So last time, it was only those dojo dísciple words that I didn’t dare to arouse the anger of the crowd, so naturally I pretended not to see it.

But this time is different. The Hall Masters of dojo are all powerhouses in the realm of immortal bones.

There are even many powerful dojos. Among them, Hall Master is the High Rank of Immortal Bone Realm, and even the tyrannical existence of Perfection.

The idle cultivator in Dragon City is also self-aware, and dare not to annoy these dojo Hall Masters.

So even if they were onlookers, they only dared to watch cautiously.

Let alone those ordinary persons.

If it weren't for curiosity, they wouldn't even want to come.

So now, even though there are not many people eating melons around, there is still a large open space.

"I don't know how this Hall Master is called?"

At this time, among the Hall Masters surrounding the new-style dojo, a rough-faced Hall Master suddenly spoke.

speaking of which, after such a long time, they never knew what this Hall Master was called.

It's really dereliction of duty.


Qi Le simply reported a word.

"Okay, Hall Master, you have come to our Dragon City. It should have been a while."

The Hall Master hearing this, clicked nodded, and then Said: "Don't you know the rules for starting a dojo in Dragon City here?"

Sure enough, when he opened his mouth, he was in a guilty tone.

What are the rules for starting a dojo?

If you don't blow up, you can't black, even if there are any rules, it is not set by you Hall Masters.

Do you really think that the Giant Dragon Saint King has time to set that many rules? It would be nice to be able to perfect the kicking matters.

As if you know the giant dragon holy king better than I do.

Qi Le thought so, curl one's lip, and said: "What are the rules, I don't know."

"But I know, after you asked someone else's title, Shouldn't I also declare my family?"

This sentence is just to choke the guy in front of him.

Because of what these Hall Masters are called, Qi Le really has no interest at all.

Who would care about the name of a dying person?

But sometimes, it's good to choke the opponent and interrupt their rhythm.



The Hall Master who was speaking was taken aback for a while before he gave out his name in a cold voice.

"It turned out to be Luo Hall Master, so I don’t know. You guys came over today and wanted to talk to me. What are the rules?"

"I’m not sensible when I first came here, you guys You should be more sensible."

Qi Le also learned the other's accent and asked this question slowly.

By the way, I also choked on mystifying.

To be honest, Qi Le really wants to see what the other party wants to spend.

After all, it is also the heart of many Hall Masters in Dragon City.

If you don't cooperate a little, wouldn't you be too sorry for their plan, although it is quite no brainer.

Maybe I am also accustomed to being arrogant and domineering in Dragon City, so I am completely unaware of whether the opponent I meet can be provoked, so I dare to treat it as an enemy indiscriminately.

This is also good, saving Qi Le a lot of time.

At least one thing, these Hall Masters are all gathered here, so there is no need for Qi Le's family dojo and the family's dojo to come to the door.

"Rookie, don't you think that your current attitude is too arrogant?"

"Anyway, we are your senior, if you want to use this If you have an attitude of talking."

"Then I can’t blame us for not giving you a chance."

Listening to Qi Le’s mystifying tone, Luo Hall Master suddenly wrinkled brow.

Dojo Hall Master, who is following Luo Hall Master, also has an angry look at this moment.

Obviously, I am quite dissatisfied with Qi Le's attitude.

A newcomer Hall Master who has only arrived in Dragon City for a few days, really thinks he is good luck, and he has a dojo, and then won a dojo place, do you think he is invincible?

You know, these dojo Hall Masters all know.

The dojo that Qi Le destroyed before, Hall Master is just the waste that's all of the 4th layer of the Immortal Bone Realm.

For those powerful dojos, for those Hall Masters whose cultivation realm is above the seventh level of Immortal Bone Realm.

Such a weak dojo, that is simply a wave of existence.

The reason why I kept it was because the Hall Master of this dojo was obedient.

After all, in the eyes of these dojo Hall Masters, an obedient puppet is obviously more useful than a powerhouse.

If Qi Le knew these dojo Hall Master's ideas, he might have guessed it too.

Why the old Hall Master before, so happily promised himself that he was willing to disband this dojo.

Isn't it because I don't want to continue to be a puppet.

Anyway, if the blood spar is enough, it is a good thing to get rid of Dojo early.

Putting it that way, if Qi Le knew about this, he would definitely think that it would be a win-win thing.

But it's not bad now.

The old Hall Master before, has already left for Dragon City.

It is said that when I left Dragon City, I still laughed loudly. At that time, Qi Le was a little unfathomable mystery.

Is it mad?

Now it makes sense.

So when Qi Le showed such an attitude, in the eyes of these dojo Hall Masters, it was a kind of disrespect!

A trifling newcomer Hall Master, dare to talk to them like this!

Before they sent dísciple to kick the gym, they didn’t know how to be polite, but they just lost their face.

What a damn guy!

What they represent, but the whole dojo united in Dragon City!

Before this, which dojo was not allowed to act on their faces after it was opened?

Why is this newcomer so naive!


Qi Le hearing this, looked at these dojo Hall Masters, and looked at it for a while.

Just when these dojo Hall Masters want to show a serious expression and show the majesty of a senior.

Qi Le sneered, and then said disdainfully: "So, you are planning to rely on age to show of age with me?"

What a joke, You have all come to play in the gym, can I still be used to your failures?

Failed to kick the gym and lost face, so come to talk about my qualifications?

It turned out that you started dojo in Dragon City. Do you have any qualifications to say?

Then, what Treasure Map fragments are still competing for, just hand them over to the first dojo that opened in Dragon City.

The seniority is the oldest.

"Boy, putting it that way, are you not going to listen to it?"

Luo Hall Master complexion sank, coldly said.

The other dojo Hall Masters who followed, also followed Luo Hall Master's actions, stepped forward.

The terrifying coercion, instantly pressed up like a sea tide.

The crowds who were onlookers in the distance were so scared that they backed away again and again.

Even those cultivators are a little uncomfortable under the aftermath of this coercive wave.

It can be seen that these dojo Hall Masters are really a little angry at the moment, even though they originally came to kick the gym.

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