There is one thing to say, every time Qi Le used to go to the forum, he was always surprised by those data stream players.

It's hard to imagine how they can test these data so accurately.

Qi Le estimated that it should be through fighting against the mobs, elite monsters, and boss monsters again and again, and then take the damage, and then calculate it.

Thinking about it this way, it is really hard for the players who are doing the strategy.

This is not only labor, but also labor.

A player who can bear such a boring job is indeed not simple, at least Qi Le admires it.

But admiration is one thing, Qi Le would not do this kind of thing anyway, the technical content is high, but it is meaningless.

Let's continue to explore maps and open up wasteland, this is more interesting.

speaking of which, Qi Le hasn't been in The New World Mode for a long time.

Now come to The New World Mode again, even if the newly released big map environment is indeed a little gloomy, Qi Le is also very pleased, at least not so boring in the future.

blood essence The periphery of the big map of the tomb of the spirit is this large cemetery. There is nothing unusual about it.

Except for various ghosts and corpses, there are no other types of wild monsters.

It seems to be simply a place for players to level up.

But that's how it is said, but when these ghosts and corpses work together to form a battle formation, it is still a headache.

After all, the types are complete, including melee, meat shield, long-range, physical output, magic output, and assistance.

Moreover, ghosts are immune to physical damage.

From a certain perspective, even the periphery of the tomb of blood essence is not low.

At least it can give those players who rush into this cemetery a huge surprise, telling them that the mobs also not to be trifled with.

Especially when a large variety of mobs have formed a number, the displayed battle strength is even terrifying.

To be honest, in many cases, Qi Le would rather face the boss monsters than the hordes of mobs.

Because the routines of playing bosses are that many, more familiarity will be over.

But this little monster like a flash flood and a tsunami...

Frankly speaking, Qi Le is quite a headache.

Fortunately, the mechanism of this cemetery is not very annoying, and Qi Le alone cannot attract many mobs.

After getting rid of the ghosts and corpses blocking the way, Qi Le also came outside the walls of the blood essence spirit castle.

Only when you get closer can you realize how huge this castle really is.

The vast land area, and the towering castle top that can't be seen at a glance.

Don't say this is a castle, even if someone says it is a small city-state, Qi Le can believe it.

The blood essence Royal Family who once lived in the upper part of the castle is probably the same as living in the castle in the sky.

However, such a magnificent castle looks dilapidated at the moment.

The walls covered with moss and cracks make this castle look like on the verge of collapse.

But these all are visual effects, blood essence, Spirit Castle will definitely not fall, or else how to play.

"It is worthy of a cemetery. Even this castle looks like a huge tombstone."

Qi Le raised his head and looked up, then took his gaze back. Up.

blood essence The sky on the big map of the tomb of the spirits was originally very dark, with a faint blood color.

In this gloomy environment, the visibility of the line of sight is not far away, so how could it be possible to see the top of the castle.

Let's go inside the castle and have a look.

Qi Le can be sure with his years of gaming experience.

blood essence The focus of the big map of the tomb of the spirit must be placed in this castle.

If it is not... then Qi Le guessed it wrong. Years of gaming experience should be a joke.

Just kidding, with Qi Le’s character, how could he set such a strange flag for himself at this time.

The gate of the castle is right in front of you, and the wall has collapsed for a long time. Just walk in.

Qi Le did not hesitate, and quickly crossed the wall filled with various plants and vines.

Then through the overgrown courtyard, I came to the gate of the castle.

It used to be an extremely luxurious gate, but now it has become rotten because of the ebbing of time.

The strong door lock made by steel essence, Qi Le can open it without even exerting force.

"creak ——!"

As a series of harsh sounds sounded, the gate of the castle was pushed open by Qi Le.

Due to the long-term airtight, a rotten air with a musty smell rushed out of the castle.

Qi Le took a few steps back in shock, and covered his mouth and nose.

No way, this smell is too irritating.

"Wow, system, although I know this is a cemetery, but you don't need to work on such details."

There is one thing to say, and I suddenly smell this This kind of rotten, even rancid air, even Qi Le, can't help but feel a little sick, and has to complain.

However, before he finished speaking, Qi Le caught a glimpse of an icon in his status bar.

Poisoned status: Infected with corpse poison, blood will continue to be lost; if the poison cannot be detoxified, the corpse will become dead in one hour.


It turns out that this decadent air is not a detail, but the first trap to enter the castle.

Qi Le realized it, and for the first time felt that the system does have an innate talent for people.

At least this trap is designed very cleverly, so that you can't guard against it.

"Detoxification, I remember it was only right to carry the poison in my backpack."

Qi Le opened the backpack and turned it over, then took out a bottle of antidote and drank it.

However, after drinking the antidote, Qi Le found that the poisoned state on his body had not disappeared.

In other words, the conventional antidote has no way to relieve the toxicity of this corpse poison.

"This time is a bit troublesome."

No way, the poisoned state is the continuous blood loss, Qi Le can only use the blood medicine to withstand it first.

It’s not good to explore maps and open up wasteland. This kind of trap is difficult to avoid without knowing it in advance.

Mainly unexpected.

So now I can only go as far as I can go before the corpse is transformed.

At least a few more traps are found, and it can be considered dead.

After entering the castle, the first type of mob that Qi Le encountered was called the castle guard.

That sophisticated armor and sharp Knight sword are completely different from the mobs in the cemetery outside.

In the attribute, the castle guard is also much higher, and it also comes with some physical damage reduction and magic damage reduction.

It seems that this castle guard should belong to the category of elite monsters.

However, in front of Qi Le, the difference between ordinary mobs and elite mobs is not that big.

There is no way to cause Qi Le trouble anyway.

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