"No wonder my prohibition on Xi'er did not trigger a crisis alert."

Qi Le will bring Yue Xi'er to the Shenshan in the Central Region. How could it be possible not to make any preparations.

Once the defensive ban on Yue Xi'er body is triggered, the temporarily condensed shield, unless it is the existence of the king of people, absolutely don't want to break it in one blow.

And in this time, even if it is only a short moment, it is enough for Qi Le to rush to Yue Xi'er.

So in the previous battle, Qi Le has not been too worried about Yue Xi'er.

Because it is not necessary.

However, when it comes to this, the king is still careful.

So that at this time, Yue Xi'er's situation is still very safe, and Qi Le's defensive prohibitions are not used.

This is a good thing. If the timing is not right now, Qi Le would have to thank the King of People.

Now that the safety of Yue Xi'er is confirmed, Qi Le does not intend to interrupt the battle of Yue Xi'er now.

After all, the improvement brought by actual combat is always the greatest.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, it is time for Yue Xi'er to hone himself.

Otherwise, where would such a good opportunity come in the future-the passage between the Celestial Extreme Region and the Divine Extreme Region has been blocked.

There is no way to hunt Demon God.

That's why it is said that the transition between hunters and prey is sometimes in an instant.

Looking into the battlefield again, Qi Le still saw many acquaintances.

I haven't had time to care about this aspect before.

No way, the problem of Demon Sovereign is too tricky. Until it is solved, there is no time to pay attention to these side points.

That is to say, it’s a little easier now to make time to observe this battlefield.

Many familiar master gods rushed over.

Life Goddess is also there, Tariana is also there.

Speaking of which, this time to stop the battle of Demon God, it made Tariana happy.

The law of devouring has finally found a place to be used, and can swallow these act recklessly Demon Gods unscrupulously.

When she was in the Divine Realm before, Taliana still had some restraint.

After all, the battle between the main gods can't be fought, and it's always bad to hurt the peace.

If someone is not careful, maybe they will be attacked by a group, so why bother with those okay behaviors?

It's alright now, the Demon God in the entire battlefield is a target that can be swallowed.

Needless to say, when this war is over, it is estimated that Tariana's strength will rise by several levels.

This is really taking the fall of Demon God to increase your own strength, okay?

Looking around in a circle, everything is developing in a good direction.

Qi Le is also a little relieved.

Next, is the time to truly end this battle.

Thanks to Serkaya and the others, willing to be pawns on the Heaven and Earth board, Qi Le was able to free up his hands.

Otherwise, those Peak Demon Gods on the battlefield are not so easy to solve.

At least Qi Le will have no time to look after him, how can it be like now.

"The one who is in control of the game, be one hand shrouding the heavens!"

" Consolidate the momentum of the game, seal!"

With Qi Le's whisper, Within the scope of the chess game, Power of Heaven and Earth suddenly reversed, converging into a giant palm covering the sky.

Then moved towards Demon Sovereign was snapped!

This is Qi Le's attack by leveraging the power of the Heaven and Earth board and the power of the chess pieces.

Although it is quite expensive, it is worth it to deal with Demon Sovereign!

Yes, after the battlefield below does not require Qi Le to take action, the last thing left is Demon Sovereign.

If this is the case, then just join forces with the King of Humans and get rid of Demon Sovereign sooner.

"It's that human brat!"

Demon Sovereign impossible couldn't notice the terrifying momentum.

Even if you are dazzled by anger, you will still wake up in the face of such an attack that threatens your life.

Because Demon Sovereign didn't really lose his mind, it was just a bit angry.

So when I saw this giant palm.

Even Demon Sovereign has a very solemn expression on his face.

"how can you have such a powerful force, do not you have not before going all right?"

"Impossible things, but also plenty of it."

Qi Le sneered, and the giant palm was fiercely pressed down.

Although the momentum of the game is within the scope of the rules, the consumption is indeed not small.

If it weren't for the fact that there were more chess pieces just now, Qi Le wouldn't really want to use this move, otherwise he wouldn't wait until now.

However, as long as you can get rid of Demon Sovereign, everything is worth it.

"Qi Le, your strength really surprised me."

The King of People also glanced at Qi Le in surprise, and then immediately gathered Law Power of Samsara.

In an instant, it turned into a shackle, locking up the actions of Demon Sovereign.

Make it inevitable!

"Damn it!"

" Boom—— !"

No surprise, the giant palm fiercely patted Demon Sovereign's body fiercely.

There was a loud noise, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, terrifying force, so that the entire mountain range of the Central Territory Shenshan, followed by tremors.

Huge palm prints appeared on the ground, imprinted in the mountains of the sacred mountain in the middle region.

Numerous cracks spread outward along the edge of the palm print.

Even the Demon God and the Lord God in the battlefield below were stunned.

With the fall of this shocking blow, Qi Le also came to the most peak of the Divine Mountain of the Central Region and stood beside the throne of the King of People.

"Ren King, what happened just now, presumably you already know."

"Your followers are still willing to follow you."

Qi Le looked at the huge palm print, but said another topic in his mouth.

Sit on the throne and become the king of the chess pieces, then any chess piece that falls into your side is under the perception of the king of humans.

Selkaya and their behavior are naturally not hidden from the king.

"If they can, I hope they don't choose this way."

At this point, the king sighed and said: "However, any creature has to choose itself. Freedom of the way forward."

"Since they are willing to do this, I am naturally very pleased."

Even though the king is used to the path of being alone, there are followers Behind him is also a peace of mind.

So don't look at Ren Wang sighing, but I'm still very relieved in my heart.

"However, the Demon Sovereign matter has not been resolved yet."

The speed of changing the subject made Qi Le a little caught off guard.

But you can also imagine that if Demon Sovereign is really so easy to solve, it won't have to be so hard.

"It's okay, if it doesn't work once, just do it again."

"Anyway, this time, anyway, I won't let Demon Sovereign escape again."

Qi Le clicked nodded and spoke.

The attack condensed by the momentum of the chess game has once again appeared in the sky.

What if it consumes a lot of money, as long as Demon Sovereign can be solved, the remaining Demon God is a piece of loose sand, and Qi Le is not needed at all.

So Qi Le’s current task is to do his best to get rid of Demon Sovereign!

However, with the smoke in the palm prints dispersed.

The silhouette of Demon Sovereign does not appear from the inside.

On the contrary, there was a burst of crazy laughter, which burst out from the deep pit of the palm print.


"In order to deal with the deity, you really took great pains."

"Human brat, you set this game, Divine used Artifact, it must be unparalleled in the world."

"The deity absolutely did not expect that in the end, the deity was not planted in the hands of the King of Humans, but in the hands of you, the younger Human Race!"

"Really let the deity admire!"

Accompanied by this remark, Demon Sovereign also slowly appeared, the expression on his face was quite crazy.

With this performance, I guess the emotional breakdown is right in front of my eyes.

"Is that all your last words?"

Qi Le raised his eyebrows, not caring about Demon Sovereign's emotions at all.

If you can force Demon Sovereign to an emotional breakdown, you are probably since ancient times Number One Person.

This is something worth showing off. There will be opportunities in the future, but it should be promoted vigorously.

"Last words?"

"Human brat, you are too arrogant."

Demon Sovereign's laughter gradually diminished, but The cold color in his eyes and the ultimate killing intent have not disappeared.

Demon Sovereign, awake from anger and madness, in this brief moment, seems particularly terrifying.

It was so gloomy that Heaven and Earth were silent for a moment.

"Are you arrogant?"

Qi Le asked, and then quickly asked and replied: "I don't think so."

, His face turned straight, and he said: "In the Heaven and Earth chessboard, you are absolutely impossible to escape!"

"With me and the King of People here, the Shenshan of the Central Region is your land of burial!"

The king above the throne, also in that calm tone, said aloud: "Demon Sovereign, I used to let you be buried here, today, I can also let you Burial here!"

"This time, you won't have a chance to come back to life again!"

The last sentence, one word at a time, be sure !

"Is that so?"

"Just like this, do you want to keep the deity?"

Demon Sovereign hearing this, The expression on his face suddenly became more gloomy and cold, and a burst of cold laughter also came from his throat, so cold that the surrounding air condensed fine ice crystals.

"I really miss it. How long has the deity been, and hasn't encountered such a situation."

"The king, and the human brat."

"You guys, do you know the Law Power that the deity once mastered, what is it?"

Amidst this cold laughter, Demon Sovereign suddenly spoke out and asked a stranger problem.

"Law Power you have ever mastered?"

Upon hearing this question, not only Qi Le brows frowned, but also the King of People, the expression on his face changed slightly.

Because neither Qi Le nor King of People know the answer to this question.

All I know is that during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, Demon Sovereign was defeated in a battle, which led to a broken heart. From then on, he gave up the way of the Lord God and switched to the way of Demon God.

Finally, take the essence, remove the dross, and combine to form the path that Demon Sovereign is taking now.

In terms of physique, Demon Sovereign is better than most Demon Gods, and it can be compared with Dragon God.

When it comes to Law Power, Demon Sovereign is about to catch up with Qi Le's law due to physical reasons and the degree of difficulty in mastering Law Power. It's just that the side effects are too large, so it is rarely used.

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