"Well, originally I wanted to introduce that little girl to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom. Since you said that, then forget it."

Talia Na shrugged, she said, it's Zi Yun of course.

Obviously, Tariana saw Zi Yun's true body at first glance.

In front of Devouring Civet, the breath of each race is different, and Variation Beast is naturally the same.

"No, you don't have to worry about me. Look, my shop is so big, it can't accommodate many people."

Qi Le reached out and gestured for the size of the shop. .

To tell the truth, Zi Yun and Bu Yuyan stayed in the store, but they didn't have much to do.

There is only so much business in the store now, and unlike Qi Le, the two of them can become stronger by staying in the store every day.

Rather than wasting time in the store, it is better to go out and experience obediently and honestly.

"Do you want them to go to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom?"

Tariana said casually.

"Look at what they mean."

Qi Le said that he would not interfere in this matter.

Taliana shrugged, then looked towards Zi Yun, and said: "Little girl, do you want to go to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom to see? Maybe recognize ancestors and return to the fold It’s not uncommon to have a blood relationship with a king-level power coming from the same Low Plane in God World.

Rather, in the same bloodline, the probability of the power of the king class appears again, but it is even greater.

"recognize ancestors and return to the fold?!"

When Zi Yun heard this kind of ridiculous word, she was shocked.

Qi Le frowned when he saw from the side, and asked aloud: "Did you think of something?"

"I just thought of a possibility."

Zi Yun said groaningly.

"Purple Dian Winged Dragon!"

"Purple Dian Winged Dragon?"

Qi Le frowned, but I quickly thought of Zidian Winged Dragon in the end who is it.

In the forging world, the fragment of the Supreme Throne—the casting jade plate was originally in the hands of Zidian Winged Dragon. It was not until the disappearance of Zidian Winged Dragon that it was passed to Zi Yun’s hands. in.

In the records of the forging world, the Winged Dragon of Zidian has fallen.

But thinking about it now, this statement seems a bit wrong.

The lifespan of the pure-blood Dragon Race is thousands of years old, or even tens of thousands of years.

With the strength of Zidian Winged Dragon, it was unmatched in the forging world.

Even the most powerful force at the time, the Palace of Castings, did not dare to offend the Winged Dragon of Zidian easily. This is evident.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that the powerhouse that could threaten the life of Zidian Winged Dragon did not exist in the forging world at that time.

So, how did the news of the fall of Zidian Winged Dragon come about?

I'm afraid it's just that the Winged Dragon of Purple Light disappeared and never appeared again. That's why it was recorded.

In other words, there is no exact statement about whether the Winged Dragon of Zidian has fallen or left.

Thinking about it this way, it is not impossible to say that Zidian Winged Dragon has come to God World.

After all, Tariana is talking about the god of the dragon god.

A god under the authority of a main god, who wants to enter the God World in the sky, does not have to take the road of heavenly ascension.

"Your guess is not unreasonable, do you want to check it in the past?"

Qi Le touched the chin, asked slowly.

"Of course, it is also my ancestor anyway, if I am still alive, I should greet me."

Zi Yun nodded.

But this time, Bu Yuyan couldn't follow it.

Zi Yun went to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom this time to find her ancestors.

There are no ancestors of the Bu family staying in God World in the sky, and I always feel that something is wrong after following it.

"Then I will trouble you."

Qi Le looked towards Tariana.

"It's a little thing, Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom is not far away, it's near the Spirit Devouring Divine Kingdom." Tariana waved her hand.

As for Bu Yuyan, let's stay in the store for now.

After Zi Yun has confirmed the affairs of her ancestors, she can find Bu Yuyan in the store.

Anyway, even if Zi Yun has determined that Zidian Winged Dragon is not dead, it is impossible to stay in Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom.

If you want to become stronger, the chaotic area is the best place to experience.

Because Divine Kingdom is not allowed to fight at will, there is no way to quickly accumulate the number of believers.

Staying in Divine Kingdom all the time is tantamount to standing still, basically extinguishing the hope of your own rapid rise.

Of course, staying in Divine Kingdom for the elderly is not impossible to become stronger.

It's just that the accumulation of strength of faith is much slower.

The believers who rely on their past development, in the ebbing of time, slowly accumulate the strength of Faith.

Such a god has consumed all his energy, and the speed of improvement is negligible.

Anyway, Zi Yun is impossible to do this kind of thing.

"Zi Yun elder sister, then I will wait till you get back here in Qi Le."

The joy on Bu Yuyan's face almost overflowed.

Before, in order to experience herself, Bu Yuyan thought about going to the chaotic area with Zi Yun.

But, from the perspective of deep in one's heart, Bu Yuyan doesn't want to leave the store.

Okay now, there are excuses, and it's the best excuse.

"Okay, then you have to come on."

Zi Yun patted Bu Yuyan on the shoulder, saying that it was worthwhile.

"Sister Zi Yun..."

" Okay, let's not say more, Wang Nv Mian, I 'm sorry to trouble you."

Zi Yun laughed, Then turned and looked towards Tariana.

Qi Le can talk and laugh happily with Taliana, calling her by name, but Zi Yun can't be so bold.

Regardless of the relationship between the Divine King woman and Qi Le, the main god is the main god, and the status must be clearly seen.

"Well, follow up, I will send you to Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom."

Tariana nodded slightly.

At this point, the show has finally ended.

Seeing Tariana leaving with Zi Yun from the back, many customers in the store almost didn't sit on the ground.

The oppression force of the Divine King woman is really too big, just standing there, it makes people feel like a man, and even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

And now, there is another dragon god.

In this way, the identity of Qi Store Manager is more and more certain.

It must be the main god undoubtedly.

But, what will be the name of Qi Store Manager?


"If Zidian Winged Dragon is not dead, then what is going on with this cast jade plate?"

Qi Le thought about it again.

If we say that Zidian Winged Dragon is really a god under the command of the Dragon God.

Then the forging god who once controlled the forging world must know this.

The Dragon God is a famous god in the Sky God World. Which forging god dares to don't give face?

So, this casting jade plate, was the god of forging deliberately left in the forging world?

According to this line of thought, and then continue to speculate, the god of forging who once in charge of the forging world would not just live in the Sacred Dragon Divine Kingdom.

This is not impossible.

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