"I'm so boring to stay in the store now."

"Qi Le, I'm going to lose without The New World Mode."

Yue Shuangxue suddenly started wailing.


It's really you, Little Xue.

Qi Le's eyebrows couldn't help but beating twice, and he always felt anger in it.

"The problem of The New World Mode, I'll talk about it later, I have other business matters to talk to you this time."

"By the way, Xi'er, your Supreme Throne , Is the condense here?"

Well, this is also a business that cannot be ignored.

Yue Xi'er must condense his own supreme throne to completely suppress or completely digest the power of the king, Qi Le will consider introducing Yue Xi'er to God World go with.

Otherwise, under the vigilance of many main gods, even Qi Le would not want to face such a situation.

So this issue is one of Qi Le's biggest concerns.

" Yes , it's still a bit worse."

When asked about this, Yue Xi'er scratched his face, and some said sorry.

This feeling is like letting down the expectations of Qi Le big brother, which makes Yue Xi'er a little ashamed.

However, Qi Le did not have any redundant reaction, just nodded, said: "What is expected, how Tianzong genius was the king at the time, and the power he possessed is naturally unparalleled in the world."

"Xi'er, don't need to feel sorry, just keep working hard."

In fact, Qi Le didn't feel that before asking about it, Yue Xi'er can now take the man All of the powers are under control.

Even if the King of People stays, only a small part of the power he possesses.

But in any case, it is also the name of the king.

This is the power left over by the King of Humans when he was in the pinnacle.

Yue Xi'er is so far away from the King of Man at Peak. It is so difficult to control the power left by the King of Man.

Rather, Yue Xi'er can now control most of the power left by the King of Humans.

This went beyond Qi Le's expectations.


Yue Xi'er seems to want to say something.

But Qi Le just shook the head, interrupting Yue Xi'er's words, and said: "No, but, you have done very well."

"Go to God World affairs are also unhurried for a while, just take it slowly."

Although Qi Le is in God World, there are two more allies, Dragon God and Tariana.

But the Devourer Divine Kingdom and Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom are some distance away from Qi Le's shop after all, with the elements Divine Kingdom and Martial Dao Divine Kingdom separated in between.

In case something happens, distant water can't quench the near thirst.

Yue Xi'er can come to God World later, and Qi Le will have more time to prepare.

So Qi Le's "unhurried moment" is really not a kind word, he is really in no hurry.

"Well, Xi'er knows, Xi'er will continue to work hard!"

However, Yue Xi'er seems to think that Qi Le is to comfort her, so Will say these words.

So when answering, the expression on Yue Xi'er's face became very serious.

"Xi'er, remember, haste brings no success."

Qi Le can only say that.

After that, the conversation was transferred to Yue Shuangxue.

"Hey, you really have something to do with me."

Yue Shuangxue found Qi Le's gaze looked towards him, and suddenly said with a little surprise.

"I thought you came to see Xi'er."

After all, in Yue Shuangxue's view, the relationship between herself and Qi Le does not seem to be so close yet, she I didn't think Qi Le could have anything serious about her.

"Hey, when did I joke with you." Qi Le shook the head dissatisfied.

Then the conversation turned around and said: "Little Xue, I ask you, do you have any impression of your childhood?"

Qi Le is right when I met Yue Shuangxue Before, what happened to Yue Shuangxue can be said to be basically unknown.

So now I have to check with Yue Shuangxue to see if she still has an impression of her parents.

"What happened when I was young?"

Yue Shuangxue froze for a moment, and frowns seemed to be remembering something.

After a while, Yue Shuangxue lifts the head and said aloud: "I only remember that I was sleeping, and I don’t know how long I slept. When I woke up, I found myself In a large forest."

"Is Taliana left behind for protection."

Qi Le stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

It seems that when Yue Shuangxue was sent out of God World, he should have been born not long ago, and he has no memory.

That's why Tariana let Yue Shuangxue sleep all the time, and slowly grow in the sleep.

Until Yue Shuangxue's strength is sufficient, he will not wake up.

However, in any Low Plane, there should not be many creatures that can threaten the life of Devouring Civet.

Qi Le is probably the only exception.

"What did you ask about this incident suddenly?"

After Yue Shuangxue finished the memory, he asked again.

For Yue Shuangxue, the memories of childhood are of no value.

In other words, in the memory of each Devouring Civet, there are not many meaningful parts, and swallowing is just like instinct.

In order to become stronger, keep fighting, and then devour the enemy, devour all kinds of useful heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

These uninteresting things have no memorable value.

Qi Le's sudden mention of this incident made Yue Shuangxue a little confused.

"You want to ask me why I asked you about this. That's because I met your mother in God World in the sky."

Qi Le does not doubt Yue Shuangxue The authenticity of the answer actually doesn't matter whether it is true or false.

I would ask, in fact, there are reasons Qi Le is curious.

"My mother?"

Yue Shuangxue stared wide-eyed, his face was full of consternation.

"Do I still have a mother?"


Qi Le hearing this is also full of question marks.

Have you always felt that you are an orphan?

If you don't have a mother, where did you come from? Did you pop out of a rock?

But you are not a monkey either.

"No, I didn't mean that, that is, uh...it was sudden."

Yue Shuangxue looked at Qi Le's weird expression and couldn't help but scratch Scratching the back of his head, he explained.

This incident is indeed quite sudden.

In Yue Shuangxue's memory, since he has the memory, he has always been a cat alone.

This loneliness didn't end until I met Qi Le, so Yue Shuangxue was willing to stay in the store, and like to stay in the store.

Devouring Civet, this race, seems to be destined to be lonely by nature.

After all, there is only one Devouring Civet in a plane, so how could it not be alone.

Therefore, Yue Shuangxue pays special attention to feelings.

Even Tariana in God World in the sky has spotted the dragon god.

That's why the relationship between the two seems a little strange.

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