Qi Le is now coming to Divine Kingdom of life, not to think about these things.

The thought just now was just sent out that's all.

Qi Le never feels that he is a partner of justice.

But at the very least, Qi Le will not ignore countless lives for his own selfish desires.

But that's the end of the digression.

In the process of entering the Divine Kingdom of life, Qi Le did not encounter any difficulties.

After all, the Divine Kingdom of Life and the Kingdom of Underworld God are about to go to war. There are more to-and-fro gods, not many Qi Le.

Although the name "Qi Store Manager" is indeed quite famous, there are not many gods who know what Qi Le looks like.

Because the products in the store do not require Qi Le to introduce them.

Those old customers will naturally show off with new customers.

So Qi Le’s daily task is actually to open and close the door.

There are free security guards to maintain order, and Qi Le has never come forward.

Especially after Tariana and Dragon God appeared in Qi Le's shop, the customers in the shop stopped talking about the troubles, and the sound of breathing was reduced.

So, without alarming any god, Qi Le easily came to the Divine Kingdom of life.

After several inquiries, I quickly found the location of the Palace of Life Goddess.

It’s actually not hard to find.

As long as you go to the center of the Divine Kingdom of life, you will see it soon.

The Goddess Palace of Life is indeed magnificent, splendorous and majestic, it is different in the end where the main god lives.

Compared with the shops built by system, the Palace of Life Goddess is much stronger.

system: "..."

"But system, you don't have to be sad, at least your taste is good."

Qi Le seems to hear system Silent rebuttal, so before system hadn't spoken, he quickly went back and added a sentence.

Although this is true, the only strength of the small store built by system is probably that it is more in line with Qi Le's lifestyle.

After all, there is really no such thing as technology in God World.

"Who you are? What are you doing here?"

While Qi Le was comforting the system, a god who guarded the life Goddess palace walked over and went out The voice questioned.

The movements of his hands unceremoniously showed an attacking posture.

Just kidding, this is the Palace of Life Goddess.

Can who can trespass?

These gods, who are under the command of the Goddess of Life and guarded outside the Palace of Goddess of Life, even if they are faced with a sudden visit by the Lord God, they will come forward to ask questions and report them with looked towards the divine ability of the Goddess of Life.

Not to mention Qi Le, a god I have never seen before.

"I'm Qi Le, you may not know me, but it's okay, I can trouble you to report it."

Qi Le doesn't care, this is the patriarch Divine Palace Just wait for the rules outside the temple.

"Qi Store Manager?"

However, after hearing Qi Le's self-introduction in front of him, the goddess showed a strange look on his face.

Obviously, this guy should have also ran to the chaotic area.

It's just that he hasn't seen Qi Le, he has only heard of Qi Le's name.

"Do you know me?"

Qi Le also didn't expect. Outside the Palace of Goddess, you can meet a god who knows himself.

Is this the benefit of being famous?

"I just heard the name of Qi Store Manager."

The god shook the head with a surprised expression, then his face straightened and said: "Since it is Qi Store Manager If so, then I won’t ask more. Please wait for the Store Manager. I will go in and tell Goddess Life."

"But whether Goddess Life is willing to meet Store Manager, It’s not for me to make a decision."

"It’s okay, I’m waiting here, so you can go."

Qi Le laughed, then waved his hand, behave. Standing in place.

After seeing the goddess before him enter the Palace of Life Goddess, he also sighed with emotion.

Being famous is still good.

This is how ordinary gods come outside the Palace of the Goddess of Life and say that they want to see the Goddess of Life, which is basically impossible.

And in many cases, what is accepted is a questioning of the gods guarding outside the palace of Goddess of life.

Then he drove away the god who had asked for it.

Just kidding, if every seeker, Goddess of life must meet, then where is the majesty of the Lord God?

This is Qi Le, and the name "Qi Store Manager" is well-known.

If it can be compared with the Divine King female and Dragon God, it basically shows that this "Qi Store Manager" is also a main god.

Since it is a Lord God who wants to see Goddess of life.

In any case, they are not qualified to inquire about them.

Otherwise, it represents the attitude of Goddess of life.

Those who can talk to and question the main god, generally speaking, also if they are the main god.

Therefore, the goddess guarding outside the Palace of Life Goddess did not dare to ask more after learning that the person was "Qi Store Manager".

Just go in and report.

Qi Le stood outside and didn't wait long before the god came out.

Actually, the entire Palace of Goddess of Life is within the perception of Goddess of Life.

Any outsider coming, Goddess of life will know.

But knowing that you know, but the rules should not be chaotic.

Unless you are an acquaintance like Tariana, you don’t need to report, just go in.

Therefore, after the goddess entered the palace of the Goddess of life, he walked not far, and received the order of the Goddess of life.

Bring all Store Manager in.

Then, this god turned his head directly.

"Qi Store Manager, please!"

The god came to Qi Le and said respectfully.

Although he knows what Qi Le's name is, can he call the name of the main god at will?

If it weren't for Qi Store Manager since his fame, his name has always been "Qi Store Manager", so this god has no idea what to call Qi Le except for this name.

I can't say he should be more respectful.

"Well, lead the way ahead."

Qi Le slightly nodded, said aloud.

When you come to someone else’s site, the first rule is to keep your own perception.

If you perceive it indiscriminately, it is likely to be regarded as a signal of challenge and cause a series of unnecessary troubles.

So Qi Le can only let this god lead the way.

You can't just run around.

Fortunately, the Goddess Palace occupies a large area, but the internal structure is not complicated.

It seems that Goddess of life is not a maze hobbyist, and has no plans to build his palace into a maze.

This makes Qi Le sighed in relief.

What Qi Le fears most is those maze hobbyists.

That kind of palace not only becomes troublesome by itself, but if the guests accidentally get lost, it will be even more troublesome.

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