A variety of Law Power rages on the battlefield, ruthlessly devouring the lives of the participants.

In this brief moment, there is no difference between a strong god and a weak god, and there is the possibility of death at any time.

The shattered Supreme Throne turned into a sky full of Law Power, flooded with this piece of Heaven and Earth, and it was too late to dissipate.

Fallen gods, corpses all over the earth, piled up into mountains.

The fierceness and cruelty of the war is undoubtedly revealed in this brief moment.

"It's really just like guessing, the disputes between the gods are also cruel."

Qi Le wandered on the edge of the battlefield, swallowing the fallen with the soul-refining magic beads The soul and law power left by the gods.

Feel the pure Law Power and Soul Power rising faster and faster in the Soul Refining Demon Orb.

Qi Le can clearly understand that the battle on this battlefield has become more fierce.

After the fall of the powerful gods, the Supreme Throne shattered, the Dao Mark rule collapsed, and the Law Power that escaped was not something the weak gods could mention on equal terms.

The same is true for the power of the soul.

With the participation of those powerful gods, the speed of the Soul Refining Demon Orb has obviously risen to another level.

Fortunately, the Soul Refining Demon Orb is a Demonic Artifact produced from the battlefield of immortals and demons. It has also participated in the real battle between immortals and demons.

So now it can still keep up with the speed of swallowing.

However, the more Law Power accumulated in the Soul Refining Demon Orb and the more Soul Power accumulated, Qi Le feels more shocked by the body of law he has.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Law Power and Soul Power currently accumulated in the Soul Refining Demon Orb.

Put it on any god in God World in the sky, as long as he is on the way to enlighten the law, there is no restriction.

Then, this majestic force can push it to the realm of the Lord God.

There is absolutely no exaggeration in this sentence.

However, it is precisely because Qi Le possesses the body of law, so in terms of the difficulty of promotion, it is so terrifying.

So even if such a majestic Law Power is accumulated in the Soul Refining Demon Orb.

For Qi Le, it can only barely feel an improvement.

"I don't know now whether the body with the law is good or bad."

This discovery made Qi Le have to sigh.

Although Qi Le is in the same realm, it is invincible.

But the realm of the main god is a dividing line, but the difference is the level of perception of the law.

Therefore, even if Qi Le has the body of law, before he is promoted to the realm of the main god, facing the real main god, it is impossible to truly have the power of a battle.

At best, you can guarantee that you will not die.

This kind of thing, in the mouth of other gods, it is definitely a thing worth bragging about.

But for Qi Le, the power he has now is far from the power he wants to have.

Especially when the promotion of the body of law is so difficult, every step forward is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

No, maybe heavenly ascension is not so difficult yet.

Anyway, Qi Le is also a man who has walked the road of heavenly ascension, trifling heavenly ascension, not worth mentioning.

However, the body of tempering the law is not that simple.

Qi Le all deliberately ran to the battlefield, letting the soul-refining magic beads consume the souls of the fallen gods, as well as Law Power.

It is a pity that I am still far away from my promotion to the realm of the Lord God, and I can't see the slightest shadow.

This is probably the only advantage Qi Le has compared to other gods.

That is when you are promoted, there are no shackles.

After all, the system is still very difficult to deal with, and even the body of the law can be reshaped, and the rest of the law of perception is a small problem.

even more how Qi Le also deliberately made a mirror space hut out, isn't it just to collect the insights on the law?

By the way, get rid of the dross, take the essence, and all become your own things.

After Qi Le Full Mastery, you can draw inferences about it.

It's just that the insights on the law are there, but the Law Power needed for promotion, the gap is surprisingly big.

It is almost impossible to put this on the general gods.

Except for the newly promoted gods and the gods at the bottom, in fact, in God World, most of the gods are not particularly short of strength of Faith, nor are they particularly anxious to develop believers.

It’s just that believers are a kind of resource. Who would think that they have too many resources?

So when developing believers, even if it is not in short supply, those gods will never refuse to come.

The difference is that if believers are not particularly in short supply, the gods will more or less take care of their faces and measure gains and losses, instead of rushing upwards like the two fools.

Yes, what Qi Le is referring to, especially those who bully the new gods.

Those low-level gods are clearly in desperate need of believers, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do that kind of thing.

At least in God World in the sky, a little bit of the face of the gods will not run to the contact point to block the newcomers from playing.

Even the old gods of God World in the sky clearly hate those newcomers.

But this kind of thing like blocking the lead point is really not something that every god does.

Especially those powerful gods, even more disdain to do this kind of thing.

No way, how can an elephant think that an ant is robbing itself for food?

Those powerful gods also think so.

The number of believers needed by new gods is simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of powerful gods.

Compared with the main god, let alone.

To put it bluntly, the number of believers in the one or two Low Plane of the newly promoted gods, in front of the main god who has tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, millions of Low Plane believers, still It really doesn't matter.

even more how the Lord God owns, but not only Low Plane believers.

The strength of Faith provided by the aboriginal people of God World in the sky is also not to be ignored.

It can even be said that because the aboriginal people of God World have more power, the strength of Faith provided is more and more refined than most Low Planes.

And these believers, for those newly promoted gods, don't have to think about it.

This is the advantage of Divine Kingdom, the stronger the powerhouse.

Therefore, bullying newcomers is really not a big deal, but it's a bit of a shame.

But for the gods at the bottom of God World, how much face is worth?

Of course, Qi Le does not want to discuss these issues now.

What Qi Le really wants to say is that the demand for strength of faith by the body of law is too great.

Yes, for Qi Le, strength of Faith can be converted into Law Power losslessly.

So strength of Faith and Law Power are actually not much different.

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