You must know that Jai Sui is one of the nine sons of the dragon, born with a dragon head and a leopard body, very domineering.

The character is strong and violent, brave and good at fighting, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, brave and good at fighting. Divine Beast is particularly fond of fighting.

It can be said that compared with Zhu Wei, Jai Xuan is not inferior, even worse.

Sure enough, speaking of Divine Beast eggs, this kind of brave and fighting Divine Beast is still a good Divine Beast egg.

At least for the gods in the chaotic area, Jaisu is definitely much more popular than Dangkang.

As for the Dangkang Divine Beast egg in front, Qi Le estimates that maybe those customers of Divine Kingdom will like it.

After all, the atmosphere in the Divine Kingdom of life is still based on peace.

But if Qi Le chooses, Qi Le will definitely choose Juixi.

For nothing else, just talk about the appearance of Juixuan, the dragon head and the leopard body, then it is much more domineering than Dangkang.

It is worthy of being one of the nine sons of the dragon.

"Very good, although the first hand is a bad lottery, but the second hand is starting to get better."

Qi Le is still very happy and has a Divine Beast. The egg can completely make up for the previous lack of battle strength.

Then, look at the third Divine Beast egg.

I hope I don’t become disappointed.

Lay the Divine Beast egg!

One of the nine sons of the dragon again-Domination!

"Ah, this..."

Qi Le eyebrow raised, the expression on his face became a little strange.

Although this Ba Xia is the same as Jai Su, it is also one of the nine sons of the dragon.

However, when compared with the battle strength of Ba Xia and Jai Xu, the difference is quite big.

Baxia looks a bit like a tortoise, but if you really want to speak of which, it might be more appropriate to call Baxia Dragon Tortoise.

At any rate, it is also a descendant of True Dragon, and it is no exaggeration to call it Divine Beast.

The battle strength that can be dominated is mainly embodied in the terrifying matchless power, which belongs to the pure power type Divine Beast.

So in terms of speed, it is really hard to describe.

Let's say that hegemony is not strong, it is much better than Dangkang.

Yes, Qi Le now likes to take out the first bad lottery to "whip the corpse". Dangkang is indeed unexpected.

However, if you want to say that it is strong, it is far worse than Jai Xuan.

"Ai, I should have thought of this a long time ago. The value of Divine Beast is indeed not all reflected in battle strength."

Qi Le suddenly wanted to understand.

Because battle strength is really not the only criterion for judging Divine Beast.

After all, Divine Beast is not an ominous beast, nor is it all bloodthirsty and easy to kill. What do you need such a strong battle strength to do.

Just like those laws mastered by gods, there are also laws without battle strength.

For example, the most typical-the law of forging.

But even if the forging law does not have much battle strength, can it be said that the forging law is not important?

Obviously not!

So for these Divine Beast eggs, you can't be too demanding.

After trying to understand this key point, Qi Le suddenly let go.

No wonder the system is so generous today, it turned out to be sold out.

"Sure enough, the Erbi system will not change the stingy nature."

Qi Le silently shrugged, and then turned his attention to the fourth new Divine Beast egg.

Bi Fang Divine Beast egg!

"en? Bi Fang?"

Qi Le looked at the name and was taken aback.

Bi Fangniao, like Vermilion Bird One, belongs to the Fire Element Divine Beast.

It's just that unlike Vermilion Bird, who is the Four Spirits of Heaven and Earth, the appearance of Bi Fang usually symbolizes a fire, which is also a fire.

So in terms of fame, Bi Fang is definitely not as high as Vermilion Bird.

But Bi Fang's battle strength is not weak, it is a bit overlapped with Vermilion Bird in attribute.

The Bi Fang bird looks like a crane, with blue feathers on its body, mixed with red spots and a white beak. Although it has wings, it has only one leg.

But this is a trivial matter. Anyway, Bifang uses flying, and it doesn’t matter if he loses one leg.

Unfortunately, in Qi Le's view, Bi Fang is actually similar to the low-profile version of Vermilion Bird.

So Qi Le is not really happy to see this stuff.

At the same time, Qi Le also affirmed his own thoughts. These two systems are here to sell broken.

Qi Le was really happy when he saw Divine Beast eggs before, but now...

It's all tattered, but it's really a headache.

Of course, Qi Le is not trying to belittle these Divine Beasts.

In fact, what can be called Divine Beast has its merits.

However, people are more dead than people, and shopping around has to be thrown away.

Divine Beast is not much worse than Divine Beast.

"The low-profile version of Vermilion Bird, okay, it's better than nothing."

Qi Le twisted his eyebrows and tangled for a while, thinking that he should not care too much about this one. It's up.

Although Bi Fang is a bit worse than Vermilion Bird, the difference is only the ultimate potential limit.

Now when the bloodline concentration of all Divine Beast is still limited, Bi Fang and Vermilion Bird are actually not much different.

even more how, how many trainers can truly realize the full potential of Divine Beast.

"Small problems, small problems, let's continue to look down."

Qi Le comforted himself so, and then prayed silently in his heart.

"The fifth new Divine Beast egg, please give me a good one!"

Lu Wu Divine Beast egg!

The prayer fails...

Qi Le looked at the name that appeared in his mind blankly, and thought of it silently in his heart.

Lu Wu, with a human face and a tiger body, with nine tails on his back, is huge and looks like a good battle strength.

But, this Lu Wu just looks fierce, but in fact, it is Divine Beast who maintains order.

To put it simply, Lu Wu's battle strength is indeed good, but he is not good at fighting.

This is why Qi Le said that prayer failed.

"This Erbi system, I obviously went to look through my memory, but why! Why can't I find some battle strength Divine Beast out?"

Qi Le I feel a little urge to pull the system out and question it.

What are these five new Divine Beast eggs?

The best one, that is, Japian.

Jai Xuan is not considered the highest Divine Beast. Although he is brave and good at fighting, his battle strength is still a bit worse than the Divine Beast, which ranks 1st floor.

As for other Divine Beasts, such as Dangkang, Ba Xia, and Lu Wu, are they used for combat?

You gave me Lu Wu, just give me another Lu pressure.

At least Lu Qian is a real Divine Immortal, with high battle strength, much stronger than these Divine Beasts.

"The more I think about it, the more angry I am. If it weren't for me to beat you, I have to cut you off today."

Qi Le gnashing teeth said.

Then, I set my eyes on the last Divine Beast egg.

Speaking of this, Qi Le still wants to express that system is really generous today.

Even if it is sold out, six new Divine Beast eggs have come out.

I only hope that the last type of Divine Beast egg has a bit of battle strength.

Although Qi Le has no expectations at all.

However, dreams are still necessary.

What if the system suddenly discovers its conscience...Of course, the premise is that the system has a conscience.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2503: Selling a Ragged System)...

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