"Aiya, you guy, dare to talk to me like this?"

"Brothers, get him for me!"

The leader The man gave an order, and his followers immediately rushed up.

Qi Le's eyebrows jumped in surprise.

"Are these guys all mental disorder, will they talk well?"

However, the other party is reluctant to talk well, so Qi Le will naturally not show mercy!

If you don't blow it, you can't black, just across from the group of guys not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, Qi Le just stood still and let them fight.

They may not be able to hurt Qi Le the slightest.

The gap between the two parties is too great.

Only before this, Qi Le converged his own breath because of system reminders.

Then these guys were misunderstood, thinking that Qi Le was an ordinary passerby without the power of a chicken.

Then, the final result, naturally, there will be no accidents.

Qi Le is by no means a person who likes to play the pig to eat the tiger.

Since it was the opponent's first hand, Qi Le would definitely not be kind.

It's just that, in order to get a preliminary understanding of the situation in the Celestial Domain, Qi Le finally decided not to die for the time being. First, he asked the questions he wanted to ask before proceeding to the next step of the discussion.

For example, the life and death of the other party.

Although Qi Le is not a cold-blooded executioner, he is definitely not a soft-hearted person.

Pack up the pictures of these guys who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, so I won’t describe them in detail.

Too much waste of pen and ink, but to give them face.

Because it was a time to face each other, all the strong men who rushed up fell to the ground.

With Qi Le's current strength, it would be a shame if the shot made them see clearly.

Two breaths time, if you can't put them all down, it's not good at learning.

This is still because Qi Le needs to keep his hands.

If you are rushing to kill, just relying on coercion is enough.

"When I talked big, I was pretty arrogant. How do you feel now?"

Qi Le squatted in front of the leading young man while rubbing his fists. Speaking with a smile.

On the Celestial Domain side, under normal circumstances, you can’t speak well.

Because only when your fist is big enough, the other party can listen to you well.

"Big, my lord, it was our dog who looked down on people and ran into you."

"Please forgive us, we won't dare anymore."

The man lying on the ground endured the severe pain on his body and began to beg for mercy, his face began to twitch.

The so-called capital crime is unavoidable, but the living crime is inevitable.

Although Qi Le did not kill, but the shot is definitely not light.

The leading man can still speak, his endurance is indeed a bit strong.

Anyway, bloodthirsty, aggressive and hard-tempered, rather die than submit, is not one direction thing.

Celestial Domain may indeed have strong folk customs, but more of it comes from "bullying the soft and fearing the hard."

The law of the jungle is like this, weak are prey to the strong.

When they meet the weak, they strike out.

When they encounter a powerful one, they will only promise.

So this kind of begging for mercy seems to be quite skilled in Qi Le.

If it weren't for these guys simply can't move now, Qi Le would bet that they would have knelt down at the moment.

"Stop, stop, in this case, I have listened too much, so you don't have to say it anymore."

Qi Le waved his hand to stop the man in front of him begging for mercy .

This is half true and half false.

Qi Le has really heard a lot about begging for mercy.

However, after spending so long in God Realm, it has been a long time since his reputation gradually became prominent.

Now I hear it again, but I feel a little nostalgic, and by the way, I am also a little bit emotional--

Are these guys having problems with their brains?

Have to act so violently, and then come to beg for mercy in a blink of an eye?

Is it rare to kick your own foot accidentally on the iron plate?

However, just when Qi Le said this remark.

The young man lying on the ground, the rays of light of worship flashed in his eyes, which looked quite dazzling.


What's wrong with this guy?

Qi Le couldn't understand at all, why this guy suddenly had such a strange emotion.

However, if Qi Le knows what this young man is thinking, it might be even more difficult to know whether to cry or laugh.

In fact, this young man's idea is very simple.

I often hear words of begging for mercy, so the strength must be very strong!

After all, the atmosphere of the celestial domain determines that the cultivator here admires the powerhouse very much.

So when Qi Le showed a crushing posture, the problem was solved very well.

"Forget it, I don't care about this question."

Qi Le shook the head, and then said: "I just said that I have a few questions to ask You guys..."

"Excuse me, you must know everything and say everything !"

As a result, Qi Le hasn't finished speaking yet, the young man lying on the ground The man couldn't wait to express his position.

Looking at this look, even if you can stand up, it is probably in a docile, nodded state.

"Well, let me ask first, what is the use of the bloodthirsty flower you mentioned?"

Qi Le is still very curious about this matter.

By the way, it is also a test.

Just to see if this guy who seems to have acknowledged allegiance on the surface is really convinced.

"Huh? Your lord, don't you know that?"

"No, no, I definitely don't mean to question the adults."

"Hobby Blood flower is a very magical plant. It will only appear on the battlefield after the war, swallowing the remaining blood, and then the concentration can be used for the precious medicine ingredient of Body Refinement."

"Those medicine ingredients It is the root of bloodthirsty flowers. We came here this time to dig these bloodthirsty flowers."

The young man hurriedly answered Qi Le's questions.

Although at first has some doubts, why the powerhouse at this level does not know the role of Bloodthirsty.

But soon, I figured it out--

Maybe this adult is an extraordinary natural talent, who simply disdains to use Bloodthirsty to Body Refinement.


Qi Le raised his brows and stepped on his feet.


I saw a crack suddenly appeared on the ground, starting from Qi Le’s feet, spreading to the bottom of a bloodthirsty flower, A bloodthirsty flower shook out of the ground directly with roots and leaves.

This strength control of one's own power has made the eyes of many young men lying on the ground brighter.

It would be great if you could be so strong.

"It's really there."

Looking at the bloodthirsty flower's roots that are still stained with soil, it grows quite like has several points of ginseng, which makes Qi Le feel a little strange. .

The medicine ingredient that grows from swallowing qi and blood can be used for Body Refinement, which is indeed reasonable.

But this also made Qi Le realize one thing.

The way of Demon God is different from the way of Lord God.

Before stepping into the realm of gods, the consumption of cultivation resources may not be far off.

However, after passing the dividing line of the realm of gods, it is completely different.

The main god’s way is the strength of Faith.

The way of Demon God still requires massive cultivation resources to pile up.

That's why the creatures of the God Realm can prosper, and even many main gods will deliberately maintain the living environment of ordinary creatures.

Because of the need to develop believers, it is necessary to collect the strength of faith.

But the Celestial Domain is different.

The competition for resources will make them naturally fall into conflicts of interest.

No wonder the celestial domain here is sturdy, bloodthirsty and warlike.

Was it excluding interest contenders?

And from this point of view, it is normal for the Demon God of the Celestial Domain to covet the vast land and vast resources of the Divine Domain.

After all, one side is non-renewable development, and the other is recycling development.

What can be plundered is naturally going to be plundered.

even more how, I said before.

Although God World is divided into two pieces, Heaven and Earth, it is a whole.

Has been maintained in Qi Le's understanding of the so-called "energy conservation".

The way to become stronger in the Celestial Realm can indeed make the comprehensive strength of the Celestial Realm stronger than the Divine Realm in a short period of time.

However, as long as the seal of the Central Territory Mountain remains, the Celestial Territory will eventually decline.

At that time, it will be the time for the rise of the Divine Territory.

So now think about it carefully, the decision made by the king was really prescient.

As long as Shenjiyu stays out of the matter.

Then, the behavior of drinking poison to quench thirst like the Tianji domain will kill oneself sooner or later.

As a result, a perfect plan was destroyed by Demon Sovereign. It is hateful to think about it this way!

But that’s all, it’s all here, and it’s useless to think about these annoying things.

"The next question..."

In fact, Qi Le didn't ask many questions.

After all, these young men in front of them, at a glance, know that they are not strong, they should have no status, and their status is estimated to be low.

Even if you ask a lot of things, you will be confused about one question and three questions. If you have talked a lot, it is better not to ask.

But about the cultivator of the Celestial Domain.

Qi Le also learned a bit out of curiosity.

Because before that, Qi Le knew that the Demon God in the Celestial Territory was side by side with the main god of the Divine Territory.

However, what the cultivator before Demon God should be called is not clear.

Now, I know.

Starting from the ordinary person at the very beginning, going up, you will initially enter the cultivation path.

Learn to incorporate blood energy and strengthen one's body, so it can be called: receiving qi.

Then the blood energy is filled. After completing the most basic physical training, you can enter the realm of Body Refinement.

And after Perfection in the realm of Body Refinement, it is the realm of blood refinement.

The typical tempering from the outside to the inside.

Then after the realm of blood refinement, it is the immortal bone.

speaking of which, the immortal bone this realm, in fact, the target is the realm of ordinary gods.

Because on the God Realm side, as long as you step into the realm of the Conferred King Realm and become a god, you can become immortal.

Of course, this is only under natural circumstances, so the bones will be immortal.

If there is an external force, it has to be calculated separately.

However, the Immortal Bone Realm on the Celestial Territory is not completely equivalent to the God Realm.

To be precise, the breath, Body Refinement, blood refinement, and immortal bones are all divided into ten small levels.

They are one to 9th layer and Perfection respectively.

Therefore, after the 5th layer of the Immortal Bone Realm, it can be regarded as the Realm of Gods.

Going up, is the realm of Demon God that Qi Le knew from the beginning.

The system is not complicated, it is a very simple process of body refinement from the outside to the inside.

In order to forge itself to the point of perfection.

It’s just this process. For resource demand, one stage is higher than one stage that’s all.

And this is only the most basic requirement. In addition to resources, the requirements for innate talent and potential are not low.

Thinking about it this way, the cultivator of Celestial Domain has a really hard life.

Just like these young men in front of them, they are all in the realm of Body Refinement.

In order to find some medicine ingredients for Body Refinement, I have to travel around by myself, saying it’s experience, but who doesn’t want to become stronger while lying down?

"Okay, it's not easy for you guys, so I won't embarrass you much."

After getting the information he wanted, Qi Le shrugged did not feel any more pain. The killer.

The main purpose is to deliberately target these guys, which is a bit of a drop in price.

Why does a lion have to kill a lice because it has been bitten by a lice?

Do you still have to worry that lice will threaten you?

The act of making a big fight if you don't agree with each other. In the Celestial Domain, that is simply the norm. If you are angry about this kind of thing, Qi Le estimates that foul wind and bloody rain are indispensable along the way.

But if you don't continue to shoot, it doesn't mean that Qi Le will cure them.

As I said, capital crimes are unavoidable, but living crimes cannot escape.

Let them continue to lie here.

In the end, if you die or live, you can only resign yourself to fate, maybe you will be eaten by Bloodthirsty.

After all, these magical plants are not weak offensive, and they will not turn a blind eye to the beauty that comes to the lips.

So, Qi Le left happily.

By the way, I also learned that there was indeed a big battle in this place.

And I also know that this kind of battlefield of unknown significance is everywhere in the Celestial Polar Region.

When I think of this, Qi Le doesn't know what to say. What happened to him is normal?

No way, this kind of large-scale battle is so common.

Disputes in a small area are more common.

Then, along the way, it really proved that the young man's words were not lying.

Qi Le has seen at least more than a dozen battlefields formed by this kind of battle that does not know why it happened.

By the way, the cultivator in the celestial domain doesn't know what to do except fight?

Don't they need to do the food?

is it possible that can also be devour raw meat and fowl, or meal style drink dew?

"I don't know what I am going to do anymore. If Yue Xi'er comes to the celestial domain, it shouldn't be something."

Qi Le sometimes I couldn't help rubbing my eyebrows, thinking about this question in my heart.

Except for Law Power, the battle strength possessed by Yue Xi'er can barely touch the threshold of the immortal bone realm, which is not weak.

After all, Yue Xi'er belongs to the moon cat clan, and his physical attainments are not too low.

At least a lot better than the normal Human Race.

However, Qi Le was afraid that Yue Xi'er accidentally used Law Power.

Then there will be a major event.

"The defensive prohibition has not been triggered. It might have been washed away by the gate of destiny."

This is another reason Qi Le is worried about Yue Xi'er.

If the defensive prohibition is still there, it is better to say that there is at least a layer of insurance.

But if the defensive prohibition on Yue Xi'er body is washed away by the gate of destiny, it is hard to say.

"Damn Demon Sovereign, next time I run into him, must punch him to death!"

Qi Le thought to himself.

In this way, hundreds of boring people keep advancing all the way.

After passing through battlefields that look like scorched earth, continue to move forward.

Finally, I saw a different scene!

city gate! city ​​wall!

It's a city-state!

This is a regular gathering place that can be encountered in the wild in the celestial domain.

Said it is a city-state, it is really just a city-state that's all, and there is no such thing as City Guard to maintain order.

It is just a landmark building constructed for the convenience of gathering and trading.

There is no character like City Lord in it.

However, there are people in charge.

That is the most powerhouse in a city-state, and you can also formulate the rules in this city-state.

Really carry forward the law of the jungle to the extreme.

This has also led to the fact that the rules in each city-state are different.

Moreover, with the replacement of the most powerhouse, the rules in the city-state may also follow.

Those who are suffering are just the residents that's all living in the city-state.

Because there are demonic beasts in the wild in the celestial domain.

It just doesn't threaten Qi Le at all, so Qi Le didn't care about it all the way.

But for the cultivator below the realm of immortal bones, the threat that demonic beasts can pose is huge.

Living in a city-state may be a bit tiring.

But it can still survive.

After all, if you don't have Perfection in the realm of immortal bones, you still need to eat.

The atmosphere in the Celestial Territory may be a bit bloodthirsty, but they are not without their brains.

So in the city-states, there are still many ordinary persons living in order to produce various foods or medicine ingredients.

However, living in the wild, you may not even know when you died.

So how to choose is obvious at a glance.

It is to choose to be squeezed, and then to survive hard.

Leaving the city state still spinelessly, and then dying under the sharp claw of the demonic beast.

It shouldn't be difficult to make a choice.

"It can be regarded as a city-state. Let's go and see the situation first. Let's rest."

Qi Le's mood finally rose a little.

I've been walking in the wild before, and I couldn't even touch anything that could make a move.

Even the bloodthirsty flowers that will appear on the scorched battlefield have been dug away.

As for the demonic beasts living in the wild, their crisis awareness is so keen that they dare not provoke Qi Le.

So that Qi Le has never seen a living creature except the guys he met at first.

Now, it can be regarded as a place where there are living people.

Speaking of which, the city-state of the Celestial Domain, Qi Le is the first time I have met, and I am quite curious.

I don’t know what is the difference from the city-states I have seen before, whether it is suitable for opening a shop...


Why do you think of opening a shop when you meet a city-state?

In other words, in a sturdy place like Tianjiyu, it shouldn't be suitable for opening a shop.

Who knows if the first thing those customers do when they enter the store, is it right? Qi Le will be annoying to death.

"Hey, this city-state has no name."

After Qi Le approached, I realized that there was no name for the city-state.

This may be a common thing in the Celestial Domain.

After all, the people in charge often change, and perhaps the name of the city-state also changes frequently.

Then when I arrived, I just didn't want the name.

It doesn't matter, Qi Le doesn't care about this kind of problem anyway.

Let’s just talk about the city-state in front of you. The city gate is wide open. I guess there are not many times when it is closed.

Because there is no City Guard, the magnificent city gate is probably used to pretend, and there is no time to defend against the enemy.

Then there is no guard for the city gate.

You can see from a distance, some people are squeezing into the city-state.

There are all kinds of weird races. For convenience, I will call them all tentatively as "people" here.

Thinking about it this way, the eight-armed Heavenspan and Six Winged Wind Demon I saw before are probably not Human Race either.

Think about it, Shenjiyu is a place where ten thousand races stand in great numbers.

Celestial Domain should be no worse than there.

Then I took a look inside the city-state, and there were still a lot of people.

The street inside is very wide, there are a lot of houses on both sides, and there are scattered shops, but there are not many.

Because in this city-state, the most are the stalls on both sides of the street.

No wonder the streets are so wide.

The stalls sitting on both sides of the street are mostly cultivators who came back from the wild, and a small number of ordinary persons.

The things on the stall are very complicated.

Various medicine ingredients, parts removed from the demonic beast, materials that can be used to build armor, and so on.

Among them, the most are the various heavenly materials and earthly treasures used for body refinement.

They were all recovered from the wild.

You know, in the Celestial Domain, Dao of Body Refinement has developed to this day, and there are countless medicine recipes for body refinement.

Corresponding to various situations, various physiques, various realms.

So the medicine ingredients found in the wild cannot be used directly.

Because if you use it directly, the first one is a waste of medicine efficacy.

The other one, I don’t know what suits my situation.

Then, when there is no corresponding medicine recipe, it is the best policy to bring it back and ask.

speaking of which, in the city-state, this way of stalling and trading is generally protected.

But it is not absolute.

In the wild, it doesn't matter how you fight.

But in the city-state, it depends on the rules in the city-state, and fighting is not allowed.

Take the news that Qi Le has been around here and heard.

The most powerhouse of this unnamed city-state is a 6th-layer orc clansman of the Immortal Bone Realm. One of the rules laid down is that it is not allowed to fight in the city-state. If there is anything, go out and solve it. .

"Immortal Bone Realm 6th-layer."

After learning the news, Qi Le was just laughed and didn't say much.

At this point, it must be emphasized that the most powerhouse among the city-states does not refer to the most powerhouse among the city-states.

It is the most powerhouse among the rulers who are willing to take over the city-state.

After all, taking over the management of the city-state means that you cannot leave the city-state.

For some powerhouses, this is something they don't want.

So in many cases, the most powerhouse that manages a city-state is not the most powerhouse that enters the city-state.

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