"Is it on me?"

Qi Le was stunned when he heard System's words.

If I know about this, can I still find a way to solve the problem with your Erbi system?

But listening to the system's tone, it doesn't seem like aimlessly.

Is it true?

Then Qi Le quickly recalled a circle in his mind, thinking about what he could do to solve this problem.

Finally got the result-this two system will not talk nonsense again.

system: "Host, you wouldn't have thought of it yet."

Seeing the silence at this moment a little embarrassing, system suddenly came up with another sentence.

Qi Le's eyebrows jumped and he muttered for a while before he said: "system, it's not the time to sell, you should just say it straight, saving lives is like fighting fire."

even more how This situation is much more urgent than fighting a fire.

system: "This system knows that the host will say so, then this system will tell you."

Then there will be a few seconds to clear your throat.

system: "Host, do you remember the Heaven and Earth board?"

As soon as these words came out, Qi Le was frowned immediately.

Qi Le certainly remembered the Heaven and Earth chessboard, and he was also impressed.

Because I have been to the Fairy and Demon battlefield so many times, the treasure that I took out is just as damaged as the Heaven and Earth chessboard.

In other words, there is no problem with the Heaven and Earth board itself, but the most critical piece is missing.

What is the difference between that and the broken one?

So as soon as Heaven and Earth got the board, Qi Le threw it into the corner of the warehouse.

Now, Qi Le is a little surprised to hear the system mention the Heaven and Earth board.

"Does the Heaven and Earth board still have this function?"

After thinking about it for a while, Qi Le really didn't expect this "defective product" to come on.

Isn't the Heaven and Earth board used to play chess?

system: "This is the host, you don't know how to work around. The Heaven and Earth board is based on Heaven and Earth, and all beings are children..."

That's it, Qi Le naturally reacted.

"So, when the pieces on the Heaven and Earth board are missing, just add new pieces!"

system: "Yes, that's it."


After confirming his conjecture, Qi Le suddenly enlightened.

"so that's how it is, I know how to do it."

After the game is set, it is not difficult to add pieces.

Only before that, Qi Le had never thought of coming up in this direction, but felt that the Heaven and Earth board was useless.

That's why the Heaven and Earth board was dusted.

Now that the solution to the problem has been found, it is time to implement it!

"Demon Sovereign, your plan is always impossible to succeed!"

Qi Le took out the Heaven and Earth chessboard from the warehouse, blew it, and found that there was no dust. .

That should be no problem, it can be used.

"Qi Store Manager, what do you hold in your hand?"

The dragon god who was fighting side by side suddenly saw Qi Le take out a chessboard, and he was a little confused.

When is this, does Qi Store Manager still want to play a game of chess before talking?

"This, but the thing that ended this war."

Qi Le glanced at Dragon God and replied.

Then no longer paid attention to Dragon God still stunned his eyes, and hurried directly to the depths of the Central Territory Mountain.

Although the Heaven and Earth chessboard can turn Heaven and Earth into a chessboard, all living beings are used as chess pieces, and the player has no regrets, so that life and death can be determined.

However, the scope of this envelope is not endless.

Rather, taking the boundary river in the middle of the Heaven and Earth chessboard as a limit, the delineated Heaven and Earth circle is a bit smaller.

But just like that, the Rule Power contained in the Heaven and Earth board is becoming more and more powerful.

"The thing that ended this war..."

"Is there really?"

It took a while before he came back to the Dragon God of his senses , Looking at the back of Qi Store Manager, muttered to himself.

Be that as it may, but in my heart, Dragon God is still willing to believe the words of Qi Store Manager.

If this war can really end, then it will be the best result.


Although the scope of this battle, the entire midfield mountain is enveloped.

But the fiercest place of the battle is definitely in the depths of the sacred mountain in the middle, where the king and Demon Sovereign confront each other.

With this as the center, the flames of war continue to spread out, and the intensity of the battle is gradually decreasing.

The place Qi Le rushes to now is the center of the confrontation between the King of Humans and Demon Sovereign.

Although Qi Le's current strength is not as strong as the King of People or Demon Sovereign, as long as you don't intervene in the battle between the two, the aftermath of the battle will not hurt Qi Le.

The shield interwoven with complex Law Power has indestructible defensive power.

Enough to protect Qi Le's safety.

"Qi Le, why are you here?"

The last time we met, the king of people naturally knew Qi Le.

I was still confronting Demon Sovereign, but I suddenly felt a familiar breath coming in, and of course it was impossible to ignore.

Similarly, Demon Sovereign also noticed Qi Le who came over, and his face couldn't help showing a hideous look.

"Human brat, what are you doing here again?"

"The deity has no time to play games with you right now. If you don't want to die so early, just get out of here!"

After all, I once escaped in Qi Le's hands, even if I acted carelessly, my subconscious will not let go so easily.

So now that Demon Sovereign has gained such a powerful force again, it is natural that he wants to find his place.

It's a pity that someone is the king.

Whatever you say at the moment, it is impossible to act on this human brat.

Because once Demon Sovereign is distracted by him, he may be suppressed by the king, and maybe he won't be able to stand up.

So, I can only open my mouth and let go of harsh words.

But does Qi Le care about Demon Sovereign?

Obviously it is impossible.

"Demon Sovereign, don't just talk about it."

Qi Le glanced at Demon Sovereign, and then deliberately put on a deserves a beating expression, elongated The voice said: "You have the ability to speak harshly. If you have the ability, come and beat me. Who can't speak big words."


Before he finished speaking, Demon Sovereign was so angry.

It's not the temperament of Demon Sovereign. It's mainly because there is a shameful fact before.

And Qi Le's strength is really not ashamed of Demon Sovereign.

Even if Demon Sovereign is forced to fly into a rage out of humiliation, and desperate to take action against himself, Qi Le has a way to retreat.

If you change to another person, come and say this to Demon Sovereign, I'm afraid I don't know how he died.

"Well, Demon Sovereign, this kind of nonsense has been said enough, this time, let's talk less."

"You don't want to know that I will do it What?"

"I'll tell you now!"

After that, Qi Le raised the Heaven and Earth chessboard in his hand and threw it straight out.

The Heaven and Earth chessboard rises in the wind, the bigger it becomes, the lighter the color, and finally it merges into this world.

At this moment, all the creatures on the mountain of the Central Region, whether Demon God or the Lord God, felt an invisible power, shrouded in their body, completely unable to break free.

Like the thread on the puppet's body, it is firmly tied to his body.

"What is the situation?"

"Why is there such a feeling of restraint appear?"

At this moment, whether it is Demon God or the Lord God, such questions popped up in my mind.

This kind of feeling that can directly threaten one's life and death is not a good thing to appear at this time.

Even the King of Humans and Demon Sovereign have noticed the envelope of this invisible force.

"You, what did you do?"

Demon Sovereign tried to break free from the envelope of this power, but his face changed abruptly after discovering that he could not do it.

The look in Qi Le's eyes also became extremely unkind.

"Qi Le, is this?"

Ren Wang's eyebrows are also slightly raised.

This feeling of being out of control, to be honest, is very uncomfortable.

But Qi Le is the same Human Race as himself, in the eyes of the king, it should be trustworthy.

After all, even the reincarnation of the Spirit of Time walks with Qi Le, and that is his own person.

In this case, there is no need to worry too much.

"Heaven and Earth board!"

Qi Le is not stingy with his own explanation.

Because as long as the Heaven and Earth board is integrated into this world, within the scope of the chess game, it is where the rules go.

Even if it is the King of People and Demon Sovereign, don't try to break free!

However, it is not that simple to enter the game.

Although the Heaven and Earth chessboard is powerful, it lacks the most important chess pieces after all, and the formidable power can't play all in case.

If you want to use the power of the Heaven and Earth board to seal the sacred mountain of the Central Region, just now, it is not enough!

"Heaven and Earth board?"

"The name sounds has several points of, but what's the use of just that?"

Demon Sovereign hearing this, but suddenly laughed.

Because just now, Demon Sovereign also determined that this mysterious power that shrouded him abruptly, except for a somewhat inexplicable connection with him, simply has no other effect.

To put it simply, it's like monitoring yourself.

This also makes Demon Sovereign feel that this Heaven and Earth board seems to be the same.

In fact, it is true.

In the absence of chess pieces, the Heaven and Earth chessboard will lock all the creatures on the chessboard after delimiting the chessboard, and no matter who it is, they cannot break free.

However, the real purpose of this lock is to help the chess pieces on the chessboard to kill the enemy!

There is no lethality.

As long as you get out of the envelope of the game, this lock will disappear.

However, this is only in the absence of chess pieces.

Once the Heaven and Earth chessboard has chess pieces, this lock will have another effect-the chessboard boundary blockade!

All the creatures locked in the chess game, before all the chess pieces are destroyed, unless the Heaven and Earth chessboard is broken or the person who placed Heaven and Earth Chess Match allows, it will always be impossible to get out of the chess game!

And want to break the Heaven and Earth board, easier said than done!

You know, the Heaven and Earth chessboard that Qi Le brought out from the battlefield of the fairy and devil, except for the missing pieces.

The Heaven and Earth board itself, but intact!

What does this show?

It is explained that even if the previous owner of the Heaven and Earth board has exhausted the chess pieces in the game, and even has fallen, the enemy has no means to destroy the Heaven and Earth board itself.

This is the most terrifying place to turn Heaven and Earth into a chessboard!

"Demon Sovereign, do you think the Heaven and Earth board is useless?"

With a playful smile on Qi Le's face, he glanced at Demon Sovereign.

The true magical effect of the Heaven and Earth chessboard, how could Qi Le say it before trapping Demon Sovereign.

It would be great to be able to say a name to him.

"Isn't it?"

"This kind of unfathomable mystery lock, what about the deity?"

Demon Sovereign sneered. I just feel that the human brat in front of me is deliberately mystifying, pretending to delay time.

"You will know soon."

Qi Le gave a faint smile, then turned and looked towards the King of Man.

took a deep breath, as if to make some kind of decision, then said aloud: "The king is crowned, you are willing to enter the Heaven and Earth chessboard, sit on the throne, and dominate the gods The chess piece on the side of the field?"

Among the chess pieces, the most important one is the king!

As long as the king is not captured by the opponent's pawn, he will never lose.

Therefore, it is the best choice to let the king be the king of the chess pieces of the gods.

"Qi Le, you let me enter the Heaven and Earth board, what do you want to do?"

Ren Wang brows frowned, asked somewhat puzzledly.

Although Qi Le is his own, but this kind of unclear thing, the king of people will not be so easy to agree.

"I think, reseal Zhongyu Shenshan!"

Qi Le raised his head and said every word.

"What did you say?!"

This exclamation is not only the King of Man, but the Demon Sovereign opposite also blurted out involuntarily.

"Do you want to reseal Zhongyu Mountain?"

"Can you do it?"

The king's eyes became serious in an instant.

Once, I did not hesitate to sacrifice my life to lay out, only then reluctantly sealed the Central Region Mountain.

But at this moment, this Human Race junior even bluntly said that he wants to reseal the Central Mountain Mountain. Is this really possible?

"It's really a joke, just because you want to seal the Central Territory Mountain again?"

Demon Sovereign hearing this, but he laughed disdainfully.

Although he and the King of Humans are mortal enemies, Demon Sovereign still admires the strength of the King of Humans.

But even the former King of People who wanted to seal the Central Territory Mountain, spent that much time and sacrificed his own life.

Now, a younger generation of Human Race dare to say such rants.

I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.

"The passage between the Celestial Territory and the Divine Territory has been opened, and the fall of the Divine Territory is destined."

"You, don't have to struggle in vain."

Demon Sovereign's taunting voice continues.

But Qi Le turned a deaf ear, just staring at King Ren with a serious look on his face.

"Below the king, please trust me."

"Because, the worst result is this, isn't it?"

Qi Le spread his hands and glanced back at the space turbulence passage.

There, the Demon God of the Celestial Territory is still pouring out continuously and joining the battlefield.

"Yes, you are right. The worst result is probably only this."

The King of Humans was hearing this and couldn't help laughing.

This is really a rarely seen scene, I must have forgotten the king himself, when was the last time I laughed?

"This should be what I can do now."

"I hope you will not let me down."

Having said that, King Ren's voice paused.

Because the King of People knows very well in his heart that he is just a ray of Remnant Soul that's all now.

In the next war, how much more it can play is still unknown.

So, if you can really contribute to reseal the sacred mountain in the middle region, then the king of people is very happy.

"I, promise you, enter the Heaven and Earth board!"

The voice fell.

A mysterious force suddenly emerged from Heaven and Earth, then turned into a starlight, and blessed on the King of Humans.

This is the eternal force blessed by the chess pieces that enter the game on the Heaven and Earth board.

As long as it is not destroyed in the chess game, Eternal Force can guarantee that the chess piece will never be destroyed!

"This, this power..."

The emergence of the eternal power, even the King of People was shocked.

Because when the eternal power is blessed on the King of Humans, the King of Humans can clearly feel that his original feeling that he might fall asleep at any time has suddenly disappeared.

I also understand what the Heaven and Earth board is.

Within the Heaven and Earth chessboard, Heaven and Earth became a party of its own, and it became a chess piece after entering the game, which cut off contact with the outside world.

Even if the King of Humanity only has a strand of Remnant Soul left, and becomes a pawn on the Heaven and Earth chessboard, Remnant Soul can be immortal!

"It's incredible that God World still has such a powerful Divine Artifact."

After confirming his own changes, King Ren couldn't help but sigh with emotion. .

Qi Le on the side was not as embarrassed to say: This Heaven and Earth board really does not belong to God World.

It was also at the same time that King Ren agreed to become a pawn.

All the creatures enveloped by Heaven and Earth Chess Match also felt it.

Originally, I just locked my mysterious power. In this brief moment, it suddenly became different.

The chess has been placed, and the game begins!

All creatures can only enter but not leave!

"Damn it, this feeling..."

"You could block this world!?"

Demon Sovereign certainly felt this change too, His face suddenly changed drastically.

The border of the chessboard is completely sealed off, and all the locked creatures have lost the opportunity to leave.

Even if it is Demon Sovereign, never want to escape.

"Demon Sovereign, now, do you understand the power of the Heaven and Earth board?"

"Zhongyu Shenshan has been completely shrouded by the chess game, and all those who came to the God Realm Demon God, all will enter the game!"

"You will not have the opportunity to invade the extreme domain of God!"

Qi Le looked directly into the eyes of Demon Sovereign, halting each word. Speaking of.

"so that's how it is, it turns out that this is the Heaven and Earth chessboard, this is the Heaven and Earth Chess Match."

"The deity has learned it."

Demon Sovereign is also the Old Fox who has lived for countless years. After at first's consternation, he quickly calmed down.

And from the few words before, also inferred the role of Heaven and Earth board.

"However, human brat, have you forgotten that within the chess game, the chess pieces determine the outcome."

"Even if the Demon God who came to the God Realm enters the game, You may not lose!"

This is the truth.

Even if the chess game starts now, the opponent has far more pieces than his own, and the outcome is still unpredictable.

Even if the king is the king of his own pawn, it is difficult to continue.

However, the current chess game has not been arranged yet.

"You are right, Demon Sovereign."

"But, can I not think of anything you can think of?"

Qi The expression on Le's face didn't change, and he replied indifferently.

Because of the magical effect of the Heaven and Earth board, it is far more than just opening a game.

At any rate, it was also a treasure taken out in the battlefield of fairy and demon. In the past battle between fairy and demon, it was also an ultimate weapon.

A magnificent military exploit!

If it can only be used to play chess, it would be too bad.

You must know that the real function of the Heaven and Earth board is to form a chess game, not to play chess, but to block Heaven and Earth!

This function is used to prevent the enemy from escaping!

And within the envelope of the chess game, all chess pieces will get huge gains.

It’s just that once you promise to become a pawn and get the blessing of eternal force, you will no longer be impossible to leave the Heaven and Earth board.

So Qi Le now only asked the King of People.

Because the King of Humanity only has a strand of Remnant Soul left, it is better to enter the Heaven and Earth board instead of disappeared.

And after becoming a chess piece, King Ren also knew about it.

But he didn't show any unusual expressions.

It shows that the King of People is already prepared, even if he can no longer leave the game, it doesn’t matter.

To be honest, Qi Le still admires the selflessness of King Ren.

So other people, Qi Le didn't ask.

However, the lack of chess pieces does not mean that the Heaven and Earth board has no other functions.

Above the chessboard, there is also a boundary river, possessing the power to disconnect the two sides of the chessboard, lying in Heaven and Earth.

Now, Qi Le hasn't erected the boundary river yet.

And this boundary river, Qi Le is ready to stand in the space turbulence, reseal the passage between the celestial domain and the god domain!

As long as the boundary river appears, the chess game is completely established.

The only chess pieces that can pass the boundary are the pieces that enter the game.

At this point, I have to say something, maybe everyone has thought of it.

The scope covered by the Heaven and Earth chessboard is not just in the Divine Realm!

As long as the boundary river is standing in the space turbulence, the other side of the Heaven and Earth chessboard will fall in the celestial domain!

After that, unless there is a Demon God willing to enter the game and become a pawn to play against the gods, it is absolutely impossible to pass the boundary river.

This is the method of Qi Le reseal Zhongyu Shenshan!

Moreover, even if there is a Demon God willing to become a pawn to play a game, it is useless.

Because according to the rules of the Heaven and Earth board, the opponent's pieces must be the same as your own.

To put it simply, in Demon God, there must be someone who can beat the King in order to break this game.

Otherwise, even if you cross the boundary river, you will not be able to leave the board.

When I met the King of People, I only had one death.

Since Qi Le has decided to use the Heaven and Earth board to reseal the sacred mountain of the Middle Territory, how could he not have the slightest preparation?

Almost all the issues that should be considered are also considered.

If there is something to be missed, there is no way.

After all, the job of Heaven and Earth board is not a seal, but a killing.

Moreover, after blocking the enemy’s escape route, one after another means of liquidation.

"So, Demon Sovereign, your thoughts are destined to be meaningless."

"Jiehe, get up!"

Qi Le is talking and holding There is no idle.

After shouted in a low voice, a dazzling light curtain suddenly appeared in front of the space turbulence passage.

It's like a stone to mend the sky, repairing the broken space.

With the disappearance of the space turbulence channel, the army of Demon God that was continuously gushing out also came to an abrupt end.

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