From the image point of view, Zhu Wei is much more attractive than Qiongqi and Yinglu .

However, appearance doesn't tell everything.

"System, I suspect you are doing it right with me deliberately."

Although Qi Le doesn't hate Zhu Nai, ominous beast is always not so pleasing.

What I had clearly thought before was that it was either Blue Dragon or White Tiger.

It's really not good, it's okay to use chaos or gluttonous food.

But who would have thought that system would not accept a single suggestion, and Zhu Wei came directly to it.

It's... unspeakable feeling.

But I have to admit that in terms of pure destructive power, ominous beast is indeed stronger.

system: "Do it right? This system doesn't like doing it right, and prefers to recite poems."

"This is the stalk I played! You sand sculpture system!"

Qi Le couldn't provoke a sip.

How old is this, can you still play with it?

"Okay, you like to chant poems, then you can write a poem for me to express my feelings."

Qi Le put his arms around his chest and hummed in his head Speaking with a hum.

system: "Sorry, this system has no inspiration right now."


Qi Le screamed again.

However, unlocking the new Divine Beast egg is always a good thing, and Qi Le is too lazy to care about it.

This Zhu Wei Divine Beast egg looks better than the four previous Divine Beast eggs.

The upper part looks like a white jade carving, and the lower part looks like a red copper pile.

The red and white are perfectly fused together to form the shell of Divine Beast eggs.

"It's so beautiful...the fifth shelf should be put out too."

"The new goods are on the shelves, and it's time to open the store door."

Qi Le sat up from the bed while looking at Zhu Wei's Divine Beast egg.

As soon as I wake up, I want to discuss the unlocking of new products with the system. Where can I find such a good Store Manager?

Qi Le thought narcissistically in his mind, and opened the store door in his hand.

The first sentence I heard was--

"Are you Qi Store Manager?"

A very familiar sentence...

Qi Le has forgotten how long he hasn't heard this sentence.

Since the "store of Qi Store Manager" became famous in the chaotic area, almost all the customers in the store have come here.

The number of guests who can ask this sentence is very rare.

So this one is a new guest again?

Qi Le thought so and looked up at the guest who was talking in front of him.

That is a beautiful woman with silver hair like a waterfall and skin surpassing snow, especially those eyes, which are like stars in the night sky, deep and radiant, even Qi Le feels a little amazing.

The snow-white gauze skirt that covers a woman's body, even if it conceals a woman's body, can't conceal her temperament.

Like Tianshan snow lotus, elegant and arrogant.

"Are you Qi Store Manager?"

After seeing Qi Le, the woman in front of her asked again.

Although the tone is nice, but the tone is too cold.

And this question also made Qi Le notice something wrong.

Although at the first glance after opening the store, Qi Le was really attracted by the beauty and temperament of this woman.

But after reading it, Qi Le withdrew his gaze.

There is no way, to be amazed by this feeling, it will always attract attention involuntarily.

After regaining his gaze, Qi Le suddenly discovered the customers who used to be at the door of the store.

Today, they all disappeared.

No, to be more precise, not disappearing, but hiding.

Are you afraid of something?

Is this the woman in front of you?

"Yes, I am Qi Store Manager, I don't know who you are?"

Qi Le thought of this, his heart suddenly stunned, and he asked.

It's really unexpected, the new Divine Beast egg has just been put on the shelves, and there was such an accident.

"It turns out that you are Qi Store Manager. In you, I can feel a familiar breath."

The woman looked at Qi Le quietly and had a good time. After a long while, I suddenly spoke about it.

Is it a familiar breath again?

Qi Le frowned.

At first there was Serkaya, who said that he felt a familiar breath.

Then tell yourself that he is a follower of the King of People.

This is no problem.

After all, Yue Xi'er got the inheritance of the human king's power.

Then Qi Le, who gets along with Yue Xi'er day and night, will inevitably get some breath.

But who is this woman in front of you? Is it one of the followers of the King of People?

The breath left by the power of the King of People is too unreliable.

How can anyone perceive it!

Then when facing those main gods, can there be a way to survive?

However, Qi Le at this time, subconsciously ignored a problem, that is-the followers of King of People who were called to the store by Serkaya are actually not a few.

But Serkaya was the only one who sensed the breath of the King of Humans on Qi Le.

Why is this?

It is not so much that Serkaya perceives the breath of the King of Humans, it is better to say that the breath of the King of Humans actively guides Serkaya.

The power that the King of Humanity stayed in the Sifang Realm deliberately, isn't it a kind of backhand that was left behind in the past.

If someone who has got the inheritance comes to God World, then you have to provide some help.

And this aura is one of the biggest help.

It can guide the original followers of the King of People, recognize this aura, and become the help of Inheritor.

So so far, only Serkaya knows Qi Le's "identity".

Well, that is what Serkaya thinks, Qi Le's identity-the Inheritor recognized by the King of People.

After the breath of the King of Humans guided Serkaya, it had already disappeared.

How else could Qi Le manage to open a store so peacefully?

The chaos caused by the King of Humans in God World in the sky has long caused those main gods to have the heart to kill.

If the breath of the king of humans has not dissipated, the main god may have come to the door.

Therefore, the familiar breath of the woman in front of her mouth does not actually refer to the breath of the king.

It’s just that Qi Le doesn’t know.


"System, is there really something I don't know about in my body?"

"For example, the breath of the king? "

Qi Le without the slightest hesitation asked system in his mind.

I haven't thought about this issue before, but I should pay attention to it in the future, otherwise, there must be a major event.

system: "The breath of the King of Humans is not there now. Soon after the host came to God World, the breath of the King of Humans dissipated."

Listen to the answer given by the system. , Qi Le's eyebrows twisted and his face was a little weird.

"You mean that when I first came to God World, I was really infected with a thread of aura of the King of Humans."

"And, this You know something, but you didn't tell me!"

The more I talk about this, the more angry I get.

In case the main god is aware of it, there are a few lives that are not enough to pay.

system: "The system did know at the time, but the system has helped the host cover all those breaths, so the host does not have to worry, it will be detected."

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