Eight-armed heaven knows, Demon Sovereign will become what it is now, precisely because it failed in a certain battle.

So in the heart of Demon Sovereign, the hatred for Demon God is definitely not weak.

But what about?

Among the many Demon Gods, hate each other almost everywhere.

But as long as you can achieve your own goals, trifling hates, it's not enough.

At this moment, the purpose of Demon Sovereign and Eight-armed Heavenspan are the same, both want to destroy the seal formation of the Central Mountain Mountain.

So no matter what the relationship between the two parties is, at least for now, they are in the same position.

In this case, the two sides are temporary allies.

So, even if Demon Sovereign utters ill-mouthed words about Eight-armed Heavenspan, what it represents is only Demon Sovereign's thoughts.

It will not change the current situation, nor will it change the hostile relationship on this battlefield.

And the eight-armed Heavenspan can of course understand this, so it will persuade Demon Sovereign to plunge into the arms of the Celestial Domain.

Because of Demon Sovereign's murderous intentions, they are not weaker than Demon Gods like them!

"Huh! The same kind?"

"How can this deity and you be of the same kind!"

Demon Sovereign hearing this, for the eight-armed Heavenspan, but Is dismissive.

If it weren't for their power to be used at this moment, Demon Sovereign would not open this temporary channel.

It is not a good thing for Demon Sovereign to let Demon God enter the Divine Realm in advance.

Because of the development of the situation, it will be out of the control of Demon Sovereign, which is one of the worst things for Demon Sovereign.

So until then, Demon Sovereign would never want to do this.

Even now, this idea has not changed.

That's why the attitude towards Eight-arm Heavenspan is what it is now.

However, the eight-arm Heavenspan doesn't care.

As long as it can destroy the seal formation of the Central Region Mountain, Demon Sovereign is a tool man that's all.

Both are harbor ulterior motives, so even if the conversation is a bit unhappy and parted, both maintain the superficial peace.

"Forget it, what do you think, I don't care."

Eight-arm Heavenspan also no longer paid attention to Demon Sovereign.

Although, at the time of the Ancient Tribulation, Eight-armed Heavenspan and Demon Sovereign met, that's why we have this scene.

Demon Sovereign opened the temporary passage between the Celestial Domain and the Divine Domain, and directly summoned the Eight-Armed Heavenspan.

But this does not mean how good the relationship between the two is.

Now it's just using each other that's all.

"Dragon God, didn't expect, I can see you again, and you actually survived."

As soon as he raised his head, the eight-armed Heavenspan saw it first. It is the Dragon God.

They are also the survivors of the ancient catastrophe. Those powerful existences are almost familiar to each other.

Eight-armed Heavenspan and Demon Sovereign met, there is no reason not to know the Dragon God.

"You can survive, why can't I?"

The Dragon God looked at Heavenspan with eight arms coldly, and the look in his eyes showed that he had not forgotten Heavenspan with eight arms. The presence.

It can be said that the Dragon God, who was once among the main gods of the Peak Demon God, has fought against almost all Peak Demon Gods.

The eight-arm Heavenspan is naturally included here.

A very famous Demon God in the Celestial Territory, with eight arms and eight strengths, he can have the brute force of Heavenspan, and the end is terrifying!

Qi Le on the side, looking at the atmosphere a little embarrassing, feel a little out of place.

These people have lived for so many years, once they relive the past.

Qi Le really couldn't find any common topics.

"After such a long time, I met again. The first sentence said that, but I am not welcome?"

Eight-armed Heavenspan said with a grin, eight fists He also squeezed.

Talking about the past is a lie.

After all, the eight-armed Heavenspan is only itchy hands and wants to fight the Dragon God.

After all, at the eight-arm Heavenspan this realm, it is no longer difficult to find an opponent in the Celestial Territory.

Mere slaughter can no longer satisfy his desire to fight, so seeing the Dragon God at this moment makes him look a little excited.

"When did God Extreme Domain welcome you?"

Dragon God returned in a cold voice.

The dragon scales on her body also ignited golden flames again.

"With Store Manager, the eight-armed Heavenspan is one of the strongest Demon Gods in the Celestial Territory. I am afraid that this battle will be difficult."

Maybe Looking at Qi Le aside, it seemed a little out of place, so Dragon God briefly introduced.

Although there are not many words, it speaks out the situation at the moment.

One of the strongest Demon Gods!

If the Dragon God can say such words, it is enough to see how strong the eight-armed Heavenspan is.

didn't expect Demon Sovereign actually turned the tide of the battle and evened the battle strength of both sides.

Moreover, this is not over yet.

That bloody door has not been closed yet, that is to say, a new Demon God may appear at any time!

"Must find a way to destroy the scarlet gate, the temporary passage is not closed, and any change may occur."

Qi Le clicked nodded and responded to Dragon God’s words, Speaking of it again.

"Yes, if there is another Demon God of the same level as the eight-armed Heavenspan."

"The seal formation of the Central Mountain Gods will definitely not be able to defend."

Although the Dragon God agreed with Qi Le's words, his tone was rather worried and suspicious.

Well, that’s right, but what method should be used to destroy that bloody gate?

The ominous beast guarding it is very distressing.

Not to mention Demon Sovereign and Eight-arm Heavenspan, glare like a tiger watching his prey in the back.

"Dragon God, this is the time, do you still have time to look around?"

"Let me meet you and see how you compare to the past. Don't step back!"

However, the eight-armed Heavenspan didn't plan to give the Dragon God time to find a solution. The body flashed, turned into a black light, and attacked the Dragon God.

As a pure Demon God, not a half-way monk like Demon Sovereign.

Eight-armed Heavenspan's physical achievements are absolutely terrifying.

Although I am not familiar with Law Power at all, but with the brute force of Heavenspan, I can crush most of the Law Power with no difficulty.

Terrifying physique, even immune to a variety of Law Power attacks, it can be called terrifying!

Finding the Dragon God at this moment is naturally the best in close combat.

This step is entangled. Of course, the Dragon God is impossible to ignore. The strength of the eight-armed Heavenspan cannot be underestimated.


Facing the black light, the dragon god turned into a golden light.

In an instant, the two sides fought for countless rounds, and the power fluctuations that escaped even shattered nearby Heaven and Earth.

The sky is like a shattered mirror, and the earth is like a lake falling into stones.

A circle of cracks, like ripples, continue to spread far away.

The power of horror spread to all directions, and even the extremely sturdy mountain of the Middle Territory, there were even slight cracks.

You know, where is Zhongyu Shenshan?

That is the battlefield of countless Demon Gods and Lord Gods!

In terms of sturdiness, the Mount of the Central Region is the highest in God World in the sky.

However, even so, under the aftermath of the battle between the Dragon God and the eight-armed Heavenspan, the Central Territory Mountain also followed.

Even if it is quite small, it is enough to prove how tyrannical the power of the two is.

Only, with Qi Le's clever eyes, it can be seen naturally.

The Dragon God seemed to be in a disadvantage.

No way, since the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, the battle strength of the Dragon God has dropped by more than a bit.

On the other hand, the eight-armed Heavenspan is derived from the strength of the body. As long as the fleshy body is not destroyed, it will not become weak so easily.

It is precisely because of this that when the Dragon God confronts the Eight-Armed Heavenspan, from the very beginning, there is no advantage.

Instead, it will gradually fall into a disadvantage over time.

" Well, if this continues, the Dragon God will not last long."

Qi Le frowned, said in one's heart secretly.

It’s just that the enemy is more than the eight-armed Heavenspan. Demon Sovereign is still glare like a tiger watching his prey.

"Human brat, do you still have time to care about Dragon God?"

"Now, shouldn't you care about yourself?"

Demon Sovereign's voice made Qi Le came back to his senses, and it was also clear that now is not the time to pay attention to the Dragon God.

Even if the Dragon God will lose to the eight-arm Heavenspan in the end, he will not lose in a short time.

And if the problem of Scarlet Gate is not resolved, the development of the situation will only get worse!

"You are right, Demon Sovereign."

"Now, it should be the time to solve the problem between us!"

Qi Le said Then, the endless Law Power has already begun to gather on the body.

If you want to destroy the Scarlet Gate without solving Demon Sovereign first, you will definitely be hindered by Demon Sovereign.

So we can only fight first.

It is really unexpected that the development of the situation has reversed so quickly.

Just now, Demon Sovereign was still thinking of destroying the seal formation of the Central Territory Mountain, and he and the Dragon God wanted to prevent Demon Sovereign's actions.

Now, it's just the other way around.

But the difference is that the bloody gate is just a temporary passage.

After the energy in that blood cell is exhausted, it will shut down directly.

The current problem is that I don’t know how long the energy in that blood cell can last.

In case you can still support about a year, a major event is absolutely necessary.

"This deity is looking forward to it, what can you think of."

Demon Sovereign said indifferently.

When the Scarlet Gate opens and Demon God invades into the Divine Realm ahead of time, as long as the obstacles on the side of the Central Divine Mountain are cleared.

Then, those Demon Gods would even want to destroy the seal formation left by the King of Humans even more than Demon Sovereign himself.

So Demon Sovereign doesn't have to worry about this issue now.

All you need to do is to maintain the Scarlet Gate from being destroyed.

Since I can no longer control the development direction of the situation, let's just make the whole situation more chaotic!

Demon Sovereign's approach is obviously extreme, but it is also in line with his character-


"Just get rid of you, and then destroy the temporary passage."

Qi Le briefly described his approach, with a somewhat casual tone.

Suddenly, Demon Sovereign couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard some funny joke.

"Human brat, your idea is really simple."

"But, can you do it?"

The last sentence is also a question , So that Demon Sovereign's tone became sharp instantly.

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