"It's all here, so hurry in."

After Yue Shuangxue, who was on the Xingtou, opened the store, he casually greeted him, turned around and returned to the store. in.

When passing by the beverage vending machine, I also bought two bottles of black coffee.

After fighting all night, I really need to refresh myself.

Of course, it is mainly because of the large map of the tomb of blood essence, which contains a lot of traps.

And the enemy's strength is also much stronger, making Yue Shuangxue feel a little strenuous when he explores the map.

When the customers around the shop walked into the shop shuaa~, bought snacks and drinks, and then sat in the deck, Yue Shuangxue started calling the little kitty Guild’s Member now.

Let the little kitty guild's exploration squad come over first, and go to wasteland with me.

This is what Yue Shuangxue told last night.

Otherwise, why should Yue Shuangxue talk about this in the little kitty Guild? Isn’t it just looking for someone?

In order to let the members of Tantu squad not miss the time, come to the store early.

After all, the members who can be incorporated into the exploration squad must be top players with first-line equipment and operations.

This elite squad can also rely on rich experience and superb operation to minimize losses when opening up wasteland.

"Don't be stunned, form a team first, and then enter the map at a high speed."

The big map of the tomb of the spirit is an obvious public copy, or just a copy Big map of the wild.

Therefore, players who come to this cemetery basically rely on looting if they want to spawn monsters. Otherwise, when there are more players, they might not even have a place to spawn a monster.

Yue Shuangxue naturally takes advantage of this period of land reclamation to seize the opportunity.

At least those castle guards in the castle give more experience than the ghosts and corpses outside.

And you don't need to deliberately attract the blame yourself, as long as you hit one, there will be continuous castle escorts to the door.

There can even be a small boss-level monster like Captain, a guard, mixed in.

The number of these castle guards is too much.

Yue Shuangxue challenged for one night last night, but couldn't please the guards of these castles.

That's why we are so eager to form a team today, wanting to get back some ground.

Hmm... If Qi Le knew about this, I would probably laugh to death.

If you want to treat the castle guard and the guard Captain as wild monsters, at least you have to wait until a large number of players settle in the castle.

In this case, the entire 1st floor of the castle is occupied.

They won’t face the situation where the castle guard and guard Captain can’t fight anymore.

But if you want to eat alone like Yue Shuangxue, it's better to dispel this idea as soon as possible.

blood essence The spirit castle is also a huge public copy, at least it can accommodate tens of thousands of players at the same time, how can it be eaten by a Guild?

Even Qi Le is forced to turn on the sneak mode, knowing how difficult it is to open Wushuang in the blood essence spirit castle.

Unfortunately, Yue Shuangxue is the top iron.

It is estimated that it will take a few more times to destroy the group to wake up.

I have suffered from the squad of the little kitty Guild, and I have to be tortured by my own president.

No way, ordinary first-line players have just entered the blood essence spiritual tomb map, and now they are all trapped in the cemetery outside.

As the number of players coming in increases, the tombstones outside are also activated in large numbers.

In front of the ghosts and corpses that have formed a scale, these players are a little confused now, and they are really not enough.

So Yue Shuangxue wants to wait for a large number of players to come to the castle, I am afraid it will have to wait.


What is the situation of the shops in the East Wilderness and North Mountain Range? Qi Le not quite clear.

It's too far away after all.

But Qi Le knows how the God World store is going.

Because after getting up this morning and opening the store door, Qi Le was surprised to find that the customers guarding outside the store began to shiver coldly again, standing outside afraid to move.

And the one standing in front of the store was Tariana, who had only been here yesterday.

"Didn't you go with the Dragon God, why did you come here again?"

Qi Le looked at Taliana and was silent for a long time before asking.

As the female Divine King, the domineering master god, just running to the chaotic area every day, are you really afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings, in case other master gods get the handle? .

"Are you not welcoming me like this?"

Tariana glared at Qi Le, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's not welcome if you are not welcome, but you will bring your own special effects when you come over. I can't afford to offend a bit."

Qi Le shrugged, then turned around and went back to the store , Gave the door to Tariana.

Speaking of which, Tariana has come to the store a lot.

Why can't those customers adapt?

Every time Tariana went to the shop, those guys looked like chickens in the rain, and didn't dare to move.

I want to shrink into a ball and not be discovered by others.

The name of the Divine King woman is too big.

Among these customers, the only one who can adapt to Tariana's sudden visit may be Tariana's own gods and the dragon gods' gods.

As for the gods in the chaotic area, they dare not move about anything.

There is no way, because there is no backing behind me, I can only live cautiously.

Even if you claim to be a god, you can't live comfortably.

"Qi Store Manager, don't slander me, when did I catch a customer? I have a very good manner ."

Tariana followed Qi Le I walked into the store and talked.

"Passive skills do not need to be actively used."

"And more importantly, your passive skills can't be turned off."

Qi Le head I didn't bother to return, but when I heard Tariana's rebuttal, I just replied casually.

To say when this passive skill will disappear, it is estimated that Tariana will have to go to the store dozens of times.

When those gods are commonplace, they probably won't be as nervous as they are now.

Even if there are some cramps, it will be ten times better than it is now.

"By the way, you usually don't have anything to do and don't run here."

"This time came yesterday, and it's here again today. There should be something to say Right."

Qi Le sat on the sofa, and then said aloud.

How about one doesn't visit a temple without a cause?

The time of the Lord God is very precious... well, it is not precious to go anywhere.

In fact, Qi Le feels that Tariana has this time, why not go to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom to see the Dragon God, and what will she do for herself?

The two have just made up because of the Divine Beast eggs in the store.

At least you have to stay together for a while.

Or do you really enter the old man mode?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2548: Why are you here again)...

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