No, I can’t say that.

After all, the demonic beasts of the realm of immortal bones can be very different from each other, and they cannot be generalized.

For example, the demonic beast corpses auctioned in this auction house, the most, that is, the 2nd layer or 3rd-layer of the Immortal Bone Realm, is considered the highest.

A stronger demonic beast, but not so good hunting.

So, to be precise, it should be this low-level demonic beast of the Immortal Bone Realm. In Qi Le's eyes, it is not enough.

However, no matter what the situation is, it shows one thing.

That is-Qi Le's strength is definitely not simple!

When Luo Fang thought of this, he was suddenly overjoyed.

In fact, making friends is kind of like opening a blind box.

Before it was opened, no one knew what was inside the blind box.

So when meeting Qi Le, what Luo Fang was holding was just the idea of ​​multiple friends and multiple paths. Try it tentatively.

Anyway, for Luo Fang, even if it is useless, at best, he has lost some blood spar.

But if you hit the Grand Canal, it would simply take off on the spot.

For example now.

According to Luo Fang's guess, Qi Le's strength is at least above the 5th layer of the Immortal Bone Realm.

This kind of cultivation realm, even if it is placed in Xingyun City, can be regarded as the powerhouse of Megatron.

Not to mention being in such an unnamed city-state.

You know, the most powerhouse in charge of this city-state now is just the 6th-layer that's all of Immortal Bone Realm.

"It's okay, just come and have a look, ordinary goods have no effect."

Qi Le shook the head, and leaned on the sofa.

To be honest, there are not many heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are still effective for him now.

After all, what Qi Le does is not the way of Demon God. For Body Refinement, he is not so proficient, and naturally he does not have that many needs.

Wait a minute...

Speaking of this, Qi Le suddenly thought of it.

If you weren’t proficient before, why can’t you become proficient now?

It's not easy to come to the celestial domain, you can't just go back empty-handed.

Didn’t that fail Demon Sovereign’s "goodwill"?

Don’t blow up, in order to repay Demon Sovereign’s "goodwill", Qi Le has prepared Demon Sovereign’s favorite big mouth, and plans to meet Demon Sovereign next time. Give it to him.

Hope Demon Sovereign will like it.

"In fact, the Qi Le brother doesn't have to be so disappointed, although the items in the item manual are not very good."

"However, after the auction starts, there will still be many good things. That’s right."

"Those final auction items are generally very good."

Luo Fang naturally also said two sentences to show his concern.

For such a "wild" powerhouse, if you can't make friends with it, it is really a big loss.

"By the way, Qi Le brother, at this auction, if you have anything you want, just bid for it."

"All costs, I Luo Fang assumed it as a friend."

As he talked, Luo Fang began to lure him to profit again.

Although for most powerhouses, the blood spar is really not a waste of time.

However, according to Luo Fang's observation, Qi Le couldn't even pay for a meal before, so he probably didn't have many blood crystals on him.

If you really encountered something interesting on auction.

Isn't this favor owed properly?

The favor of a meal is too small, and it is far from enough to tie up such a powerhouse.

But on auction, the bid is really up.

The blood spar that was spent is far from being worth mentioning on equal terms for a meal.

"Then many thanks for your kindness."


Qi Le lightly responded.

I was thinking: The cost of making friends is too high.

It's already obvious what Luo Fang's thoughts are, how could Qi Le fail to see it.

If you want to tie yourself up with a few favors, it's just a joke that's all.

But Qi Le doesn't want to break the matter, just tacitly.

What if there are auction items that interest me?

You can't say it too hard.

"It's boring to thank you, Qi Le brother, don't be so polite with me."

Luo Fang hearing this, the expression on his face suddenly turned into a smile.

For Luo Family of Xingyun City, blood spar is a number that's all.

Even Luo Fang, an underestimated family child, has a sufficient supply of hematite every year.

If you can use these blood spar to make those true powerhouses, it will be a huge profit.


In this waiting room, I actually didn't sit for long.

An auction house employee knocked on the door and walked in.

"Young Master Luo, the auction is about to begin, and you and your friends can enter."

"Qi Le brother, please."

Luo Fang got up and made a "please" gesture at Qi Le.

This scene shocked the employees of the auction house.

Who is Young Master Luo?

That is the pampered young master from Luo Family in Xingyun City!

In this unnamed city-state, there are very few qualified to mention on equal terms with Young Master Luo.

It must be an incredible powerhouse that can make Young Master Luo so respectful!

"Let's go."

The calm expression on Qi Le's face further confirmed the employee's thoughts.

All of a sudden, even the attitude of leading the way became cautiously.

I was afraid that I would offend these distinguished guests by being disrespectful.

The auction site, and the auction that Qi Le once opened temporarily in the store, seems to be no big difference.

At the most, the decoration looks high-end and the service is more thoughtful.

However, Qi Le didn't plan to get these things.

After all, the pattern of auction is that many. The biggest difference lies in the auction item.

So, Qi Le and Luo Fang finally came to a gorgeous private room.

Listening to Luo Fang, this is specially reserved for him by the auction house.

Inside the luxuriously decorated private room, there are soft sofas, and the tea table also has exquisite pastries and fragrant tea.

The staff of the auction house walking in front opened the door of the private room for Qi Le and Luo Fang.

After the two entered, they closed the door.

But Qi Le knows that this employee has always been standing at the door, waiting for instructions in the private room at any time.

"Qi Le brother, don't you know if you need anything else?"

"Another snack, tea, or a maid?"

"Anything you want."

Luo Fang came to the private room, as if he had returned home, and greeted him eagerly.

speaking of which, Luo Fang may really be easier to stay in this place than staying in his own family.

There is no that many intrigue, and there is no that many intrigue, let alone the sneak attack of those around you all the time.

Do whatever you want, how comfortable it is.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2934: Making Friends)...

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