Except for these rooms where various useful props are placed, there is no difference between Second Layer and 1st floor.

At the entrance of the stairs leading to the 3rd floor of the castle, there is still a castle guard guarding it.

Then Qi Le also assassinated the castle guard, and then went to the 3rd floor of the blood essence spirit castle.

"According to this rule, the layout of the 3rd floor and Second Layer should not be different."

"Maybe the equipment in the room is more expensive."

Qi Le thought to himself as he explored the rooms in the castle.

speaking of which, these castle guards will not appear in the room, which is why Qi Le can sneak in so easily.

Because you don’t know where to hide, just find a room and drill.

Those castle guards will never enter the room.

And the guard Captain will not appear until the castle guard finds the intruder.

Qi Le found out that this blood essence spirit castle is not as difficult as imagined, at least not dragon's pool and tiger's den.

At least the way to sneak in is quite simple, and there are many rooms where you can hide.

However, this idea disappeared without a trace from Qi Le's mind in the next second.

Because, after Qi Le this time opened the door of the room, a blood essence nobleman sitting behind the desk was looking at him with surprise, a bit embarrassing for a while.

The castle guard does not appear in the room.

However, it is not normal for the nobles living in the castle to appear in the room.

"This...no, sorry, excuse me..."

Qi Le said something embarrassingly, and then wanted to leave here as if nothing happened.

It is a pity that the blood essence behind the desk moves faster.

I saw this guy slam the desk and let out a sharp cry.

"There is assassin --!"

The strong vision almost didn't stimulate Qi Le to jump up.

"Damn it!"

Qi Le was shocked in his heart, and the dagger in his hand shot out immediately, taking the blood essence from the throat of the nobleman.

Then Qi Le, regardless of whether this time's attack was successful or not, he rushed out and ran out.

If this is surrounded by those castle guards, it is estimated that it will be sent away again.

However, the result is still very regrettable. Qi Le still failed to escape the encirclement of the castle guards and was sent away again.

"What am I..."

"I was tricked by the system again. This guy's designer skills are increasing day by day."

Qi Le rubbed Between the eyebrows, I feel a little tired.

I originally thought that those rooms were for players to hide from the patrol of the castle guards.

But didn't expect, it turned out to be another trap.

First give you an illusion that the room is safe, let you relax your guard.

Then, when you feel that these rooms are safe enough, you suddenly attack and catch you off guard.

Good guy, isn't it just a new big map? Is it necessary to design it like this?

It seems that the blood essence big map of the tomb of the spirit wants to teach players the truth, which is the sinister heart of the people.

But people's hearts are not sinister Qi Le doesn't know, Qi Le only knows that the heart of system is really sinister.

"Forget it, the work of map exploration should be given to those players with perseverance and perseverance."

Qi Le decided to give up this hard work.

Sure enough, those players who explore maps and open up wasteland and write strategies are all players worthy of admiration.

"The new big map will be updated tonight and will be online tomorrow."

Qi Le made a decision.

By the way, Yue Shuangxue was notified: "The update you want has arrived. Pay attention to check it tonight."

"Really, very good!"

"I like you the most, Qi Le."

Yue Shuangxue cheered immediately after receiving the notification.

Qi Le was so scared that he almost jumped up on the spot, saying in his heart, don't let your mother hear this.

If Tariana knows this, it is estimated that this relationship will not be washed away.

Really, I don't know why Tariana is so eager to find a son-in-law for herself, Qi Le can't bear it anyway.

"This matter is finally handled, The New World Mode is probably the last update..."

"No, wait!"

came Qi Le, who back to his senses, had divine light flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something.

"The New World Mode is developed on the basis of the battle strength improvement training room, and the original intention is to improve the player's battle strength."

"Why do I think, The New World Mode is a place for games."

Thinking about it, Qi Le suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If you transform The New World Mode, you may not be able to train a batch of battle strengths that will climb God World in the sky.

Let those players who are hoping to be promoted to the king-level realm, feel the Law Power in The New World Mode in advance, and it will also have great benefits for their growth.

even more how, Qi Le’s previous actions were not just for this day.

Isn’t it just to cultivate more battle strength by actively letting the system send Heaven and Earth air for the Sifangjie.

Now that Heaven and Earth is lucky, let the customers in the store feel the power of various laws in The New World Mode.

In this way, they will be able to choose the law that best suits them to condense to the high throne.

The only thing to consider is where their strength of faith came from.

Anyway, a square bound is not enough.

But, Low Plane that many, is it not simple if you want strength of Faith.

As long as Qi Le wants to, with the help of the system, there are too many ways for others to obtain the strength of faith.

Then, with the help of The New World Mode's physical rewards, the strength of Faith is directly rewarded through the task, and rewarded to those players who hope to be promoted to the realm of the king.

This is the real God-making plan.

"Yes, that's right, that's it!"

The more Qi Le thinks about it, the more reasonable he feels. Before, he forgot The New World Mode, a good channel for creating gods. Up.

Fortunately, it was mentioned by Yue Shuangxue, which made Qi Le think of this method.

However, it is estimated that only Qi Le can make gods in this way.

Because Qi Le has the body of law, it can condense all kinds of Law Power.

Moreover, only the system has this ability, which can transfer the strength of Faith to others through some special methods without any side effects.

If this is put on other gods, even the main god, it is impossible to do it.

"The second half of the God-Making Project is finally perfected. Alas, I would not update this blood essence spiritual tomb if I knew it."

Qi Le slapped his head, and again I remembered this.

Of course, since they have been updated, Qi Le is too lazy to change the decision.

at worst wait for the next time a new big map is released, and then put this feature on the line.

After all, Qi Le’s current strength of Faith is not enough.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2546: The Magic of The New World Mode)...

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