses, he was already in dojo.

The collected dragon scales are all shattered, turned into a pile of golden debris, and fly away as soon as the wind blows.

"Dragon scales crumbs..."

"If it is sold, it should be in short supply."

Qi Le didn't know why, but suddenly thought When I asked this question, I was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing.

"What the hell am I thinking? I obviously saw the giant dragon holy king, but didn't ask anything. On the contrary, I was even more confused."

"The dragon bones, why? Will it appear here?"

"Why did the giant dragon holy king come to the celestial domain?"

"This matter is definitely not simple."

It's a pity that the giant dragon Saint King didn't intend to answer, instead he threw himself out.

In this way, the situation in the Celestial Territory is far less simple than I imagined, and there must be something strange.

Qi Le recalled the information he had asked before and checked the keel.

To prove that what happened before was not a dream.

Actually, from the words of the giant dragon holy king, it is not difficult to hear that he is familiar with the dragon god and the human king.

Going to the Shenshan Mountain of the Central Region, I recalled a strand of Remnant Soul of the King of Humans, and took away a piece of the dragon bone of the Dragon God.

Then appeared in the celestial domain.

This kind of development direction...what does the giant dragon holy king want to do?

And the most critical point is that Qi Le still doesn't know how many Remnant Souls the giant dragon holy king has.

What level of Remnant Soul I saw before.

Anyway, according to Qi Le's estimation, the giant dragon king of peak state will never be weaker than the king of humans.

It stands to reason that they are all Child of Destiny of the same era, but the Giant Dragon Saint King chose to be invisible.

And on the Celestial Domain side, Qi Le has not heard the rumors of the giant dragon Saint King.

The best proof is that there hasn’t been any news about the Giant Dragon Saint King on the Dragon City side.

Let alone other places.

"Forget it, when we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through, the boat will go straight to the bridge."

"Maybe the giant dragon king is right, When my strength is strong enough, all the fog will be automatically removed."

Qi Le, who had been thinking about it for a long time, finally gave up.

Events spanning several eras, I don’t know how many years of rinsing, it is still difficult to find some clues.

Rather than thinking about it, it’s better to deal with your own affairs first.

For Dragon Bone, I will give it to him when I see the Dragon God next time.

Then ask the dragon god these things.

He should know it.

Thinking like this, Qi Le glanced at the dragon scales debris that was still flying, and didn't care about it.

Wait for these things to drift away in the wind.

speaking of which, these days, dojo's business seems to be getting better and better.

The news that Qi Hall Master killed a Demon God not only spread widely in Dragon City, but also began to spread among other city-states, letting the residents and cultivators in those city-states do it. Amazed.

Then came to Dragon City with curiosity and awe.

Although Dragon City is notorious, notorious, but such important news still attracts countless cultivators.

They flocked to Dragon City and came to the new dojo.

In order to become strong, it is nothing to suffer a little risk.

Although the Dragon City is so fierce, it is not Death Forbidden Land, so it's hard to come and go.

at worst, can’t you just leave at a glance?

But the idea is good. It’s just that after arriving at the Hall Master’s dojo, I have seen so many magical medicine pills, as well as the Martial Training Stage who can be proficient in actual combat. Customers who want to go, I’m afraid not several.

Before I spent the blood spar on my body, I was simply reluctant to think about it.

So under this virtuous circle, Qi Hall Master's dojo business is getting better and better, and its reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Even with the reputation of Dragon City, it has also grown a lot, and its reputation has improved.

After all, there is only one dojo left, and I can’t fight if I want to.

So that the atmosphere in Dragon City changed from the usual and became more active.

It is no longer as cold and solemn as before.

This time, Qi Le also has other ideas, such as how to find Yue Xi'er.

To tell the truth, the celestial domain is so vast, if you want a carpet search, it is idiotic to talk about dreams.

This is also the biggest problem that has always plagued Qi Le.

But now, there is a solution.

If Qi Le can't find Yue Xi'er by himself, just let Yue Xi'er find it.

Beat the reputation of Dragon City, beat the reputation of the new-style dojo, and make it so loud that it spreads throughout the entire celestial domain.

Wouldn't it be convenient for Yue Xi'er to find it.

Dragon City is not a small place, you can know the direction by just asking for directions.

This is much better than Qi Le's own effort to search around, but no one can be found.

Thinking of this, Qi Le felt that he should also do something.

Dojo, just open one. For such a huge passenger flow, it is really an utterly inadequate measure.

The sale of medicine pill is not bad. Customers buy it and leave, so they don’t have to stay in the front hall all the time.

But the Martial Training Stage in the backyard is not enough.

The number of dojos must be increased-dojo must also have branches.

Fortunately, when Qi Le went to "visit" other dojos in Dragon City before, he took precautions and only dismissed the dísciple.

Those buildings of dojo have been preserved.

This can be regarded as useful.

Go ahead and transform those dojos into automatic stores.

As long as there is a status token and enough blood spar in it, you can consume it in any dojo.

Purchase medicine pill, or use Martial Training Stage.

Qi Le is still thinking about more services.

However, the top priority at the moment is to arrange such a huge passenger flow.

At present, Body Refinement's medicine pill and actual combat use Martial Training Stage can actually meet the needs of customers.

The other services are just icing on the cake, not provide timely help.

So in the next period of time, Qi Le began to rebuild those dojo matters.

The more branches there are, the more customers can be accommodated.

After those customers have personally experienced the wonderful functions of medicine pill and Martial Training Stage, they will naturally promote dojo.

In this way, the speed of fame growth is of course faster.

Anyway, it is a well-known place.

And the Hall Master of dojo is still an existence who can kill Demon God!

Although many customers are skeptical about this matter, they think this is an exaggeration.

Because of the temper of Master Qi Hall, it is indeed somewhat different from those of Demon God.

Can't feel arrogance at all.

And I have never made a deal, but the rumors seem to be very difficult to deal with.

But the customers who are willing to try the law to provoke the Hall Master have never appeared.

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