Until recently, Tariana accidentally learned about the good thing Divine Beast eggs.

Knowing that you can even cultivate Divine Beast yourself, and as long as you provide the strength of Faith, you can make Divine Beast grow up quickly.

Tariana’s thoughts at the time were—there is such a good thing?

If a weak god swallows it, it's useless, so it's all right to cultivate a powerful Divine Beast to swallow it.

You should rest assured that you should eat the ingredients you raise yourself.

But to be honest, this is only Tariana's helpless move.

The name of the Divine King woman is indeed loud, but it also scares away many gods who want to take refuge in the main god.

There is no way, if it does go to Divine Kingdom, then maybe it will be eaten sometime.

Staying in the Divine Kingdom of other main gods, at least your life can be guaranteed.

So when Tariana first established Divine Kingdom, almost no gods dared to go to Divine Kingdom.

It is the aborigines of God World who like to live in Divine Kingdom.

Because Tariana never hit the idea of ​​those weak, after all, it is worthless to swallow.

So the Spirit Devourer Divine Kingdom has become a paradise for the weak, gathering the aborigines of the past, much more than the surrounding Divine Kingdom.

But it is precisely because of this that Tariana has no targets to swallow.

Then it gradually fell silent.

With the ebbing of time, the name of the Divine King woman seems less terrifying.

Slowly, some weak gods tried to go to the Divine Kingdom of the Devouring Spirit. They said they were refuge, but in fact they were refuge.

Because in Talyana's eyes, the more powerful the god, the more valuable it is to swallow.

If it were not for the battle between the main gods, it would not be so easy to end.

Maybe Tariana's idea can hit those main gods.

So the weak gods, as long as they don't attract Tariana's attention, the Divine Kingdom is actually a good place to take refuge.

At least it is much stronger than the chaotic area. You don't need to be vigilant at all times whether you will provoke any powerful enemies.

After all, after coming to Divine Kingdom, the gods who can survive are basically the same in strength.

The mighty gods dare not run here at all.

So now, the comprehensive battle strength of the Spirit Devouring Divine Kingdom, with the exception of Tariana, is almost the weakest among all Divine Kingdoms.

For a long-established Divine Kingdom, this is simply unimaginable.

Fortunately, Tariana doesn't care about this.

No matter how weak the power of Divine Kingdom is, only the main god can shake it.

However, the main god who is willing to provoke Tariana is actually very difficult to find.

The Law of Swallowing is indeed a powerful law with tremendous threat and deterrence, and few main gods are willing to face it.

So it is not unreasonable that Divine Kingdom is called "the paradise of the weak".

It's hard to imagine that the Divine King woman who is in charge of the Divine Kingdom, has a fierce reputation in God World.

However, Divine Kingdom is a place full of love and peace.

And this is also the main reason why Tariana will come here on purpose when she learns about such a good thing as Divine Beast eggs.

To be honest, Tariana really looks down on those guys who are staying in Divine Kingdom now.

The strength is not strong, and the level of perfection of Dao Mark is also low.

Even if it is swallowed, it won't get any benefit.

But Divine Beast eggs are different. The hatched Divine Beast can quickly become stronger under the nourishment of strength of faith.

And on top of the laws that Divine Beast can naturally master, there is simply no shackles at all. As long as the strength of Faith can keep up, it can reach the upper limit of strength limited by the concentration of bloodline.

It is completely different from the gods who are restricted by various bottlenecks and the Dao Mark law is very slow to perfect.

If it weren’t for the battle strength of Divine Beast, Tariana might think that this is simply a natural ingredient!

Because for Devouring Civet, the law of swallowing does not require much insight.

You only need to swallow continuously and digest continuously.

The fastest way is to use practice to understand the law of swallowing.

And these Divine Beasts, which can be mass-produced, are the best use objects for the Law of Swallowing.

Anyway, in the Divine Kingdom, the number of aborigines in God World far exceeds that of the surrounding Divine Kingdom.

It can even be said that the Divine Kingdom can be regarded as one of the very best when it comes to the number of aborigines living in God World.

A paradise for the weak is not nothing serious.

Then, with such a large base, strength of Faith is naturally a lot.

In Tariana's view, the effect of these strengths of Faith on her is actually far less useful than devouring those powerful gods.

It's just that there is no target to swallow at all now, and the powerful gods simply avoid her.

That's why Tariana will accept this strength of Faith that is better than nothing.

This can be considered Devouring Civet This race is special.

At any rate, it is also a plane, and there can only be one powerful race, and it is understandable that it is special.

Based on this, wouldn’t it be better to use these strengths of faith to cultivate Divine Beast.

Tariana also thought of this, and only appeared here.

But as Tariana said, the process of cultivating Divine Beast is really a bit more troublesome.

At least let Taliana cultivate a Divine Beast obediently and honestly. That's a joke, she won't have this patience.

Maybe halfway through the training, just eat Divine Beast, it is also very possible.

So Tariana is still thinking about this issue.

"Why, do you want to cultivate Divine Beast too?"

Qi Le looked at Tariana who was lost in thought, and couldn't help but ask.

It's weird. As a master god, does Tariana have a need for battle strength at the level of Divine Beast?

There is a saying, Qi Le doesn't think that these Divine Beasts are enough to shake the Lord God.

At least, wait for the bloodline concentration level, and then go up a bit.

However, it is a pity that the bloodline concentration of these Divine Beasts is limited by the realm of Qi Le and the upper limit of the potential of Divine Beast itself.

So currently, the five kinds of Divine Beast eggs in the store are not helpful to the Lord God.

In fact, even if Qi Le can step into the realm of the main god, the bloodline concentration limit of Divine Beast is lifted.

Then also consider the height that Divine Beast can reach.

This is the so-called upper limit of potential.

For example, Vermilion Bird, even if the limit of bloodline concentration is fully lifted, the upper limit of battle strength that can eventually be reached is actually not strong among the main gods, at most it is a middle-lower.

This is the ultimate height that Vermilion Bird can reach in battle strength as one of the four spirits of Heaven and Earth.

Even if bloodline is completely unblocked, its ultimate potential will not be improved.

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