The objects of the God-making Project mentioned by Qi Le refer to those people in the Sifangjie.

Such as Nalan Qinqi and others.

You know, Nalan Qinqi has the inheritance of the Ice Spirit Saint King, and the aptitude of promotion to the realm of the realm is definitely there.

Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er are equally good, and they have the same opportunity to be promoted to the realm of the king.

Especially Lan Zi'er, Qi Le always feel that it has something to do with the giant dragon holy king.

And the other one is Lan Ye.

Qi Le remembers clearly, Lan Ye's aptitude, which is recognized by the overlord.

Who is Overlord?

Ancient Era, the Peak power in the Human Race, the peerless powerhouse of the king-class realm.

People who can be recognized by the overlord, can aptitude be worse?

So instead of cultivating those Divine Beasts with incomplete bloodlines, wouldn't it be better to start directly from subjects with high aptitude?

It’s just that Heaven and Earth in the Eastern Wilderness has a little less luck, and can’t cultivate a powerhouse-level Supreme Peak.

Therefore, the god-making plan that Qi Le thought about before, has not been able to start so far.

Then after Qi Le arrives at God World.

In order to continue to hide the plane coordinates of Sifangjie, Qi Le will not take the initiative to contact Sifangjie.

But now it is different. With the enhanced version of the barrier gate, Qi Le can completely ignore the road of heavenly ascension, and directly contact Sifangjie without revealing the coordinates of the plane.

In this case, the god-making plan can be implemented.

Fighting alone is not Qi Le’s character, especially when the enemy he needs to face is so powerful.

Although Qi Le stayed in the store, even if he was the main god, there was nothing he could do with him.

However, while the main god can't take Qi Le, Qi Le can't take the main god.

God World is not the same as the Eastern Wilderness or Northern Mountain Range.

Not even those Low Plane that Qi Le has ever been to.

Qi Le wants to open a store quietly, so it's not realistic to live in a corner.

In the past, in the Eastern Wilderness or in the northern mountain range, or in those low planes, Qi Le's strength was able to stand at the highest point of the entire plane, looking down on everyone.

However, in God World, the main god on the surface can't be dealt with by Qi Le.

Let alone those old monsters who are hiding in the dark and have not yet appeared.

The king of humans at the time possessed one of the highest-ranking laws-the law of reincarnation, and the degree of perfection of the Dao Mark law is close to 90%, which has touched the ceiling of the battle strength of God World in the sky. .

However, even so, the King of People still fell.

At least on the surface.

Qi Le asks himself, he is still not as good as the king, so finding allies is still very important.

Furthermore, even if you are a king, you are not alone.

The reason why the power of the King of Humans can threaten the entire Sky God World is because of the enormous power organized by the King of Humans.

Then it provoked a war that swept across the entire sky of God World, involving most of the gods.

That's why it was attacked by many main gods.

Then Qi Le is naturally impossible to fight alone.

It's just that the allies found in God World, to be honest, Qi Le can't worry at all.

Neither the giant dragon saint king of the last era nor the older human king has ever sought allies in God World.

It’s not good to say that, in fact, most of the gods are jackals of the same tribe.

Occupying the divine power alone, cutting off all the path to becoming stronger, from their standpoint, this is indeed correct.

However, these gods are enemies to any creature whose path is blocked to become stronger!

This kind of opposition is innate and impossible to be resolved.

One side wants to become stronger, while the other side does everything possible to prevent the former from becoming stronger.

Therefore, the best way to resolve this conflict is to completely disappear.

It's just a pity that this matter has never been realized in the endless river of time.

Oppression and resistance are always accompanied by.

And in this opposition.

Whether it is the giant dragon saint king, or the human king, as well as the current Qi Le, it represents countless creatures who want to become stronger.

Then, from the very beginning, Qi Le stands on the opposite side of the gods.

Also standing on the opposite side of God World in the sky dome.

So let Qi Le look for allies in the Sky God World, isn't it a matter of surrendering his juniors to the enemy's defense.

How could Qi Le do this kind of thing.

In God World, it can barely be counted as an ally. At present, there are only followers of the kings of Serkaya.

After all, the purpose is the same, and it is also necessary to face the entire sky God World.

For the time being, I can believe it.

To be more precise, it should be the power of the King of Human beings in God World that can be temporarily believed.

As long as the common enemy still exists, the followers of the King of Humans are impossible to betray.

And like the followers left behind by the King of Humans, there is actually another force that can become an ally.

That is the back hand of the giant dragon Saint King arranged in the Sky of God World.

You know, the king of man has fallen, but the giant dragon holy king still has Remnant Soul left.

From this point of view, the methods of the giant dragon Saint King are obviously higher.

But the prestige left in the Sky Dome God World, the two are too far apart.

At least Qi Le hasn't heard anyone mention the name of the Giant Dragon Saint King.

I just don’t know if this is the purpose of the Giant Dragon Saint King.

Therefore, based on these issues, Qi Le feels that it is more reliable to cultivate allies by themselves.

Didn’t you find that whether it is the King of Humans or the Saint King of Giant Dragon, when they come to God World to “make troubles”, do they bring their own people?

No matter how bad it is, it is also a king-level power that climbed up from the Low Plane and has not been contaminated by the ideas of the gods.

In fact, those who have just arrived from the Low Plane through the heavenly ascension road to the heavenly God World are the king-class powers.

Under normal circumstances, I still consider my hometown.

However, there are very few who can stick to these ideas.

Who would be willing to distribute their resources to others?

So I'm more reliable.

"System, open the door of barriers, and provide Heaven and Earth luck for the Sifangjie."

Qi Le's mind is still very clear.

The 1st Step of the God Creation Project is naturally to promote the target to the powerhouse-level peak realm.

Lan Ye and the others are not Divine Beast, they can't use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to force them up, they can only make their own efforts.

The Heaven and Earth Qi Luck provided by Qi Le is actually only provided to the Heaven and Earth will of the Eastern Wilderness.

In this way, Donghuang has enough capital to give birth to a powerhouse-level Supreme Peak.

Anyway, for Qi Le, Heaven and Earth's luck is worthless. If you give it, it will be given away. It's worth to use to cultivate your own people.

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