A squad will not be like Qi Le anyway.

If you enter the blood essence spirit castle alone, there is really no way to deal with that many castle guards.

Otherwise, how could Qi Le say that bosses are better to deal with than mobs.

At least the number is much smaller.


Time, in this calm but tense atmosphere, is constantly passing by.

Although Qi Le stays in the store every day, he still pays attention to the life of Divine Kingdom.

The speed of the Underworld God nation’s march is not slow. Anyhow, the participants are all gods, so how slow can they go?

And the life Divine Kingdom has also begun to stand ready, ready to face the upcoming Underworld God nation army.

During this period, not many gods left the Divine Kingdom of life.

Although the gods of God World are realistic, they are not capricious.

Since you have chosen a Divine Kingdom, even if you can't live and die together, you won't run away if it is a bit dangerous.

At least until the last moment, when you feel that there is no chance of winning, you will consider leaving.

Otherwise, a god with two sides and three swords, which main god would welcome?

So when it comes to assemble battle strength, the power that Divine Kingdom can assemble is not weak.

Only in the battle strength of the Lord God, the Goddess of Life is indeed no better than the God of Nether.

Although Life Law and the law of death are inherently opposed.

But it is not equal in battle strength.

Obviously, on the battlefield, death is the main theme, but life is not.

The power of life must be in peace to show its greatest effect.

On the cruel battlefield, only the overwhelming battle strength is the most important thing.

This is also the biggest reason why most of the main gods are not optimistic about Goddess of life, because of the gap in the highest battle strength.

As for the love that has been formed with the help of Goddess of life in the past.

For the selfish, simply is a joke.

They think that as long as the life Goddess falls, these feelings will automatically dissipate.

That's why there are mostly bystanders who wait for the start of the war and then wait for the opportunity to take action.

It doesn't matter to them who wins or loses, as long as the flames of war do not burn on their heads, that is enough.

To be honest, Qi Le snort disdainfully for this behavior.

If you receive a favor, you must pay it back.

This is Qi Le's principle of being a person.

I can only say that those who pretend to be gods may think differently.

But Qi Le can't control that many. For Goddess, a life that hasn't been seen yet, Qi Le can't talk about likes and dislikes.

After all, in the battle between Underworld God Kingdom and Life Divine Kingdom, Qi Le knew only a few participants.

If you want to say the most familiar, there is only one Tariana.

The dragon gods don't necessarily participate in the war.

On the chaotic area, there are even fewer participants.

The gods in the chaotic area are basically impossible to participate in the battle between the Divine Kingdoms, which will only cause trouble for themselves.

Therefore, this battle is more like a profitable opportunity for Qi Le.

It’s just that, before making a profit, we still need to find a way to prevent the gods of the netherworld from casting the earth.

Because if Underworld appears, it will definitely threaten Qi Le's own safety. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed.

But what method should be used to prevent it still needs to be considered.

"The battle is imminent, I'll go find Goddess of life first."

Don’t say anything else, as long as Qi Le is ready to stop the Nether God’s plan, it’s for sure Be an enemy of the god of the netherworld.

In this battle, even if Qi Le did not clearly stand on the side of Goddess of life, he would definitely not be the enemy.

After all, there is a saying that the enemy’s enemy is a friend.

At least until the common enemy is not resolved, the relationship of allies will not be broken.

As for whether the relationship between allies can be maintained after the enemy is eliminated, let's talk about it again.

But in terms of the personality of Goddess, Qi Le feels that the two sides should not develop a bad relationship.

"Just right, at this time, Tariana should be living in Divine Kingdom, now in the past It shouldn't be embarrassed."

Did not go to life in Divine Kingdom before, That's because there is no need to go so early.

Qi Le is not doing nothing all day long.

even more how Qi Le this time In the past, it was not to ally with Goddess of life, but to remind Goddess of life.

In any case, the fragments of Life Law must not fall into the hands of the Nether God.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.


Divine Kingdom of life, the battle strength that can participate in the battle, basically all assembled.

The residents who lived on the border of Divine Kingdom of Life in the past have also moved to the central area of ​​Divine Kingdom of Life.

Before the end of the war, the border of the Divine Kingdom of life will probably be such a desolate scene.

No way, the aborigines of God World in the sky are too fragile before the gods.

If you don't leave, it is very likely that all will be destroyed here.

With the character of Goddess of life, if we can prepare in advance, this kind of thing will naturally not happen.

If this is for the Nether God to do this, he will not care about the life and death of these Divine Kingdom residents.

Probably because of this, there are more residents of Divine Kingdom.

In peacetime, Life Law is still very popular.

Who doesn't want the main god of his faith to care more about his own life and death?

But when the war is about to start, I don't know what the aboriginal people of God World think.

And the life at this moment is in the Palace of Goddess.

Tariana is indeed there.

To be precise, since Tariana came here a few days ago, she has not left.

To accompany the life Goddess, and wait for the arrival of the army of the Underworld God nation.

This is also one of the reasons why Divine Kingdom of Life can build up battle strength so quickly.

After all, the difference in battle strength between Goddess of Life and the God of Nether is not a secret, but something that many gods know.

So, choose between the Divine Kingdom of Life and the Kingdom of Underworld God.

Most gods should choose Underworld God country.

But when Tariana came to the Palace of Life Goddess, the situation was different.

The wicked name of the Divine King woman, in God World, is as everyone knows.

Although the time of the rise of the Divine King female is not as long as Goddess and the Nether God, the fierce Divine King female is not weak at all in battle strength.

The battle strength of the main god cannot be judged solely on the rise of time.

Even on the way to the law, accumulation is a very important factor.

However, the existence of some Tianzong genius cannot be ruled out.

These days, even though genius appeared late, it has grown extremely fast.

The Divine King woman is such an existence.

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