If you really want to tell a story, it is probably also the feeling of sympathy that has appeared in the same promotion as the main god of Variation Beast.

We are sorry for each other... Wait!

Qi Le just thought of the word "Xiangxi", the thoughts in his mind suddenly stopped.

By the way, when Yue Shuangxue was caught in Donghuang and learned that Yue Shuangxue was Devouring Civet, Qi Le didn't feel much.

I just heard that the Devouring Civet race, there is only one in the entire plane.

And if the previous Devouring Civet is not dead, the next one will not appear.

So Qi Le subconsciously ignored the problem of reproduction.

After all, if there is only one in the entire race, it is probably a way of reincarnation, or splitting.

However, after identifying the gender of Yue Shuangxue, Qi Le felt that something was wrong.

Does asexual reproduction need gender?

Hmm... this is a good question.

But at that time, Qi Le didn't think so deeply.

Then, now, Qi Le finally remembered this problem.

If Yue Shuangxue’s mother is Tariana, then who will Yue Shuangxue’s father be?

"Your eyes are very problematic, Qi Store Manager."

Tariana looked at Qi Le and seemed to have noticed something, so she suddenly said it out loud.

"No way, I think it's okay."

Qi Le took a deep breath.

Although this question is very interesting, Qi Le has nothing to do with Tariana's reluctance.

When it comes to privacy matters, Qi Le still respects me...this cat's wishes.

"It's still very problematic."

Tariana broke Qi Le's perfunctory, but did not delve into it.

But when the two were talking, the store door was suddenly pushed open, allowing Tariana and Qi Le to look over at the same time.

There should be only a few people who will open the store at this time.

Bu Yuyan is in the store.

Then, the person who came should be Dragon God.

"Qi Le, I'm back."

However, the person who came into the store was Zi Yun.

"Did you come back from Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom so soon?"

Qi Le ignored Zi Yun.

Before, Tariana sent Zi Yun to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom. On the way in the past, the relationship between the two should be good.

Otherwise, how could Zi Yun appear so comfortable when facing Tariana.

You must know that Qi Le can not care about Tariana's identity as the lord god, that is because Qi Le is standing in the store and has this ability.

As long as Qi Le is willing, Tariana can never pose any threat to him.

But Zi Yun is impossible with this ability.

Nothing in case.

If there is such a case, then Qi Le should let Zi Yun be the protagonist.

"No, I have a mission to come back this time."

Upon hearing Qi Le's words, Zi Yun couldn't help but scratch her face.

"What mission?"

"Help the dragon goddess to lead the way."


Qi Le twisted Eyebrows, looking at Zi Yun, full of emotion.

Good fellow, it's only been a few days since I haven't seen him, and he has shown his face in front of Dragon God again.

If it weren't for Qi Le with the Erbi system, it would be Zi Yun's Qi Luck, not Child of Destiny.

"Tariana, why are you here?"

While speaking, a handsome, elegant and gentle man walked into the store.

The man is wearing a moon white robe with a dragon scales jade belt around his waist, looking like a graceful gentleman.

Could it be that this one is... the Dragon God? !

Qi Le looked at this gentleman-like character, waited for his eyes, and did not react for a long time.

This is different from what I imagined.

"Qi Le, you are right, this one is under the crown of the dragon god."

Standing next to Zi Yun, it seems that Qi Le is thinking What's the same, I suddenly spoke, and said quietly.

"cough cough cough ..."

Qi Le coughed suddenly.

You really deserve to be the Dragon God, just like this, he is so handsome.

Qi Le is ashamed of being inferior anyway.

No way, the face is born.

"Long Jun, you can come over, why can't I come over?"

Tariana looked straight at the Dragon God and asked back.

This is the name, it sounds a bit wrong-Long Jun?

Tariana, you also said that you have nothing to do with the Dragon God!

"Well, I really can't care about you. Even if it is Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom, you always come and leave if you want."

The Dragon God smiled and shook The head, the expression on his face, seemed a little helpless.


Tariana was snorted bored.

This scene made Qi Le feel a little stomachache, and the love, hatred and hatred in it, he can at least come up with a large-scale series of one hundred and eighty episodes.

On the twists and turns of the love story between Divine King and the Dragon God?

However, the Dragon God did not respond to Tariana's groaning sound, but turned his head and looked towards Qi Le.

"You are the Qi Store Manager mentioned by Tariana."

"Yes, I am."

Qi Le clicked Head, and then groaned and said, "I don’t know how I should call you, Dragon God, or Dragon Lord ?"

Generally speaking, one is directly called by name, and the other is called title.

It's just that those who are qualified to call the main god directly, it is estimated that there is only another main god.

Of course, when the relationship is not so close, it is more appropriate to use a title.

"It is enough for Qi Store Manager to call me Dragon God, another name is dedicated to Tariana."

Dragon God said with a smile.


Qi Le gave Tariana an interesting look.

If nothing else, just the answer of Dragon God, is there any special relationship with this?

Qi Le now strongly suspects that Yue Shuangxue's father is the Dragon God!

tsk tsk tsk, this is called the real Eldest Miss experiencing civilian life. His parents are the main gods, so he wanted to go to the Low Plane, but was arrested.

If you modify the plot, you will have to change the title.

Call: Daughter Loli is in love with me?

Or add: It’s hard to remember the daughter of Loli?

Thinking of this, Qi Le suddenly realized that his own evil taste is really evil.

Those kinds of Divine Beast eggs specially prepared for Dragon God are obviously inappropriate.

Who made the Dragon God even have a daughter? Then Qi Le would use the Divine Beast in his memory to speculate, which obviously shouldn't be.

But then again, does this also prove the power of Devouring Civet bloodline?

It can actually suppress the bloodline power of the Dragon God.

"Don't look at me!"

Tariana also noticed Qi Le's eyes, and immediately glared Qi Le.

"Qi Store Manager, is there any problem?"

Dragon God also asked.

"It's okay, nothing happened."

Qi Le waved his hand, and then changed the subject: "I don't know if Dragon God is here, what's the matter? " in addition to Divine Beast eggs outside, Qi Le do not think the current store's merchandise, what can attract the attention of the Dragon.

But to buy Divine Beast eggs, you don’t have to come here by the Dragon God himself.

At least Tariana doesn't do this kind of thing.

Normally, I don’t come here, so there must be something wrong.

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