This level of power, even Qi Le who is still fighting in the sacred mountain of the Central Region , will not care too much.

Not to mention the current Qi Le, after coming to the Celestial Territory, with the help of a large number of blood crystals, the body is stronger than before.

So, even if Qi Le can't use Law Power in the Celestial Domain, it is definitely not a mad lion that can be defeated.

"pu 呲——!"

It was just a short muffled sound.

This battle is over.

To be honest, once Qi Le decides to take an enemy whose strength is too far from his own, he generally doesn't like entanglement.

Especially when the enemy chooses to take the initiative to attack, it is even more impossible to show mercy.

"This, how could this happen..."

The wild lion stared in disbelief, looking at the arm that had fallen into his chest, with blood on it.

Then he raised his head again and looked at the expressionless face in front of him.

The life force is passing through my body little by little.

"It's really sorry, you lost, and the price you need to pay is a bit heavy."

Qi Le's voice is flat with indifference, even if one move defeats the enemy, There was no excitement at all.

As if this is a common occurrence.

Let Mad Lion understand that the youngster in front of him really didn't feel that he was a threat.

I feel weak when I want to speak again.

With the passing of life force, Mad Lion now has no strength to speak.

While Qi Le crushed the heart of the mad lion, it also destroyed all the vitality of the mad lion, leaving no room for it.

It's really hard work for this Demon God who finally got the chance to play.

How long has it been since then, I received the box lunch.

However, Qi Le didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this, because if he didn't do anything, he might die.

This is not a discussion. In the battle, there is no show mercy.

The only regret is that this Demon God, named Mad Lion, is a bit domineering, but it is a pity that he didn't even survive a move.

"Now, it's your turn."

Qi Le put the wild lion who had completely lost Life Aura on the ground, and looked towards Luo Hall Master and them.

The scene just now was so unexpected that Luo Hall Master and the others didn't seem to react.

Now, I am awakened by Qi Le's words.

It fell directly to the ground.

The fear in their hearts has completely occupied their minds.

The mad lion Hall Master, but is a genuine Demon God, is so gone.

In front of Qi Hall Master, he failed even if he didn't even survive a move, and even lost his life!

The scene that completely subverted their worldview, suddenly appeared in front of them, and had already made Luo Hall Master and the others lose the ability to speak.

In other words, too much panic and shock has made them wonder what to say.

Even the mad lion Hall Master can't resist, what else can they say?

Qi Hall Master is unmatched!

Blame, I can only blame myself and the others for being too arrogant, dare to offend Qi Hall Master.

It's too late to beg for mercy now.

In other words, Qi Le did not intend to give these dojo Hall Masters a chance to beg for mercy.

Those who are bullying and fearing hardship, and tend to be inflamed, if they do not provoke themselves, they will do whatever they like.

But if you provoke yourself, it will be sorry. The way is yours.

Then you have to bear the consequences.

"The game is over."

Qi Le has never been a soft-hearted person.

Even the wild lion in the realm of Demon God didn't have a life left, let alone the remaining dojo Hall Masters.

If they are scattered throughout the Dragon City, they are not so easy to clean up. If they are not paying attention, they will run away.

But now that they are gathered together, it will be convenient.

Do not leave one directly, all will be solved!

There are those dojo dísciple that have been sluggish, and Qi Le has nothing to say.

I really want to speak of which, dojo Hall Master is the culprit, dojo dísciple is just obeying orders.

Now the dojo Hall Master is gone.

Then all the remaining dojo dísciple will be dismissed, and the effect will be the same.

As long as you don't stop yourself from receiving other dojos, just collect the Treasure Map fragments.

Qi Le doesn't bother to take care of other things.

"You guys, what are you doing here, waiting for me to take care of the meal?"

When Qi Le ruthless eliminated the last dojo Hall Master, watch Those dojo dísciple, still kneeling on the spot, not daring to move, couldn't help but say.

Life and death battles are too common in the Celestial Domain.

Those cultivators, who are not the characters dancing on the tip of a knife, as long as they go to war, the next moment will be gone.

So the psychological endurance of these dojo dísciples is not as weak as imagined.

I am still kneeling here, but I am afraid that the Qi Hall Master will anger them, so I dare not leave.

Who knows if they move, will they stimulate Hall Master?

So, wait for the final verdict obediently and honestly.

In doing so, at least there is a glimmer of survival.

Then, in this extremely tormented waiting, I heard this sound like a natural sound.

Qi Hall Master's tone and the content of the words, obviously, did not plan to care about them.

Does this mean that they survived!

Many dojo dísciple waiting to be pronounced, after hearing this sentence, they almost cried with joy.

The feeling of avoiding a catastrophe, there is palpitations about life and death, and the joy and excitement of getting the final result.

But due to the presence of Master Qi Hall, these dojo dísciples dare not speak loudly even if they are happy again.

I didn't even dare to make any big movements.

And it is not just these dojo dísciples that are also waiting for the results, but also the new-style dojo customers.

After knowing that the Qi Hall Master they chose, it turned out to be a genuine Demon God.

The actions of these customers also stopped.

Because they know that even if they and the others continue to fight, they must follow the orders of Qi Hall Master.

The demon of Demon God, what an honor it is for them to worship under the new-style dojo.

And now, Master Qi Hall decided to release these dojo dísciples.

Then the customers of the new-style dojo will naturally not stop them, but let them leave.

Without Hall Master's dojo, how fragile it is, you don't need to think about it, you can know that simply can't resist any winds and waves.

Perhaps in the past, when this happened, there would still be a cultivator of the Immortal Bone Realm who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

If you can get a dojo, you can say nothing.

It failed, but it was just a waste of time.

However, the situation at this time is somewhat different.

Exterminate the existence of those dojo Hall Masters, but is a Demon God, the reputation is still there!

If they at this time confuse the spoils of war of the Demon God, will they be hated by the Demon God?

This is a very vague question, but those cultivators in the Immortal Bone Realm can't bet.

Because once the bet is lost, what you pay may be your own life.

After all, in the previous battle, the Hall Master of many dojos in Dragon City led Direct Disciple to contain the new dojo situation. After Qi Hall Master let go of those dojo dísciples, they also passed the report. Came out.

The entire residents of Dragon City, as well as the traveling cultivator, knew about this.

The Hall Master Qi of the new dojo, is a true Demon God.

Even in the previous battle, another Demon God was slaughtered-the mad lion!

Regarding the legend of this mad lion Hall Master, the old man in Dragon City still knows.

Knowing that this mad lion Hall Master was once a Hall Master who landed in a dojo in Dragon City, he was promoted to the realm of Demon God and left.

Who would have thought that at this time, Hall Master of the wild lion returned to Dragon City unexpectedly.

If nothing happens afterwards, then the return of the mad lion Hall Master may be a good thing for Dragon City-because if there is a Demon God sitting in the town, Dragon City will be Become safer and more famous.

What makes people absolutely unexpected is that this wild lion Hall Master returned to Dragon City and was killed by Qi Hall Master.

What's even more outrageous is that the battle between Hall Master Qi and Hall Master of Mad Lion seems to have only one move!

To be honest, when the news came out, most people didn't believe it in Dragon City.

They think that these dojo dísciple must have lied.

As long as the Hall Master's strength is bragged to be unmatched and unmatched, then the failure of these dojos will be shameless.

Really inferior means.

However, whether you believe it or not, there is always one thing that cannot be denied.

That is Qi Hall Master, it is indeed a Demon God, and it is the strong demon god who defeated the wild lion Hall Master!

At this moment, the fame of the new-style dojo can be considered to be completely popular in Dragon City.

Without the constraints of other dojos, the passenger flow of the new-style dojo has once again ushered in a new Peak.

After all, it is the fame of all the dojos of Dragon City that have been brought together.

The name of the new-style dojo, and the name of Hall Master, are already known to everyone and known to everyone in Dragon City.

And taking advantage of this trend, Qi Le is not idle either.

My own fame has come out, but I still have to run a dojo and a dojo for kicking the gym.

Those cultivators in the Immortal Bone Realm are afraid of the power of Hall Master, so they dare not intervene.

But the wealth is touching.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Qi Le decided to deal with this matter early.

Then I ordered a group of acceptable customers of the cultivation realm, as the representative of the new dojo dísciple, followed him to those dojos to deal with the follow-up matters.

The kicking of the gym must follow the rules.

Qi Le didn't even think about breaking it.

Because I didn't get the Treasure Map shards to kick the hall, it is meaningless.

However, after going to those dojos, Qi Le still found some interesting things.

Didn’t you say that in the many dojos of Dragon City, there will be some dísciples of the Immortal Bone Realm as hole cards.

Although the overwhelming majority are low-level immortal bones.

But this does not hinder the ambitions of these dísciples.

When many dojo Hall Masters went to the new-style dojo to kick the hall, they felt that this was just a newly opened dojo.

So as the trump card, the dísciple, which stayed in the realm of immortal bones in dojo, was not brought over.

Then it became the current situation.

Those Core Disciples with ambitions and ambitions, after knowing that their dojo Hall Master is gone, the first thing they think of is to become a Hall Master by themselves and take charge of this dojo. .

After all, their identity is Core Disciple and Direct Disciple.

After the death of Hall Master, they sat in the seat of Hall Master, which is justified.

So, when Qi Le took the selected dísciple representatives to these dojos, he watched a good show for free.

There are more than one Core Disciples left by dojo, but several.

Most of them are those powerful dojos that have been inherited for thousands of years.

Core Disciple competes for the position of Hall Master. There is quite a feeling that the protagonist is taking the position. Is it really the throne?

It's a pity that Qi Le had to interrupt this good show because of the fragments of the Treasure Map.

Let these dojos dismiss the dísciple first.

If you don’t cooperate, please take responsibility for the consequences!

Of course, if you threaten, you don't need Qi Le to say it, after all, your identity is there.

Falling into the dojo in Dragon City, really didn't dare to offend a Demon God.

I can't see the good show.

The dísciple in dojo has been disbanded. What are the Hall Master positions of those Core Disciples?

"Maybe it should have been done a long time ago, but it’s a little difficult to gather all the Hall Masters together."

"Who knew they would come together to find My trouble is."

The process of Qi Le "visiting" those dojos was surprisingly smooth.

Every time you dismiss a dojo dísciple, you will get a piece of Treasure Map fragment.

All of them are golden dragon scales engraved with complicated patterns. From the corner, it seems that they can’t be put together.

Are these golden dragon scales really some Treasure Map fragments?

The so-called Dragon Bone Treasure, shouldn't it be a lie left by the Giant Dragon Saint King in Dragon City.

However, this question has no answer until all the Treasure Map fragments are collected.

Who knows what tricks the giant dragon saint king is playing?

Those Demon Gods who once left Dragon City may not know the existence of the giant dragon holy king.

But Qi Le is clear about the giant dragon saint king.

If nothing happens, it is very likely that it will be another powerful existence of the same realm, the king of Heren.

So, when it comes to the powerful existence of the legendary realm, it is hard to guess what you are thinking about.

Anyway, Qi Le didn't understand it, and didn't plan to think about it.

Although the process of collecting Treasure Map fragments is cumbersome, it is still very smooth.

It's just going to make a full circle around Dragon City and run through the remaining nine 18 dojos.

Qi Le only finds this process boring, but the dísciple representative who followed Qi Le to dojo show off one's military strength found it very interesting.

Being able to follow a Demon God is a very glorious thing, how can it be boring?

This also makes Qi Hall Master even more famous.

And what comes with it is a bigger wave of apprenticeship.

The dojos that fell in Dragon City were all swept away by Hall Master Qi, leaving only the new dojo.

So the cultivator who wanted to join dojo before naturally can only find new dojo in it.

I heard that the process of apprenticeship here is completely different from other dojos.

It was only after I watched it that I was attracted.

When more customers come to the new-style dojo, smart customers will naturally see it.

Master Qi Hall doesn't seem to value dojo and disciplines very much.

In the sense, the new-style dojo is more like a shop than a dojo.

But what does it matter?

Everyone worshipped dojo, but it was just to become stronger, so by the way, find a backer for yourself.

Now that the new-style dojo is so famous, Qi Hall Master is even the demon of Demon God. Who dares to offend in Dragon City?

When it comes to becoming stronger, aren’t those medicine pills and the unique Martial Training Stage enough?

Now that these two points are all in place, what else can be said.

There is no difference whether it is a shop or a dojo.

It is also because of this reason, leading to the fame of the new-style dojo, but it is not only loud in Dragon City.

It is also brought to other city-states by the cultivator who traveled everywhere, after passing through the Dragon City.

Let the fame of the new dojo spread farther and farther.

Really has a reputation.

However, Qi Le doesn't know these things, just thinking about the Treasure Map fragments.

Nine 18 dojos, 98 pieces of Treasure Map fragments.

Together with a piece of the new dojo, there are ninety-nine Treasure Map fragments.

"Can these Treasure Map fragments really be put together?"

When the Treasure Map fragments are collected, they will no longer be hidden in dojo, and It will be condense to come.

When Qi Le was holding these ninety-nine golden dragon scales, he had to say that his head became anxious.

As everyone knows, the shape of dragon scales is not suitable for puzzles.

So when thinking about this problem, Qi Le didn't know how to start.

If you can’t spell it out, will you not be able to see the complete Treasure Map?

This is really a profound question.

Fortunately, after a few days of thinking, Qi Le finally wants to understand.

If the shape of dragon scales is not suitable for jigsaw puzzles, isn't the pattern engraved on dragon scales a clue?

As long as the lines of these patterns are aligned, then the complete Treasure Map will not be able to come out.

Maybe this is really the answer to the question.

After finding an idea to solve the problem, Qi Le quickly put the dragon scales together.

To be honest, the final product does not really look like a Treasure Map, but rather a piece of tattered clothes.

Ninety-nine dragon scales are put together in a mess, with large and small gaps in the middle.

Fortunately, the patterns and textures on the dragon scales are indeed aligned.

If you don’t look at dragon scales, but just look at patterns...

It’s not a Treasure Map either!

Sitting in the bedroom on the second floor of dojo, this is Qi Le's own room.

After carefully distinguishing the appearance of the pattern, Qi Le sighed while holding his forehead.

Is this giant dragon saint king panicking?

The shapeless Treasure Map, the untuned pattern, is this a joke on April Fool's Day?

I really hope that God World also has April Fools' Day.

However, when Qi Le sighed slightly, the patchwork dragon scales suddenly emitted a burst of golden light.

The pattern engraved on the dragon scales has also turned into a complete formation mark at this moment, shrouded in Qi Le's body.

In the next moment, the golden light and dragon scales disappear together.

"It turns out that those dragon scales are not a Treasure Map, but a Transmission Formation?"

"But where is this place?"

Qi Le, who has experienced this kind of thing too many times, doesn't seem to panic at all.

Even in the middle of Transmission Formation, it is as calm as always until it appears at the destination.

It is a seemingly empty space, but it is real.

There is nothing but a high platform in front of me.

Qi Le looked around, confirmed that there was no danger, and walked forward.

Soon, I came to the high platform, and then discovered that there was a groove on the high platform.

A groove in the shape of dragon scales.


"No way, do you still need a key to open the treasure?"

Qi Le looked at this groove, and suddenly wanted to understand Up.

Obviously, this thing should be a keyhole.

So, the number of dragon scales should be one hundred, not ninety-nine, right.

Maybe the giant dragon Saint King did not deceive people.

But if you get someone in front of the treasure, and then tell you, if you don't have the key, you can't get the treasure, wouldn't it be even more annoying.

This is the so-called evil taste, right, it must be right!

Qi Le was silent for a long time, then suddenly remembered.

Myself, it seems that there really is the last piece of dragon scales!

Is this also the choice of fate?

The unknown Qi Le, silently took the last piece of golden dragon scales out of his arms, and then threw it into the groove in the shape of dragon scales, impartial, not much A lot.


With a crisp sound, the golden dragon scales were firmly stuck in the groove.

In an instant, the golden light masterpiece, Dragon's Prestige, is like the sea, full of this empty space.

Without waiting for Qi Le to think more, a familiar breath appeared in this space.

Appeared in Qi Le's perception.

"This aura ……"

"It's the giant dragon saint king!"

Qi Le is a little confused, completely didn't expect, the giant dragon saint Wang unexpectedly left Remnant Soul in this place.

So, what the giant dragon holy king left in the Dragon City was not a Treasure Map fragment, but a broken Transmission Formation.

And this so-called keel treasure is also fake.

The thing buried inside is not a dragon bone, but the Remnant Soul of the giant dragon holy king!


Along with Ruyuan Dragon's Prestige, a giant dragon like a mountain suddenly appeared in the sky.

The wingspan of tens of thousands of meters obscures the sky and the sun. Looking up, there is almost no end in sight.

This is the giant dragon holy king!

"Didn't expect, the first person to awaken the old man, turned out to be a youngster."

The vicissitudes of life and the ancient voice sounded, with traces of the passing of time, and The loneliness without end.

A touch of Remnant Soul left here, I don’t know how many years I slept.

Suddenly see the sky again, even if it is the giant dragon holy king, there will be some emotion.

"Giant dragon Saint Senior Wang, to be honest, I never thought I would see you in this place."

Qi Le sighed, said aloud.

There is a saying, this is what Qi Le saw, the 3rd Remnant Soul of the Giant Dragon Saint King.

It's been a bit of a surprise for a long time, it's just a little unexpected that's all.

"Youngster, do you know the old man?"

Being called by name, the giant dragon holy king is obviously a little surprised.

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