From these two points, we can know how powerful the battle strength of the king is.

Although the Six Winged Wind Demon is a Demon God in the Peak list, its strength is only that's all above the Demon Sovereign in its current weak state.

But who is he facing now?

Even Peak State’s Demon Sovereign is not the opponent’s king!

So the gap between the two is conceivable, simply is not a level of battle strength.

To lose is also a matter of as it should be by rights.

It’s just that the Six Winged Wind Demon didn’t expect that he would lose so thoroughly.

"The law of reincarnation-reincarnation is broken!"

The king of humanity looked at the Six-Winged Wind Demon with his eyes still indifferent, and he didn't want to know what the Demon God was thinking in front of him.

Just a wave of unmatched reincarnation Law Power burst out, following the fist of the Six Winged Wind Demon, and poured into the Six Winged Wind Demon's body.

This is Annihilation Power, cut off Reincarnation Road, Annihilating Everything fleshy body and soul!

"No, no—!"

The Six Winged Wind Demon obviously felt bad.

However, in front of the King of People, he didn't even say a word for mercy, so he couldn't speak again.

When the ferocious Samsara Power is poured into the body, it is already doomed to the end of the Six-Winged Wind Demon-sever reincarnation!

the soul flew away and scattered, naturally there is no need to enter reincarnation.

The Six Winged Wind Demon may never think of it. If he played a long-range battle with the King of Man, he might live a little longer.

Unfortunately, he chose the melee combat that shouldn't be the least.

Do you really think that the melee of the law of reincarnation is very weak?

At this moment, starting from the fist of the Six-Winged Wind Demon being locked by the King, it spread slowly, and gradually vanished into nothingness.

In just a few breaths, the Six Winged Wind Demon that appeared in front of the King of Humans completely disappeared.

It seems that it has never appeared in this world.

In this scene, Yue Xi'er is taking in the entire scene.

Although from the very beginning, you know that the strength of the king is tyrannical to the point of horror.

But after witnessing it with his own eyes, Yue Xi'er still feels that his imagination is not enough.

Is this the King of People?

Compared with the Qi Le big brother, who is stronger?

"Are you my Inheritor?"

Solving the King of the Six-Winged Wind Demon is like doing an insignificant little thing, not caring, but looked towards Yue Xi'er next to his throne and asked aloud.

Maybe Qi Le is right. It is indeed safer to be with King King than when he is with him.

Because the king of human beings resurrected with the help of the law of reincarnation and his own remains, not to mention the battle strength at the peak period, at least 90%.

That's why when solving the Six Winged Wind Demon, it will seem so relaxed and freehand.

This is much stronger than Dragon God.

Although the Dragon God survived, his lost power made him too weak.

And the King of Humans has indeed fallen, but once he is resurrected, the power displayed will be much stronger than that of the Dragon God.

But there is another point.

At least Renwang left Inheritor.

At this time, Yue Xi'er was questioned by the king, obviously a little cautious.

"Yes, yes..."

I don't even know what to answer.

"Don't be so nervous, since you got my inheritance, I naturally recognize your identity."

"It doesn't matter if you are not a Human Race."

The King of Humans can see Yue Xi'er's race at a glance, but he doesn't care.

To be honest, even in his lifetime, the King of People didn’t care much about race.

However, even if the King of People said so, you can be nervous about this kind of thing.

Especially Yue Xi'er has just seen the strength of the King of People, and now it is not easy to make his attitude more casual.

So Yue Xi'er is still full of formality.

"Under the crown, I actually don't know why I got your inheritance, but now that I accept your power, I will inherit your will, I, I..."

"Don't say that."

However, Yue Xi'er was interrupted by the king's words when he was halfway through.

Then I heard the king continue to say: "I left the inheritance, not to let the Inheritor continue to fulfill my ideals."

"I just don't want this power It ’s just covered in dust."

"Remember, my Inheritor does not need to think about inheriting my ideals, it should be done by my own will."

Suddenly, Yue Xi'er realized that it is the idealized main god for the Who King Association.

It also made Yue Xi'er understand that there will be that many followers for the Who King.

Because of the king, there is really a personality charm that people are willing to follow.

She will fight for her ideals, but will never force others to fulfill her ideals.

Even if this person inherited her powers.

Because the King of People believes that every creature should live by his own will.

Just as the King of Man will inherit his power, he is also acting according to his own will.

Who will get this power, in fact, there are no particularly strict rules.

Yue Xi'er has a deep understanding of this.

After all, before the power of the King of Humans broke out, even Yue Xi'er himself was somewhat unfathomable mystery. I don't know when I got this power. I simply don't have the slightest impression.

There is a saying, the inheritance of this level, before the Inheritor is determined, there must be many tests?

Otherwise, just build a huge Inheritance Land, and then gather a lot of geniuses who want to get this inheritance to screen.

The final winner can get this inheritance.

As a result, none of these steps.

Yue Xi'er just like this, the unfathomable mystery got this inheritance, and has not experienced the least test.

Maybe, this is really related to the character of the king.

"So, make good use of this power, according to your own will."

After the King of People said this sentence, he said nothing more.

Because most of your Inheritor's words are included in that inheritance.

"Yes, I know."

Yue Xi'er nodded vigorously.

Although the King of People did not say much useful things, but this recognition is the most important thing.

Acknowledging her identity as an Inheritor, so that she does not have that many psychological burdens.

And, if there is really nothing to gain, it is not enough.

In the previous silent communication, Yue Xi'er gained a lot of insights and experience.

Otherwise, Yue Xi'er does not know that it can reverse the law of reincarnation, and when it comes, it will bring back the Remnant Soul of the King of Humans.

"Now, I also go to see the old friend."

"actually have come into the mountain region, what do you want?"

The King of Man was slightly nodded, and then looked out of the Central Region Divine Mountain, where he had a familiar aura.

They are all "old friends".

From the occasion of the ancient catastrophe, until the end of the era of the king of people.

Dragon God, Demon Sovereign, Eight-armed Heavenspan...

On the sacred mountain of the Central Region , the sudden explosion of aura naturally attracted the attention of the Dragon God and the others.

There is no doubt that the breath of the king of humans will fluctuate, and it is obviously a battle.

In addition, the Six Winged Wind Demon went to the most peak of the Central Mountain God, so it is obvious who the opponent of the king is.

The battle between Qi Le and Demon Sovereign is still at a stalemate.

The battle between the Dragon God and the eight-armed Heavenspan was indistinguishable in a short time.

Then, the battle that can change the battlefield situation the most is naturally the battle between the King of Humans and the Six Winged Wind Demon.

So as it should be by rights, whether it is the Dragon God or the Eight-Armed Heavenspan, or Qi Le and Demon Sovereign, they are all very concerned about the battle on the Central Mountain.

And now, the breath of the king suddenly stabilized.

This shows one thing-the battle is over and the King of People has won!

After all, if the King of Man did not win, his breath would be impossible to stabilize, but would disappear.

Putting it that way, the Six Winged Wind was defeated, maybe it has disappeared now.

And just when this speculation continues.

The voice of the King of People suddenly rang.

If you don’t blow up, you can’t black out, on the current battlefield, the battle strength of the king is definitely the highest.

At this moment, the King of Humanity is sitting on the throne on the most peak of the Central Mountain Divine Mountain, and his voice also appeared in the mind of every Peak battle strength at the foot of the mountain.

Not only the Dragon God, Demon Sovereign, Eight-arm Heavenspan, and Qi Le.

speaking of which, the king of people still has some impression of Qi Le.

Even if he woke up last time, it was just a wisp of Remnant Soul, but I do know the existence of Qi Le.

For the King of Humans, after the law of reincarnation reaches Ji Realm, Qi Le and her will be in contact with her once, and then he will be integrated into the intersection of fate.

Naturally, it will not be unfamiliar.

"You guys, what on earth did you come to Zhongyu Shenshan at this time?"

"Demon Sovereign, and, eight-armed Heavenspan!"

As for Dragon God and Qi Le, Renwang simply didn't mention them.

This tone is obviously questioning, what do you do with your name?

"Human King, you really didn't really fall, you just hid on the mountain in the middle domain, what do you want to do?"

Hearing this voice, Demon Sovereign is the first A reply.

I have to say that among these Peak battle strengths, whoever wants to find the King of Man most is undoubtedly Demon Sovereign.

It's just that it was the same thing before. Now, most of Demon Sovereign's emotions towards the King of Man have become angry.

"I have guarded the sacred mountain of the Central Region for a long time, of course I will be here!"

Faced with Demon Sovereign's questioning, the King of Humanity smiled coldly and said aloud.

"It's just that, I absolutely didn't expect that Demon Sovereign you climbed out of your cemetery."

"I heard you did this once, just for More struggling on whilst at death's door for a while, now, is it the same now?"

You know, the Demon Sovereign used to be buried in the Central Mountain by the King himself.

So for the appearance of Demon Sovereign, the King of Humans, except for a little surprised, didn't have much emotion.

After all, this one, but genuine's defined, what is there to say?

"hmph, the king, this deity is just borrowing your hand to complete the deity's plan that's all."

"When the deity aspires to be the strongest, you will not Let's say this kind of ignorance again!"

Demon Sovereign heard what the King of People said. Although it is a fact, it is naturally impossible to admit it.

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